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lisa3019 (profile) wrote,
on 10-16-2006 at 9:54pm
Subject: This update is full of updates!!!

Okay, first off I want to start by saying that if you read my last entry, and then recently read Sarah's journal, you might find it funny that she is still running her mouth when she assumes that my life revolves around her as much as hers does with me.
She has read my page quite a few times in the past couple days since she accused me of telling Cody that she whores around.

October 13th 2006 02:02:44 PM
October 14th 2006 11:00:42 AM
October 14th 2006 11:00:56 AM
October 16th 2006 05:46:12 PM

^^those are all the time's she's loaded my page.
and then right after she gets done reading it, she has to be quick to write a response. Obviously it is annoying or else I wouldn't even be commenting on it right now, but I'm just going to ignore it.
After today, I'm not even going to acknowledge when she is a douche bag.
As I've said to Justin yesterday--if it got all the way around to me that she was cheating on him while he was in jail, OBVIOUSLY it's going to get to him someway.

But! I don't need to explain myself. =)
I don't care what people think of me when I know the truth and none of her lies are affecting me.

Other than that...
If you've seen me lately you may or may not have noticed my BLACK EYE!
First black eye I ever got IN MY LIFE and guess how?
No, silly! I didn't lose a fight!
I punched myself in the face!!
First black eye and I gave it to myself!
I smiled at Justin the next day when he woke me up by saying, "BABE!!! WHAT A SHINER!! GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!"
hahahaha, I think it's the funniest thing in the world.
I don't even know how it happened! But it sure is a perty one!
I didn't even hit myself that hard but about a half hour after I did it, I started to notice a little swelling and then said to Christina, "grrrreat, I bet I have a black eye tomorrow!"

This weekend was a goodie!
Saturday, I took Justin to his tattoo appointment and ater we finished up there, we met Kris and Christina at Kris's house and went to TripleB!!
The first thing we did was pick out our perfect pumpkins!
Then, we bought tickets for the hay ride and went through the maze and played some games while we waited for the tractor to come back around.
When it finally got there, it was AWESOME to see that we were the only ones riding it!!
We got him to stop whenever we wanted and it was cool to have our own private hayride. =)
On it, we looked at bunch of fairy tale pumpkins set up and it was cute.
Me and Justin talked the whole time, mostly.
We decided on the names either Jonathan (Nathan/Nate for short), or Jason (because I like the name Jace.)
We both like the name Jossalyn for a girl. I would spell it like that because I like Ss, and I would call her Joss for short. Like Joss Stone.
We got him to stop at the pumpkin patch because, even though we all picked out our perfect pumpkins, we wanted to look around and maybe pick baby ones!
I don't know, but I think I found the BEST! Of course everyone else had nice ones, too. =)

After that, we spent the night over Kris's house with plans to watch a scary movie and carve our pumpkins!!
Me, Kris, Christina, and Bubby had the best slumber party ever and when we woke up the next day, his mom and dad made us spaghetti and it was delicious!!
I'm getting hungry thinking aobut it!! =/

Speaking of getting hungry, I've been forced to eat so much lately because over the next 8 months I have to be a fat hog and gain between 25-40 pounds!!
Did I mention that?!!
They want me to gain that much weight!!

My last doctor's appointment I was at 112, and I think I've definitely been eating every second since then because they told me I need to step it up a little.
I weighed myself at Kris's the other ngith and I was only 108.. maybe his scale is wrong. Hopefully... =/

My brother moved in my mom's house the other night which is awesome because I love his dog and I like to hang out wiht him because we grew up to have a lot in common.
Haley is his dog though, and Pete hates her because she gets a little crazy.
But I think I am going to go over to my mom's house everyday to trian her. She's a pitt and she's the pretiest one I ever saw!
I just love her.
Rich was going to give her away because he can't give her enough attention but that broke my heart and that's why I want to train her.
I will teach her to fuck bitches up if they mess with me, too. =)

Good News!
Today, at work, I waited on this guy.
I made his sandiwch and I was ringing him up and he says,
"Soo.. you work here part time?"
me-"yeah.. about 20 hours a week.."
guy-"you go to school?"
me-"nope, i just graduated high school last year.."
guy-"you want another job?"
guy-"do you live locally?"
me-"yeah, right up the road!"
guy-"well our office is right down the street, i work at the chiropractor and i'm looking for an aide.."
me-"i dont have any experience..."
guy-"can you type?"
guy-"i'll teach yu everything you have to know"

he wanted to get his card and he was about to run out to the car but i told him i'd just write down my number. i was so.. flabbergasted.
i had no idea what to say!

melaina overheard the whole thing and she was like, "why do people always do that to you?!?!"
I told my mom God must really love me because jobs ALWAYS fall in my hands.
I was working at Subway and I was thinking aobut getting a job waitressing but I wasn't 18 yet (I just turned 18 about a month ago.) and this lady came in and asked me if I ever waitressed before and told me if I wanted to start I would be interviewed the next day.
And it's just weird because everyone who's anyone knows I've been talking about wnting a job in a doctor's office as a receptionist or something.

Soo.. that's AWESOME!
My perfect job. =)
Offered to me with a black eye and all!

I told you this update was jam-packed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I got it all, if not, I'll update again soon!
Post A Comment


10-18-06 12:36pm

Sooo that Sarah girl ... sounds like my little sister ... seriously lol ♥

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Re:, 10-19-06 9:01am

HAHA what?!

that Sarah girl sounds like NOBODY normal!!

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Re: Re:, 10-19-06 2:17pm

lol yeah my lil sis isn't normal ... she's pretty fucked up ... and she was just diagnosed as being bipolar too ... lol ... i don't really talk to her tho becuase she likes drama and she lies about everything so we dont talk ... she found out i was pregnant so i think shes gonna try to get pregnant because she likes attention that much

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-20-06 8:41am

ahaha okay maybe she does sound like sarah

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