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User:EmoKidAmerica (user# 17242)
Location: Madison, Virginia
AOL IM:punkfruityx
Bio:I hate bios. Heh, this is me, being honest. I doubt you want to waste your time reading about my boring life, you get enough of that with reading my journal, if any of you really do.. Things I like: Rock/Punk/Metal, Robbie, my CD player, orange soda, instant messages, talking to the few and true friends I have, spikey/studdy things, black, leather, chains are cool, my Sid Vicious trademark padlock and chain necklace, Alternative Press, Fuse, All Things Rock, black eyeliner, and black nailpolish. Band patches, band pins, black clothing, my Mest hoodie, my atticus hoodie, poetry, French-Canadians are cool, the AOL messg boards.. Things I hate: Britney Spears, the color pink, lace is slutty, Nike, my father, Hilary Duff, Cory, trumpets, our percussionists suck [except for Paige], alarm clocks, the radio stations around here, country music, French class, French people, France, sports, 'gangstas', the bastard kids on the messg boards who think they know everything, maturity, the government, blinding font colors, bad handwriting, the "Now" CDs, the annoying ring of the telephone, cheerleaders, gum that isn't mint flavored, whores, prostitutes, drugs, smoking, those "tap lights", daylight, people who use the anarchy symbol and dont know what it really means, people who claim they are sXe but dont know jack about it, people who are "lYk So0o0o0o h@rDk0R3!" because it's oh-so in style..
Friend Of:None
Created:2003-11-18 20:44:34
Last Update:06 12 2005
Journal Entries:232
Comments:Posted: 17 | Received: 20
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default