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:: 2015 12 February :: 12.11 am
:: Mood: good

Decided to start this journal over again. Hadn't updated it in like 2 years, and there was only one entry. Hi. Call me Sayuri I guess and such. OK crappy intro is over.. On to my day.

It was pretty good! I went to get my eyes checked, not much had changed, just a minor change is all. Hopefully I will get my new glasses tomorrow. Or at least get them ordered... I might order a pair online as well, for sort of a back up I guess. Oh and you know you have a small PD when you're putting in your info, and it says "Are you sure??" Yes I am.. I have narrow set eyes. -_-' I need to read makeup tips that may help that. Though I don't really wear make up.

Well that's all. Byebye!

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