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kinkyrose1212 (profile) wrote,
on 12-17-2012 at 2:15pm
Current mood: drained
Music: A bunch of idiots in my " class "
Subject: JC
Greetings, from my least favorite place on the planet. I'm surrounded by a bunch of morons with some of the most annoying voices I have ever heard, but what else is new? I didn't sleep last night. Joy. Ah well. Anyway, today I was doing OSHA training. That would come in useful for pretty much any trade except the two I had decided to take, office and pharmacy. Still, at least I'll be certified. I heard some very interesting horror stories while I was in the class. First of all, I'd just like to point out that in Wellness they give us a piece of paper that explains that if we are having an emergency, we will go to the hospital, but only if our emergency is " approved by Wellness. " So that's a little fucked up. What's more fucked up is that last week I had to sign a piece of paper stating who I would leave any and all of my assests to just in case I die at Job Corps. Very comforting. Okay, so the horror stories:

One girl in office administration went to Wellness feeling sick. The nurses there gave her some Vick's and cough drops and told her she had a cold. She followed her gut instinct and bought a bus ticket home. When she got there, she went to the emergency room and guess what? The doctors there told her she had a serious virus that could have killed her in the next twenty-four hours if it was left untreated.

This boy I know here hurt his arms pretty badly. Badly enough that he couldn't extend them from the elbows outward and when I saw him the next day they were in slings. So yes, he, at some point, DID get medical attention. But when he first got hurt, he went to the security guards at the front gate ( if I remember correctly ) and they wouldn't help him at all. They wouldn't so much as call the on-call nurse for him.

A girl who lives in my dorm literally passed out in her room. The RA overnight supervisor told her he was going to call someone and said he would be right back for her. She kept passing out and coming to for the next three hours until she was finally able to get up on her own. He had never come back, nor had anyone else come to check on her.

This same girl's roomate was having a seizure and that same asshole RA was in the room holding the roomate's head up. The girl kept trying to tell him that she was a certified CNA so she knew what was was talking about when she said that if someone is having a siezure, you are not supposed to touch them AT ALL. The guy started giving her a real dickhead attitude and said, " Don't tell me what to do! I'm a grown man! Stop acting like you know everything! "

Thank God my health is in such good hands should I ever need medical attention. Oh, and one of the security guards told me that the doctor they have here almost killed his father when she misdiagnosed him. I went to see the dentist. It was a " mandatory " appointment and I would have had a $3.00 fine deducted from my payline had I not gone. That seems a bit pricey when you consider that the appointment literally lasted less than five minutes. I spent more time in the waiting room. The dentist looked in my mouth and said, " No cavities. But you have a horrible tongue piercing. " " Horrible? " I asked. " Yes, they're horrible. " I just said, " Okay. " and left. Not to mention, I have a hole in the front of one of my teeth and if that's not a cavity, I really don't know what is. I will find out the real results of my mouth inspection when I see a REAL dentist over winter break. My roomate told me a boy in her CPP group got terminated from the program because he posted on his Facebook wall that Job Corps was like jail. I don't know how reliable that information is, but it isn't the first time I've heard a story like it. So I've decided that I'm going to finish office administration and then just be done with Job Corps. I'll go through all the bullshit of actually becoming completed, and then I'll get a job, which I assume will pay at least a little bit more than being a cashier and I will save up money and pay for my education in pharmacy tech. I would probably get a better training somewhere else, anyway. Then I'll save up, get a car, take my roadtrip to Florida ( by myself this time ) and then go to college. If I haven't shot myself in the face by then. And speaking of shooting myself in the face, I wish, I really wish the stupid, fucking cunts in this class could hear how annoying and absolutely unintelligent they sound. Even THEY would want to shoot themselves. They'd think, " Wow, I really do sound like an asshole who has never known anything in my entire life, don't I? " The answer, obviously, is yes. There really is no proper way to describe how much most of the trainees suck. In happier news, since I didn't sleep last night, I wasn't as inhibited today. So when I was sitting next to Dom in OSHA, he was playing on his phone and kind of snuggled down himself, so I said fuck it and rested my head on his shoulder. He kept telling me to move, but I told him to suck it up and deal with it. Eventually, he did. And that's just how it should be. I made another new friend here, Tyler, who I think is really cool. Things are looking up on OKCupid, too. It looks like my four month period of celibacy may be coming to an end, pretty soon. Thank God for it, because sometimes, it's all I can think about. There's this one white girl in here ( and unfortunately on my floor, so at every accountability meeting I go to ), who seems to think she is both black and funny. Even if she talked like an educated white girl, which is what she should be ( she SHOULD be educated and she should be white, because white is what she is ), her voice alone would still be annoying as FUCK. But people here are apparently colorblind to their own skin tone. I said it when I first got here and I'm saying it now, I was not a racist coming in, but I damn well may be one going out. It's all these fucking dumb loser bitches and asshole " gangstas " making a bad name for their own race. I can't discriminate against them as a whole, but I don't think there's anything racist about saying " these dumb fucking black people. " They just happen to be dumb and black. One doesn't necessarily have to do with the other. In fact, they can't have anything to do with each other when far too many white people are talking/acting " black. " The bottom line is, race is irrelevent and the world would just be a much nicer place if everyone behaved like civilized people or would at least keep their fucking mouths closed at every waking second for the sake of every other living person on the planet.
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12-20-12 4:18am

Speaking of gangstas, I got in a huge fight with some girl at work about what the phrase "she rolled up into my crib with mad heads" meant. Then it turned into a screaming match about whether or not her driveway counted as part of her crib because she was like "I never said they came in my house."

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Re: , 12-20-12 7:41pm

Hahahaha! That's fucking hilarious! People suck so much!

(reply to comment)


Re: Re: , 12-20-12 7:49pm

Are you still coming tomorrow?

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Re: Re: Re: , 12-20-12 7:56pm

Yes. You said you're working at two?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: , 12-20-12 8:05pm

At 230, I'm off today so I was just wondering

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: , 12-20-12 8:12pm

Idk if you are home tonight but you can call me if you want

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: , 12-20-12 8:16pm

I am home tonight. I will give you a call in a bit.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: , 12-20-12 8:40pm

Okay cool. I'll watch my cell for incoming calls

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