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1010101 (profile) wrote,
on 5-15-2003 at 6:05pm
Current mood: content, though perhaps a litttle concerned
Music: [insert random techno song here]
Well it appears that I have neglected yet another journal (I now have a total of four journals that I have tried to start and then forgot about halfway through). I suppose there has not been a whole lot going on in my life. Last weekend I went mushroom hunting with Kyle (as I'm sure you probably already know). It was actually incredibly relaxing, I need to do more things like it.

I've been taking most of those tests everyone keeps throwing out here (and a few others that weren't posted). So far I have determained that I match up with virtually every single big antagonist in the planet (including sephiroth, and Vicious amoung many others), and that (according to emode's "Are You Evil?" test) I am 90% black-hearted, and 60% evil. I really can't figure out why all these tests are making me out to be so evil. I'll admit, I have had my brushes with the dark side of the force, but I never thought I would register at 90% black-heartedness. Oh well...

Changing topics, I cannot wait to see The Matrix Reloaded. Of course who here thinks otherwise?(other than Kyle the poor fellow who apparently still has yet to see the first Matrix).

I've been scoping out everyone's journals lately, and I must say, I have only the slightest shred of a clue as to what half the songs are that you all keep posting. I'm afraid that I most likely will not be joining everyone else in posting lyric after lyric(to be honest, most of the songs I like don't even have any lyrics). I think I will try to post a few words of wisdom instead, tell me what you think.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." -Mohandas K. Gandhi
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05-15-03 6:29pm

Gandhi rocks!

I'm the same with the journal thing but surprisingly, I haven't lost this one yet.

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Re:, 05-15-03 10:38pm

It's ok to be black hearted...just kidding! ^_^ Don't worry about those stupid quizes, or the lyrics, not much importence in that. Hm, shoom hunting....KT would be jealous. ;)

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Re: Re:, 05-16-03 9:44pm

My parents won't let me. :(. Oh well there's more to life.

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