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bacardi (profile) wrote,
on 5-18-2005 at 10:38am
Subject: you like to think your never wrong

well well well.... this thrusday there is a pornstar party in redlands, and on friday there is a gi joes/gi hoes party in covina.... i have to work until 1am both friday and saturday night, hopefully the party on friday isn't broken up by the time i can get down there. i also have to look after (???) vanessa, yah cuz her parents are homosexes i mean come on she is 17! anyway wtf would i wear to a pornstar party ... i am a pornstar already! =P haha and i got three new pairs of shoes last weekend, a brown pair of etnies, black lakais, and white lakais... and i think im gonna get another white pair probably circas and a black pair of converse.. not sure yet, we'll see.

well last weekend on friday we went to this big ass house, i mean big like it looked like the white house, anyway we were in the backyard partying it up, and i was so freaking drunk someone put a cig out on my hand and i didnt even notice till the next day. also i saw rayna at this party which was funny cuz we ended up at the same party... anyway after we all got kicked out of there at like 1-2 we went to this dudes house in west cov and i ended up hooking up with some girl... saturday i had to work till 12am then i went out to covina and partied, it was way more mellow, until some stupid shit started to go down... anyway left there at about 3:30 cuz i had to work on sunday at 9. so yah lets see what this weekend brings.
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05-18-05 4:16pm

I dont know how you do it man

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Re:, 05-18-05 5:09pm

well i take 3 toad tongues, 4 eye of newt, and 1 pubic hair and i make a potion

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05-18-05 11:32pm

.::jaw drops to the floor::.


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09-02-05 2:47am

you should get those converse.

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Re:, 09-02-05 5:24am

a little late there... this post was over 3 months ago... i ended up getting the chucks and like 5 more since then

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