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KTHPKC (profile) wrote,
on 12-9-2005 at 6:09pm
Music: Nightmare before Christmas
I'm home now, and will be here until the...19th I think. Then the flight and trip to Californi-ay, then back again on either the 30th or the 31st. Then [hopefully] road trip with the Kelly and Rachel. Mom was totally okay with it, which rocks. We can move back into the dorms on the 7th, and classes start up again on the 9th.

I got presents from Coop and Tara today (and I gave Tara her present ^_^). Coop got me an organizer for my craft stuff (which I desperately needed) and Tara got me an Armor for Sleep CD *squee!* Which is kinda funny...right before I lay down for a nap and couldn't breathe and Tara and I went to the health center and all that shite, she and I were talking about music because she'd just gotten back from a Fallout Boy concert. I'd asked her if she liked Armor for Sleep and she said yes, so we were lamenting about not having any Armor for Sleep CDs.

Tim Burton rocks my world.
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12-09-05 9:47pm

You're coming too?! Yay! Also Tracy's coming. So it'll be quadrouple the fun! Actually I don't know how that math works but I'm rambling so I'll shut up now.

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