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pinkicing11 (profile) wrote,
on 3-28-2005 at 6:24pm
Current mood: bored
Subject: B....O....R....E....D
I am sooo bored. Today has pretty much blown! I have a really bad cold, again. I hate being sick. My nose is so sore and I can't smell anything. I can't stop coughin or clearing my throat =[
I had to get up at 12ish today to get ready for my tanning appointment at 1:30. I came home, cleaned my room up a lil bit, fought with dad (which i've been doing a lot lately) I waited for Cody to call, then I took a nap. I just woke up a little while ago, to eat supper. I hate when Cody goes places, I get scared, I dunno, i'm so weird bout that kinda thing...I need to stop being so mother-like. lol...he doesn't need any more of that.
Yesterday morning I went to Church. It was great...I felt really awesome the whole time I was there. They had a little play-like thing and Cody sang this really long song in frontta everyone. He did very good, it was great...I was so nervous for him, I was like eatin my fingernails the whole time he sang...haha. But it was really awesome! I was so proud of him =] When I got home mom and dad said they wanted to go out and eat, so we went to O'Charleys and then we went over to the mall for a bit then McDonald's and Jenn and Cody came and met us there...WOW. After we left McDonald's we were on our way over to the mall to see Guess Who? Oh LORD! These people like followed us, they were like lookin out their windows and holdin stuffed animals out, and they would like get up real close behind us and rev up their engine...well we thought they were leavin but when we got in the mall parking lot they parked really close to us and once we got out they pulled out and like drove up behind us...I was so scared, I thought they were gonna hit us! Well Cody being the brave one (haha) walks out in front of them and the girl rolls down her window and is like "Happy Easter!" and Cody said "Yeah, you too" and they drove, yea that was awfully weird. People have problems, bad! Anyway, after that incident, like I said, we went to see Guess Who? It was awesome...I really liked it, it was funny. Ashton Kutcher is great.
Well, that's really all that's happened so, I guess i'm gonna get off here. I dunno what i'll do tommorow...that is, until 8:00 hahaha! What a loser I am...? LoL oh well, BYE!

Oh yeah...I found this and thought it was funny.

- Children's Books That Never Made It

1. You Are Different and That's Bad
2. Dad's New Wife, Robert
3. Fun Four-letter Words to Know and Share
4. Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
5. Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence
6. That's it, I'm Putting You up for Adoption
7. Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia
8. The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy
9. Strangers Have the Best Candy
10. Daddy Drinks Because You Cry

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03-28-05 10:19pm

Aww....Shama I hope you feel better! <3 And that childrens books thing was great! I love ya!

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