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User:MoonDancer (user# 24215)
Location: Crisfield, Maryland, United States
AOL IM:ElmerFuddFan
Yahoo! IM:beatlegirl72
MSN IM:GlennMillerRules
Bio:I am a 40 year old woman who is madly in love with her boyfriend and who enjoys reading,crafts,and cartoons
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Friends:(1) yankeesrule
Friend Of:(1) yankeesrule
Interests:(35) 80s toys, a series of unfortunate events, big band music, bush sucks, cabbage patch kids, care bears, cartoons, cats, computers, friday the 13th, garage sales, glenn miller, harry potter, harry/hermione sucks, horror films, journals, lemony snicket, my little pony, new york yankees, prolife, revenge of the sith, ron/hermione, schoolhouse rock, shopping at macy's, star trek, star wars, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the beatles, the dark crystal, the flintstones, the jetsons, the last unicorn, the legend of zelda
Created:2006-01-27 21:47:27
Last Update:01 06 2014
Journal Entries:78
Comments:Posted: 5 | Received: 9
Member Of:(1) fab
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default