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Triple (profile) wrote,
on 8-9-2006 at 8:10pm
Had a badass time at your house yesterday bizz, The three of us will have to do something this weekend, we gotta polish off wha I have know >.> *cough*pill bottlle*cough* we can always cruise and burn after I get outta work too.

Buuut anyways, You'll get threw this shit, it's just a little deep now.
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08-15-06 10:58pm

Yeah man it was awsome!! I know its a little late but fuck it ....the post

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08-16-06 9:46pm

XD the dumb fucks show'd be where they hid there "stash", well what kinda older brother would I be If I let them keep it lol. we'll do somethin' this friday if your not busy. oh man...there evil evil children...i'll tell you later

sorry I haven't called or anythin' >.< I've been putting crazy hours in this week, I had 10.3 hours yesterday compared to my normal of like 8.2...since monday my min. daily hours have been no less then 9 ><

lol stupid bastards... little do they know they paid me to wash my car today

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