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H2OforDuo (profile) wrote,
on 10-10-2004 at 6:13pm
The RPG we did today was great. Everybody woked together and we had a lot of fun.
This was the last one. Hunter is not doing the RPG any more. He may be starting it up again eventually...


Eventually could be a long way away. But this does mean that I'll have Sundays free for a bit. My mom wants me to still see Jon on the weekends every now and then...but we never have anything to do. It's really not that fun for me...I know I should, because I'm like, his only know.

Kelly, this leaves more days to go to that haunted house.

I cried though. This means I kind of lost more than half my friends. That's right. I cried after we dropped off Jon and Max. My mom was all mad because I'm "always in a bad mood lately". But she isn't mad anymore. Mostly.

Nee needs to move to Colorado. My life would be a million times better if she did.

Lots of stuff has happened. Mat broke up with Mandi. In a not good way.
Homecoming was a bitch.
I've been utterly depressed and angry for a long time.
I tried to hurt myself a few nights ago (no razors for me, though. Stinging disinfectent on cuts and fingernails in skin, neither of which worked, due to my high pain resistance.)
and other general shit. I need to go eat. see yah.

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10-10-04 7:53pm


Love you sweetie.


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