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sparkythefool (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2004 at 8:39pm
Music: "Not Even Jail" +Interpol+
Oh look, I'm updating instead of doing homework. Heh. Homework is for suckers anyway. No one does their work anymore..pshh..

Right. This should be brief, because if I had anything important to say I would have updated with it earlier. So.

One: The new Interpol CD is rather good. I am enjoying it quite a lot.

Two: I dyed my hair "red" recently. However, instead of being red, it's magenta/fuchsia. I think it's pretty cool, as do most other people, but there are some that "can't even look at [me] anymore." Heh. This is what John had to say when he saw the pictures:
SolarisMemory: =-O omgomgomg the red hair is fawking hawt!!!
NancyMyersRULES: Hahahaha. Thank you!
SolarisMemory: 8-)
NancyMyersRULES: I hope it doesn't fade too quickly.
NancyMyersRULES: You should have seen it was like pink because it faded so much. Oh well.
SolarisMemory: phoo : \
NancyMyersRULES: I wonder how blue would look.
SolarisMemory: gee i wonder
SolarisMemory: HAWT

Three: Even though I didn't think this was possible, I screwed up my calf even more at Mt. SAC. I thought my time was decent for being injured, but I paid for that time. Something isn't right if it hurts when I'm just sitting here doing nothing.

Four: There's not really anything else to say. Point four is non-existent, really. Click below for a few pictures.

I am the greatest at taking sneaky pictures. Look how studious Jeanette is being.

Gabby is also working hard.

However, Wendy is sleeping and I'm taking pictures of people. Pshh, math. Who needs it?

Remember that dead bird from the last entry? Well..the rain "killed" it.

Red hair = sexy.

You know it's hot.
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10-31-04 2:21am

nancy, i wish we were closer... you have no idea how much i love you :)

your favorite,

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hi this is kelly, 11-02-04 10:56pm

hahaha i saw that squashed bird and laughed. the feathers are all sprawled out! aha!!

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Such cruelty!, 11-04-04 12:10am

But yeah. That was interesting, as much as it was... revolting.

Yessss. Melody.

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Re: Such cruelty!, 11-04-04 12:12am

Yes. I'm replying to my own post.

NANCY. You have a CUTE smile (yes, cute)! I never knew. I mean, I've seen you laugh and stuff, but I didn't know your pose-y smile was all precious. PRESHISSSSSS.

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