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Tails (profile) wrote,
on 7-23-2005 at 7:54pm
This shit isnt any of my fucking bussiness.

But the image is still there. It's fucking learing at me. It wants everything i am, the dirty fucking image wants my heart.

I'm trying my best to resist giving in and sharing how i feel cause i know that i could kill so much. But i think it needs to be killed.

It must die for her happiness.

I have to let it live, let it hurt her. Its her choice

It has to die.

I can't touch it.

What is this thing in my mind. Why is it bothering me. My future is in its hands and they are closing in around me. Squeezing me to fucking tight im afraid to speak up and just say it.

Lift me up.

I can do it without any help...

I'm never going to grow up...

I'll die in this town, while I'm still doing everything i can to leave it.

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07-23-05 11:02pm

matty what is wrong.

(ps. it was mondo fun working with you today you super team player you. *winkity wink wink* )

(pps. don't follow gail's example)

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