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lynds4090 (profile) wrote,
on 11-6-2004 at 10:19pm
i'd like to apoligize for all the bitching and complaining i do on here... but it is my journal so yeah sorry. i'm still going to bitch and complain like right now!
ok so i have figured it out. who wouldn't want someone from college like you? and who wouldn't all that.. i mean its just me on the other side. well i'm not going to stand on that side.
why do i feel as if i'm always left out. i don't really feel in place all the time. i just got back from langdons and i get along w/ the guys but idk. some of the time the girls just make me so mad i just wanna hit them! so i just left... i don't feel good also but yeah its just like what the fuck!! so yeah. i know i have friends but like i don't always feel as if i do and that i have a group of people i can run to. key word was group.
i shoudn't complain i'm sure there is someone else who has a worse life than i. well yeah sorry. i just can't WAIT!!! to see my girls thanksgiving. like that is what is seriously getting me through these school days and stupid days of high school. i'm reminded everyday of how much i just wanna leave. at first i was like oh hopeyeah i wish i could go there then it was like oh i wanna but proally won't. now its like i must go there.. i want it i'm going to get it. i can be aggressive when i really truly want somthing. i really wanna get out of here and go to hope. being at calvin last night i was just like wow... can't wait!! lol. but yeah I AM going to hope. no matter what my dad says. i'm going there. and if i don't well idk. lol but i'm gonna work my ass off now because why shouldn't i? theres nothing else to do... look forward to other than getting out of cedar. i'm going to leave this place. i just wanna leave high school. i wanna move on!!! i honestly understand what my brother was feeling. argg it is aggravating because you know you HAVE to wait 2 years. theres nothing out of it. well actrually less than 2 years. we have about 19-20 months left of being a high school student!! yeah this is sad. it really is. oh well.
i'm out tired and sick.. going to bed
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11-07-04 1:45pm


Don't let your parents tell you where you can and cannot go. I wanted to go to Alma since my Sophomore year in high school and my parents kept telling me not to. That the price wasn't worth it.

Let me tell you, $25,000+ a year is worth it to me.

If Hope is your dream school, GO! Do what YOU have to go to there. When you get there, it's going to be that much better!!

Wish you lots of luck!


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