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courtney115 (profile) wrote,
on 2-13-2006 at 6:53pm
Current mood: organized
Music: The OC: Mix 1
Subject: Boring, boring, boring stuff.
Today was actually quite productive. I woke up at 10:45 and went to Starbucks with my sister for breakfast. Then I came home at about noon and CLEANED MY ROOM. Wow, I never realized that I have so many bras. After everything was ceaned, I went downstairs and did my homework.

Well, let me tell you, that took a whole lot of time. Like, 2 and one-half hours? Everything was relitivly easy except for math, because it was equations. Seriously, I had been getting great grades in math, and then what happens? Equations come along. Well, damn them to hell. Anyway, I finished all of my homework at 4:15. It was soooo early for me! I am actually quite proud of myself. Way to go, Courtney, way to go.

Um, so now I'm online and was working AHEAD on my e-congress packet. The packet is due THURSDAY, and I'm more than half-way done! Maybe being a good student isn't such a bad thing, once you get the hang of it? Oh well. It will be nice to wake up tomorrow and not do homework.

Anyway. I have play reheral all next week from 3-6. That should be tres tireing, but it's all for the good of the play! Man, I hope it will rock as much as last year's play. Guys and Dolls was the best!

And now I'm off to watch t.v
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