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smilesideways (profile) wrote,
on 11-23-2004 at 8:28pm
and we'll fall apart to pieces together because we don't know any different. and never dreamt you could. we'll be strong and that's the way we're built. never doubt yourself. i'd fall for all your greatest heights because i know you'll fall for mine.

erm. lemme see. things are odd. not bad. not good. odd. strangely odd. but i'm ok. you know?
it's conflicting emotion it gets you every time.
thanksgivings coming soon. i'm pumped. the ultimate muchie day.

i'm off to be artistic.
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:-D, 11-24-04 2:08pm

i looove Leah Erin McGrath... forever and ever and everrr!! :-*
~<3~ Billy Bear

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11-25-04 3:48am

Hey, I know you dont know me. My name is Patrick. I was going onto random journals and I stumbled across yours. I noticed that you have had a lot of problems in life. Well, this may be kind of strange but I would like to try to help you. If you dont want me to help you thats fine... Ill be on my way..... but if you dont mind...... I would like to help. You can comment on this comment if you want or you can email me at if you think I can help. Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon and Ill talk to you later. Take care of yourself.

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11-30-04 3:20pm

hahaha leah...hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha I LOVE YOU hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahha

i guttta tell you something NEAT! decorating was fun..and the tea was better..and well diner...ur mom is hott..I love you oxoxox

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