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User:SEXYLILSWEETIE (user# 18836)
Location: Ft.Myers, Florida, United States
Bio:My name is Kayla.. I'm 17 years old. I am in love with my b/f Mike of 2 and a half years. We have a son together that just turned 1 on February 4th named Michael Jr.
Friends:(2) LOSERxDORK, sexylilsweetie
Friend Of:(1) SexyLiLSweetie
Interests:(24) aol, babies, bubble baths, candy, cherries, chocolate dipped strawberries, clothes, cupcakes, dancing, Days of our lives, dr phil, makeup, Mike, movies, my cell phone, my hair, my little boy, nail polish, Passions, purses, rap music, sparkles, strawberries, the beach
Created:2003-12-07 22:08:50
Last Update:11 03 2004
Journal Entries:35
Comments:Posted: 19 | Received: 47
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default