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lilschaub (profile) wrote,
on 10-17-2004 at 10:33pm
Current mood: scared
Uh so tomorrow is the big day. I am getting that surgery done. I am so scared for what it might be. It could be something really little but it could also be something really serious. I just hope its nothing. They had to tell me what it could be and when the word cancer is used thats not the greatest things you want to hear. Since I went to the doctors i have not once stop thinking about it. I just hope all this worrying is for nothing. Not only am I scared about what it could be but for the actual surgery. I hate needles and i hate all that other stuff and alls they are gonna do is numb it uhhh this sucks:(
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10-18-04 12:51pm

Awww Bonie Macoroni, you'll be fine! I love you!!!

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