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Kunta (profile) wrote,
on 8-7-2005 at 4:45pm
Current mood: artistic
Music: Mike Jones - Badd
Subject: Lovers Delight
As an Artist I Have Become Convinced of the Inadequacies of the
Writtin Language When it Comes to the Description of Feelings or Emotions
for Quite Awile. However, There are Times When You Simply Must Say Something When the Creation of Art is either not convient or practical. So, it is With a Heavy Heart that I am Forced to Express the Feelings that I Have for This Gir, Because I know that these Emotions are Poorly Served by the Simply Words I Must Use. It is Not Enough for Me to Say That I Love Her. I Have Used This Same Word to Describe my Relationship with Milk, My Television, and Those Little Bagel Things With the Pizza Inside. So, to Use It to Describe the Immense Feelings and Emotions that She Elicits in Me Seems Wrong. However Because I am an Aritist and Not a Writter I Have No Other Words to Available to Me at This Time. So I Will Use it Under the Condition That Anyone Reading This Knows That the Word Love is a Mere Shadow of the Feeling I Have for Her. That No Matter How Beautiful it Might Be it is still only a Shadow. The Feelings Itself, That which casts the Shadow is More Brilliant and Colorful Than You Could Possibly Imagin........
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08-08-05 12:09pm

FAG... this is jeff

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Re:, 08-08-05 5:29pm

Jeff eats massive amounts of cock ~

nuff said

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08-08-05 11:48pm

I MISS YOU KUNTA!!!!!!!!!!

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Re:, 08-09-05 8:05pm

I miss you too .. whoever you are :)

Kunta Loves all !! <3

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Re: Re:, 08-09-05 11:41pm

;) <3 L

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