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jennapie (profile) wrote,
on 11-24-2005 at 11:13pm
Tonight, Dani told me that because we're out of high school, and are doing new things, I can't be down on myself for not finding "him" because I'm not allowed to have a "type" anymore. Because if any of you know what I've gone for in the past, it's all been about the same. I did have a major "type." So, I guess I'm not allowed to anymore. Which is fine with me. Anyways, my "type" went like this.

makes me laugh easily
a little taller than me
some muscles
nice family
accepting of others
cute (cuz even when people say that it doesn't matter, looks do matter on some level)

and if you look at who I've fallen for in the past or had crushes on or went for in anyway:
Roman Garcia
Scott Wilde
Dan Krieter
Tony ??? (cancun)
Dan Laatz (but only for like a minute)
Brandon Bauer (but who didn't?)
Chad Kuz
Josh Kidder
Ryan Case

and then there's the very few, who weren't my "type" that I had crushes on, that never worked, or never would work, but they had some of the qualities that make me like someone:
Tyler Bauer (haha)
Jon Glerum
Gilly (muy poco)
yea, I can't think of anymore.

but anyways, my point is that my "type" doesn't work. So, I'm saying right now, that anything goes, as long as they are nice, and being able to make me laugh is a must, that's what first attracts me to anyone. and don't think that I only went for that type on purpose, I didn't it just happened that everyone I got a big crush on, fit that. I don't know. Watch me end up marrying someone who doens't fit anyones type. aahah! most likely, I'll prolly have to order a husband. ahah!!

OH, and whoever he is, he HAS to smell good. Seriously, that is so attractive. like the smell of laundry, and I don't really agree with this, but the smell of alcohol on a guy's breath just makes me...ohhh!!! yes, he def. has to smell good! (and I don't think alcohol smells good either, cuz it doesn't, I just think it's really hot) lol

And another thing, I don't like guys who are more sensitive than I am. I want the guy to be the guy! Not a wimp. I don't want to be a stronger person than my boyfriend/husband someday.I want to be comforted, not the comforter. Not that guys don't deserve it sometimes, and I'm not against it sometimes, I just don't want to have to make my boyfriend feel better all the time, I don't have the patience for that. I want someone who will take charge in certain situations, like I don't want to have to beg my man to go to church or something like that, I want him to want to go and to want me to go to. I want him to have morals, and the same political views as me, and the same views on family, and on what's important in life. I don't know, we have to click. We have to be able to have serious conversations and he can't make me feel dumb, or that my opinions don't matter, or arn't important. and we have to be able to have fun with each other, and be ourselves without feeling retarded. Like, singing in the car or dancing in the living room, you just have to be able to cut loose, and not care what I think, because it will be just us, and we will be totally comfortable with each other, and we will accept each other 100%, for the good and the bad. I want someone who is all of these things, and in order for that to happen, I have to be willing to give people a chance, like that guy in my math class......I know Dani, I'll try. I haven't given anyone the time of day since Dan, and I really need to, he will not ruin this for me. That's all there is to it! OOOH I WILL NOT MARRY OR DATE A SMOKER! SICK! and someday, I don't want to have animals in my house either. I don't like animal hair on my clothing, yucky. Animals belong outside, where they are born. Sorry if that sounds mean, but even cat people, we have a cat and she is outside in the barn, they don't freeze to death if you put them outside! Seriously, I think I'm just about annoyed at everything tonight. I wouldn't talk to me if I were you.

oh, and another thing about me, I don't care if people know that I like them, so most of the people on both of those lists, knew. I'll even tell you straight up if I like you or not, I say what comes to mind, which can be a bad thing, but I'm not wasting my time, waiting to see if he likes me too. Sometimes it's good to wait, and I can do that too, but most of the time, I can already tell before I ever say anything. Oh, but you already know that I don't make the first move when it comes to going out on a date, or first kisses, or anything, I think it's so much more romantic and perfect when the guy takes charge of that. Because then I feel more special, and wanted. yep, well I don't know what brought all that on, oh yea, I was feeling sorry for myself and it was Dani's pep talk! ahah! I love you Dani!

oh, and most of you, if you ever bother to have a real conversation with me about this, you would know how strongly I feel about some of this stuff. like saying "I love you," I won't say that I'm afraid of the words, cuz I'm not, I just WILL NOT say it, unless me and some guy have been dating for a while, and it seems to be going somewhere, and even then, I have to be sure. I can tell my friends and family that I love them, no problem, but this "I love you" is different, and I won't say it lightly. I've never said it to anyone I've ever dated, and I'm not going to start just throwing it out there now. I mean, seriously, people use it WaAy too casually these days. It's not casual, I think that's partly why there are so many divorces, because everyone is "in love!" awww how cute! OH YEA RIGHT! you people are DUMB! please stop gaggin me now, I think that's why I hate chick flicks too, they make me mad. Unless I'm in a sad mood already, that's the only time I can watch them, I'm warning you out if you ever sit me in front of a chick flick when I'm in a bad mood!

ok, this is like the bazillionth time that I've changed this.

another can ALWAYS tell what kind of mood I'm in by what music I'm listening to. Like I can't stand love songs when I'm mad, it's either rap, or rage music. Normally, I only listen to love songs, when I'm feeling sorry for myself. ahah, and I listen to country whenever I want! aha! ok, that just might be the last time I change this entry! Unless, there is a mistake in it that just drives me crazy! ahah, then I might fix that!

ok ok ok ok, I don't know why I needed to give you all this insight into me, but I just had to ok! deal with it! it made me feel better, so maybe people won't be so stupid anymore when it comes to me! I'm so sick of people disappointing me, seriously. It really ruins everything. I hate when everything gets ruined.

yea, I know it's a lot to take in....but it doesn't happen all at once, it happens as you get to know someone. And then things just start to fall into place. I have high expectations, but I know that there is someone that will meet them, just for me! I know that there is, and I guess I'm gonna give people a chance now and see if I ever meet him, and not run scared when anyone shows me any attention. Unless your name is Curtis, then I will run away!

I'm a bitch, arn't I? don't lie, I'm feeling bitchy.

k, that made me feel a little bit better.
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11-25-05 1:40am

Lol I still thought it was cute!!

And I never answered your question..

My stalker who is obsessed with me is Andrew lol

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Re:, 11-25-05 2:55pm

oohhh! I see, and thanks for thinking all of my ranting and raving was cute, but I really think you just meant the part about me not caring who knows that I've liked them. haha! ttyl

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11-25-05 6:20am

aw sweety. i always think that love comes when you least expect it, so just sit back and relax and it will come to you. Guarunteed!! 'cept i can't spell that word right now because it is waaaaaaaaay to early to be up on break. :0s

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Re:, 11-25-05 2:54pm

man oh man! that was wayy to early to be up! I didn't get up till 12:47 today! heh! hope you had fun baby-sitting! love!

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11-25-05 11:20am

jenna!! i didn't know my words of wisdom got you so riled up! haha...but it's true, and i'm glad that you realized a lot of things last night. now just go out there and get to know that guy in your class and you might like him and you might not. but still, it can't hurt to at least be his friend! you never know!

ps...if you want a real man....come up to CMU next year...*hint hint*....they're all over campus and super FINE! ahhahahahahah :)

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! muah!

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Re:, 11-25-05 2:53pm

DANI!!!! YOU LITTLE HUSSY!!!! and yea, Joe Lewis! yum! lol

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