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neonxspork (profile) wrote,
on 5-15-2005 at 3:40pm
There is a time, well at least in my mind, that every writer should say something about their work, and that every creature should say something about their life that they have toiled away at.

So here is mine.

For my works: I can sincerelly say, that regardless of my natural human imperfections, no matter how obvious or unattractive they may be, that I have lived more glorious lives and experienced more momentous adventures then anyone who cares to read this...all through my stories.

For my life: Regardless of the pain I may have caused and the pain that I have lived through, I have learned one thing of importance in my life, and that is love decides our fate.

Kate, you may understand in this way. "Hands" and "I hope you dance".
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05-15-05 7:24pm

i got cha

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