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greyXmatter (profile) wrote,
on 5-27-2005 at 7:02am
Current mood: bored
Music: Coheed & Cambria - Delerium Trigger [Second Stage Turbine Blade]
Oh girrrrrrl, life's so CRAZY!

Lets start with today and work our way backwards since I'm a dyslexic bitch. I saw Dan today working at the A&P, and he punched me in the arm, but I was in the middle of a conversation, so I didn't get him back... but when I was leaving, I saw him PUSHING THE CARTS IN LIKE THE TART THAT HE IS... so I ran over to him and punched him "like a girl" as he said, and was satisfied. Ah, I love that kid, he's so awesome. =]
I didn't do much of anything today... Hable por la computadora con Kirk y Jason... I talked on the computer with jason and kirk and... just kinda... sat around, then realized that... I was uber late for spanish class. I put bright red... like... crayon red streaks in my hair cause I was bored... They look funky. and... they're permanent so double you tee eff. uhh... I don't have any batteries in my camera... so ... I Can't show you. I wish I could, though.
On a side note... I think I should re-start my medication... take them all out of my underwear drawer where I've been hiding them and start... but instead of one daily, I'm going to take two, just because all they're giving me is 10mg, which is essentially nothing... 20mg is the next step up... I'll just go for it and shoot for that, maybe that will make a difference... I don't know... I just noticed that I've been losing energy and interest in stuff lately, so I want to see if dropping my meds had anything to do with it... probably...
I really wanted to go see Circa Survive on July 12th, but I don't think that's going to happen cause my mom doesnt want to drive all the way to Poughskepie NY. ...sadness. By the way, the link's there... go check them out, thanks.
I have a really strong emptiness now that I've left Keith's... The guys (and girls) treated me like the friends I've never had... they were so fucking funny and so nice and... yeah... they were just really cool. Now I miss them. and Keith. oh well. I'll see Keith soon though.. =]
Nowwwww... I think I'm going to try to give Kirk a call because I owe it to him since I haven't talked to him on the phone in...... ever? hahaha, even though I leave him really nice messages. :grin:

Anyways... holla at yer girl.
..or not.
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05-28-05 11:34am


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