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spoiled-kisses (profile) wrote,
on 11-22-2004 at 10:19am
Current mood: awake
Music: ..mauRy..
Subject: . i'm in l0ve with y0u in l0ve with me .
s0o thanksgiving isz c0miing upp. i'm h0me t0dayy cuz i'm sick. i went t0 sch00l but left early. me nd miKe's 5 m0nthsz was yesterdayy. even th0ugh we were b0th siick, we still hadD funn. we rentedD shRek 2 ndD juss cuddledD. my *17th* biirthdayy isz c0miin upp in less than 2 weeksz. i thiink i'm g0iing t0 ask my m0m if i can spendD the niight at miKe's that niight. i thiink she'll sayy yes. s0o thiingsz have benn g00dD latelyy. we havent benn fiightiing t00 much. miKe ndD anDy are relle g00dD friiendsz n0w which isz c00l f0r md ndD riA cuz n0w we alwayysz see each 0ther. s0o besiidesz that i dun reel have t00 much m0re t0 sayy.

edDy has benn calliing me since hiim ndD his gurl br0ke upp but i t0ldD hiim staright upp i have n0 feeliings at all f0r hiim nem0re. it's crazy t0 thiink that less than a year ag0 i was writing my str0ng feeliingsz f0r edDy nd n0w he barelyy ever passesz my miindD. i'm s0o luckyy t0 have miKe .. lyke he isz the best thiing that c0uld've ever happenedD t0 me. newh0, juss hangiin 0ut ndD pr0llyy guna g0 back t0 bedD s00n. xoxo. <33

<33 SiSi
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