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suspensionrings (profile) wrote,
on 10-30-2004 at 9:42am

Jeezum, I'm shaking. Jeezum! Jeezum. jeezumjeezumjeezumjeezum


he's muffled by the mask. i wish someone else could hear it. feel it. anyone else. speech imprediments. sab had braces, once. nothing wrong with her teeth, just metal in her mouth. metal in my mouth. olympian. jeezumi'mshaking. stop it!

he is the voice of an adult man disgusted by the incomptetance of a child. he is my father screaming at my brother for not being potty-trained. he is the disgust i bear for myself.

this goes beyond effigy's filth.

jeezum, i'm shaking, i'm shaking. jeezum. please.

speech impediments. the monster in the cell.

he's muffled in that mask.

sounds like . . .
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