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rina (profile) wrote,
on 6-18-2005 at 9:44pm
Current mood: contemplative
Music: everything's not lost - coldplay
Subject: its a delicate degree
the human being fascinates me.
on the one hand, you have rapists, murderers, thieves, molesters, serial killers.
whats-his-face peterson, the unabomber. jack the ripper.

and what kills me is that you can see the corruption on someone’s face.
the seven deadly sins.
glutton. covetousness. lust. anger. envy. sloth. pride.
but then, in the other hand, you have masterpieces of art, magnificent symphonies, prodigies, theatre, pbs.
aristotle, da vinci, mozart.

i wonder, though, if locke or hobbes was right.
because we are such multi-faceted creatures.
maybe there is some sort of undetectable chemical or hormone that is present in some, and not in others. maybe that’s the cause of violence and insanity.

and although i’d like to believe locke was correct, and that we were all born happy and peaceful and wonderful, its hard; because we have such lush history.
the romans. the vikings. the countless wars.

and you know how everyone says that history repeats itself?
that’s bull.
because, [this is a message for you, mankind] lets say someone makes ONE huge mistake. fine, okay. the world can deal, it was an accident.
but then some time later someone else thinks they can pull off what the other couldn’t, because we’ve advanced technologically. this guy, lets call him bob, totally blows it.
so the world is all “for shame, bob. learn from the past.”

THEN, adding insult to injury, another guy, fred, says bob was retarded, and since its fifty years later, he should try.
can you see the pattern?

and as of the moment my mind is already losing its direction & focus because i have the attention span of a small child on speed.
so im going to try and stop myself from losing the rest of my money to .
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06-21-05 7:59pm

you should take psychology. it pretty interesting.
just dont listen to anything preito says that isnt related to psychology.
it will make you want to die.

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