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pinkicing11 (profile) wrote,
on 3-14-2005 at 4:40pm
Current mood: complacent
Subject: Boredom!
What's up yaw! Nothin at all here, i'm just bored to no end, like usual. I haven't done much of anything all day but was nice. Now i'm watching The Forgotten for the second time. It's a really good movie, you should watch it. Ehh, yesterday we all went over to Tabi's and watched most of The Notebook and Napoleon Dynamite. I don't think Bradley liked em the best, but oh well!
I got a prom dress's pretty. The color is 'melon' but if ya ask me, it's just It's strapless and the back laces up (only thing I absolutely hate about it!) From the top down to the waist it has little beads and sequins in designs, then after the waist it's kinda poofy and has those same little designs here and there. It wasn't really what I was looking for but once I got it...I like it. Ahh. I've been havin doubts about the way it looks on me though...but, I got it at JcPenney and they said if I change my mind we can return it as long as it still has the tags on it. I just wanna lose some weight before least 15 lbs. If I could do that I would keep the doubt about it. Mom bought some pilates DVDs the other day so...we'll see, lol.
I wish I could write seriously about my thoughts in here, but I can't. That sucks...bleh. Not like I have anything that important to speak of anyway, so oh well. I'm gonna get outta here =]
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03-13-05 10:29pm

Don't worry about your dress, its sexy and i'm sure you'll look great in it!! :]

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