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jennapie (profile) wrote,
on 11-28-2005 at 5:29pm
guys...guess what?

I have been in the BEST Christmas spirit mood ever, for over a week now, and I think it died today. I'm kinda sad about that. Maybe I should turn the Christmas tunes back on. But I'm just bored with them for the moment, and I think tomorrow I'm going to haul out all the Christmas decorations and decorate. and this weekend on Sunday, we're going to get our tree, I told my dad that I thought long and hard about it and this weekend is the right weekend! ahaha! But tomorrow, when I decorate, I'm going to blast and sing loudly to Christmas carols! And NOBODY IS GOING TO STOP ME! ahahahah! So amybe then, I'll get back in the holiday spirit. I have to go christmas present shopping, I have a few select people to buy for this year, it's not gonna be as bad as last year, that's for sure! ahah, no more kids that I'm baby-sitting, expecting presents! I had to buy like 7 little kids presents last year, on top of my family and friends, it was insane and I was dead broke after that. NOT THIS YEAR! NO WAY JOSE! If you count, I might buy you something!
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11-29-05 7:49pm

gah, i was really pissed when i heard all christmas songs being played on the radio like right after halloween...

anyways, im glad to see your in a good mood bucko =)

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