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kunta (profile) wrote,
on 4-17-2003 at 5:26pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: 50 cents - niggas
Subject: ready to quit ~
today I found out something I Didn't want to know .. and Now I Just don't know what to think. I don't know if im mad ... or just not caring ... I can't take it anymore, Im gonna break down... and soon. I can't keep chasing you ... its just getting old and I don't know what to do ... I need To know if you want to be more then friends or not ... otherwise Im wasting my time ... nuff said

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*slap*, 04-17-03 11:09pm

kick her ass to the curb. she's ain't nuttin ut trouble she's a dick tease.. boot her! late

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bitch, 04-18-03 11:15pm

Fuckin forget about that stupid bitch already. She ain't nuttin but fuckin trouble dude. Shes just trying to get the best of both worlds, and you are fuckin stupid if you let her get it. Theres too many chicks out there to be wasting your time on her. She ain't worth it. Its your senior year, you'll be leavin for college before you know it. Fuckin LIVE IT UP before it fuckin passes you by dude. FUCK THE BITCH... screw her dude, she aint worth a second of your time.!

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her, 04-19-03 9:02am

For every girl out there that treats you like shit, there are five waiting for a nice guy to treat them good. Girls like her are just teases, trying to see how many guys they can get to like them when they really don't give a shit about most of those guys at all. Believe me... there is someone out there just waiting for you but you'll never find her if you don't look. She's there......just waiting to meet you. Listen to what your friends are saying in their comments.....they seem to know what they're talking about. tata for now.

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PEACE, 04-19-03 3:08pm

bitch slap that motherfucker, and send her packin'. you ain't the coolest dude i ever met in my life, but you're better than that bitch makes you look. so kick her to the curb, and let the pimp juice flow.

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hey..., 04-19-03 3:42pm

Let me tell you something.. 1)dont let anyone walk over you casue your better than that ( hey i am a nice person) 2) dont let some girl make you feel bad about yourself, unless it is me!
and i dont have issues......only with walmart.

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04-19-03 6:30pm

u dont deserve to be treated the way she treats you, you are way to good for her and you deserve so much better, and one day soon u will find that person..and it aint her, listen to what we're saying, you will be alot better off without that fuckin bitch!!

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04-20-03 10:29am

You can't live your life pining after the same person, letting life pass you by in the process. It may sound cliche, but there are so many other people out there for you to meet, so many other 'fish in the sea', as the old saying goes. Its hard to get over people, but you will. And you'll move on.

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04-22-03 6:01pm

you know what john, you are a great guy.. even tho u try to hide it. It is her loss if she doesnt want to be with you. You've wasted to much of your time chasing her around. All she does is play you, and you know it. You know as well as eveyone else, that you can do better. A girl would be lucky to date you.. so stop being so BLIND and move on. Be with someone who will treat you like u deserved to be treated, and not drag u around like a dog! SHE ISNT WORTH IT! ok im done now..byebye

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