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User:Polishpimping (user# 1951)
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
AOL IM:polishpimping
Bio:What can I say, other then I am friendship prostitute. If you'll at least pretend to be my friend, then I'll do anything for you. I'm so Lonely
Friends:(9) brutisimo, fanelia, goldberry, Jaganshi, JediBumblebee, jeeber4u, mbenznut, polishpimping, taoman1121
Friend Of:(6) Jaganshi, JediBumblebee, jeeber4u, mbenznut, polishpimping, TaoMan1121
Interests:(3) making an idoit of myself infornt of friends and family, music, wrestling
Created:2002-11-10 22:20:21
Last Update:03 14 2009
Journal Entries:405
Comments:Posted: 723 | Received: 539
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default