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chalupaguadalahara (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2005 at 10:20pm
So we've won the history bowl finally. Melissia and I answered the most questions. There was some really hard stuff..but we managed quite well. I also realise that today marks the one year anniversary of my acquaintance with Bryce. I am really not sure what to think about him anymore. I hope to see him at the tournament, but nothing is ever sure with him. We made a frittata today in wasn't so great. And yesterday I was at SMSU all day for virtual school...meh. It was fun when Ellen was round. We joked a lot as usual. As you can probably tell by my post I'm quite bored and drained to an extent. Tara has a new boyfriend...from Wheatland...lucky her? Eddie Martinez. bleh. I hope the object comes soon, possibly tomorrow? I'm a bit contemplative about Morgan. He is extremely touchy-feely with me. He nagged me on the way home to talk to him; something about me not speaking to him much, but he likes being around me because I'm "cool." He just kept going on like that...and when Michelle got off the bus he said: "Oh now some alone time for you and me eh?" Quite odd...for someone who is so homophobic, n'est-ce pas? Previously at Taco Bell he was on about some girl that he thought was "hot" at the H. Bowl. Whatever. The boy at taco bell, the cashier, he seemed very queer. I don't know. Something just spiked when I ordered...and when he was around all of the time and just overly-friendly with Morgan and myself. Meh. Well I don't even know if I was assigned homework this evening...I don't care, I'll do it tomorrow. Goodnight. Feel better Abners....and Ellen, if thou readest...I owe you.
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01-28-05 3:45pm

Why do you owe me?

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Re:, 01-28-05 3:45pm


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Re: Re:, 01-28-05 3:46pm

Perhaps she'll one of those women with the blue hair.

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-28-05 3:48pm

We should come as world dominators.
and speak English all day.
Bloody good, mate!

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