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swimchica255 (profile) wrote,
on 1-17-2005 at 12:21pm
Current mood: tired
Music: mariah carey- honey
Subject: every little thing you do...
so yeah. this weekend was the notre dame invite....we won and i swam horribly. well actually i shouldn't say that....i swam horribly in two out of three sessions. for some reason i always do semi okay in the middle session of our invites, and the first and last i suck it up. i wasn't even really that good in the middle one, to be perfectly honest. but the first and last, well, those were slower than i have swam since probably middle school. i have no idea what the heck happened to me. i don't really care all that much, because we're right at the peak of our workload and shouldn't be going really fast or anything...but damn, i sucked. i can't wait till taper. i have a feeling i'm going to drop a ton of a huge amount. i'm in the best shape i've ever been in my life, and when we taper i'll be rested enough that i can put that athleticism to use. i'm really excited. i think i might even get to swim at big tens, or at least go, which was basically my season goal.

anyways, when we got back from the invite, we were really excited to go out, so we got ready really fast and were out by eleven. let me tell you, that was an interesting evening. every time i think about it i just have to laugh. we went to brookwood, played a few rounds of bp, and just have fun. it was good to be back. i can't even remember the last time i was there, which is really sad, because it's one of the best places to go on a saturday night, given that everyone shows up. brookwood turned out to be really fun, and i got to bed around eight in the morning, and woke up at almost four, just in time to see that the sun had started to get dim and was almost ready to set. i was awake for 24 hours and then woke up when the sun was going down. what a messed up schedule.

last night i went out with some turned out to be pretty fun....pre-party and then went to oz for some dancing. it's funny how just dancing can make a night out so much fun. i just feel so good when i do. afterwards it was realllllly crappy because the coat check people were not good at their jobs. there were probably 200 people packed into an area smaller than my living room, all trying to get to the front of a line at the end of this hallway....and then there were more people trying to come in from the side. it was to the point that my feet were no longer touching the ground because i was totally wedged between about ten people. everyone was drunk and yelling and acting stupid, which made it take about ten times longer. basically i waited in line for 45 minutes just to get my coat from the check. ridiculous. anyways, we finally got out of there, and by the time i got back and into bed it was 3.15, which left me four hours to sleep before i had to get up for practice at 7.15. i thought for sure that i would be dying at practice this morning, but i actually felt really good. maybe even better than i usually do. by the end, i was dragging a little because i was tired, but it was weird what a good mood i was in during pretty much the whole thing....even the walk of shame wasn't so bad. only a select group of individuals know why my walk onto the deck this morning was one of shame, and i plan on it staying that way. haha. sometimes i wonder what is running through my head on saturday nights. i think maybe i just lose every sense of conscience and do what i want.'s not going to ruin my life.

listen to this: i'm actually thinking about going out again tonight. i figure i don't have class till ten, which gives me plenty of time to sleep before. i'm not planning on going and being out of control crazy drunk or anything like that, but i feel like the fact that there have been three opportunities for me to go out in a row is some type of record for being in season, and i must take full advantage of it. i dunno....i'm really exhausted right now, so i'm gonna have to take a nap and see how i feel.

considering the fact that my sleep has been ridiculously far off normal the past few days, i'm going to go and take a much deserved nap.
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