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andrealee (profile) wrote,
on 6-4-2006 at 8:42pm
Current mood: indifferent
Music: I caught fire (in your eyes) - The Used
I hate it when people tell me things that
I should be so sure of. And then I believe
them... and then I'm let down.

So yeah, this kinda sucks cuz my friend, Justin, is in baseball
-and I dont know ANYTHING really about baseball-
so I figured that I would try and learn about it to help
build our friendship. You know, so we could learn from
each other and all that stuff that is supposed to be fun
and looked forward to. But apparently, my attempts to make
a better friendship didnt work. I feel kinda let down cuz I'm
trying and he got annoyed. I dont know, maybe he just had a
bad day. Or maybe he just doesnt want to be friends. I
dont know. One thing Im sure of is that I am not gonna get
all cranky back cuz I know that it wont help. I'll continue
to care about him and be nice even when I dont get it back.

verse of the day - Proverbs 1:8-18
"Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.
My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.
If they say, "Come along with us; let's lie in wait for someone's blood, let's waylay some harmless soul;
let's swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder;
throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse -- my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths;
for their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed blood.
How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds!
These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!"

That one is for someone who means something to me. I just dont want to see that person trying to fit in better by going out and drinking with people. That person has a divine calling and I dont want anything to detract from that.

And heres one for me - Proverbs 22:1-2
"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all."

I know for a fact that I used to spend more time on having the most expensive clothes and best things than working on how I would present my personality to people. Eventually I noticed that with my high fashion life I came off as more snobby than what I really am. To those I put down, Im sorry. Honestly, I am.

Have a wonderful day and night
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muahaha, 06-12-06 9:57am

I told you that school allowed woohu!


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Re: muahaha, 06-12-06 10:52am

cool casey! read my new entry!

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??, 06-12-06 11:15am

That one is for someone who means something to me. I just dont want to see that person trying to fit in better by going out and drinking with people. That person has a divine calling and I dont want anything to detract from that

who is that about?

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Re: ??, 06-12-06 12:08pm

just a random person that i knew

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