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threshershark (profile) wrote,
on 2-22-2005 at 10:45pm
Music: E Is For Evil // Knights Of The New Crusade
Well, I have the opposite of Senioritis I think. All I do lately is sit up in my room doing homeworks. I think it is a disease, it is called loneritis, it is a symptom of NOT HAVING FRIENDS THAT WILL HANG OUT WITH YOU.

Okay enough pity talk. I will admit here and now that I am a sympathy rocker but that is much much MUCH different than an indie kid. I take in all the bands that are awesome but no one likes. but good CRAP this band is hard to digest. I think my sympathy has its limits. But I dunno, I think that they are prime candidates for being awesome, I am not sure yet. Some problems I have are their support of that abomination "Dail-The-Truth Ministries". Also that guy from Anberlin complained about them in the last issue of HM. He says they aren't sensitive or something. But I dunno. They could be cool, I'll have to find out more.
Okay I have done more research. I think the lead singer owns a southern california surf rock label which gives them ten billions cool points. They are kindof a rip-off of others bands though, they remind me of a lot of them (but maybe it's because the awesome in-your-face-plus-we-wear-masks genre is so rare). I think phantom tollbooth put it best when they said they had "questionable politics". Also, they are kindof psycholdellic 60s influenced, apparently. They do sound a lot like it. So, Terry Watkins aside, the final verdict is that I like them, they are ok.
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02-23-05 3:44pm

I'm sorry you're not having fun 'cause no one is hanging out with you. If I could I would hang out with you. How about spring break? Party anyone?

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Re:, 02-23-05 9:33pm

We're thinking a CPW match during spring break... (aka backyard wrestling) :D or my birthday is on spring break, we could have a party then since it's my 18th. or maybe we could do all two, that'd be awesome.

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