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onceagainistandalone (profile) wrote,
on 5-4-2003 at 10:42pm
so i saw ozma tonight..they were pretty good...when they played battlescars it was really amazing. and this one opening band "Earlimart"..they were just fucking great..i really really liked bad i had no fucking money to buy the cd or ep..and someone stole my almost fresh pack of ciggarettes that i left on a table by accident..doesn't anyone have any decency these days?

yeah..the entire way home i was thinking of this big monolouge i was going to say to her..all these things....

and all that came out was.."Um..its really hard for me just to be your friend."

real smooth matt, real jackass.
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05-04-03 11:10pm

Dude... don't worry about how it sounded. Just... I don't know, nothing I could say would sound fitting right now.

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