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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 4-21-2003 at 10:19pm
Current mood: perturbed
Music: rebecca st. james- song of love
Subject: just a thought
Okay, I was just thinking to my self. Why do Non-Christians celebrate Chirstian holidays? I mean, this is stupid. People who don't have faith participate in Chirstmas and Easter. I'm not Jewish, so I don't celebrate Hanacha (beans, correct my spelling because I know it's wrong) or any of their religious holidays. So why on earth do people who don't have a relationship with God celebrate his birthday and ressurection? This is funny to me. These people celebrate these holidays for the wrong reasons. The holidays are not about getting presents or eating big dinners or seeing family members. They are about celebrating Jeasus Christ. It's all backwards now. Yeah, I didn't get an Easter basket this year. So what? I had one of the best Easter's ever. I spent most of my day at church with and with my family and it was great. So yeah, if anyone has any ideas on this subject, i'd like to hear other people's opinions. thanks :)
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04-22-03 6:54am

I think that holiday's lose their meaning after awhile, they just become custom. Big stores and malls turn it into a way to get money out of the people. I don't know.

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04-22-03 11:33pm

umm. from the other side....iv wondered the same thing. why do "I" celebrate it....ppl turned into sellouts? just doing it for the free stuff?

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