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So a baby seal walks into a club...

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:: 2005 7 November :: 6.15 pm

GOD this guy will rape your face.

As a recreational student of history, it seems to me that Europeans could not kill each other fast enough until we, American "Terrorists" stepped in and put and end to all of that non-sense by kicking everybody's ass. If it were not for us "Terrorists" then all of Europe would be divided between Nazi Socialists and Soviet Commies, and they would both still be trying to kill each other.

We kicked the Nazi's ass in WWII, and Reagan drove the USSR into bankruptcy through his MAD offensive. We American "Terrorists" did all this at our own expense, with our dollars and our own lives. We American Terrorists kept half the Korean penensula from becoming Red.

We American "Terrorists" tried to keep the pearl of South East Asia out of the hands of the commies, giving 50,000 of our own men and billions of dollars, until the damned red diaper doper babies created enough civil unrest at home, to convince a weak president into pulling us out. The commies promptly killed 1.45 million of their own people.

WE American "Terrorists" kept central America from falling into slavery at the hands of the commies.

We American '"Terrorists" did our best to save the people of Somalia from slavery, starvation and genocide.

We American "Terrorists" saved countless muslims in Bosnia from genocide.

We American "Terrorists" liberated millions of Afgans from an evil theocracy and put and end to a civil war that had lasted for more than a decade.

Now, We American "Terrorists" have liberated the cradle of civilization for the first time in their history where they are free to live under their own rule, rather than a tyrant or appointed dictator who had no duty or responsiblity to the governed. Yep, we're terrorists alright.

Yeah, we have screwed up in the past because we are reluctant policemen. Its not a role that we chose, but one that we have always been forced into. Once upon a time we tolerated the institution of slavery, that we inherited from the British, but purged ourselves of that sin by killing 1/4 of our entire male population and destroying 1/2 of our country.

We did nothing to keep Mao from enslaving the chinese masses. We did nothing to keep the Peronistas from looting Argentina. We failed to save Cuba and Vietnam from the evils of communist slavery, and we are currently engaging in extensive trade with Commie China, which does nothing to better the lives of the Chinese people, but financially empowers an oppressive regime.

We tax the people of our own country, to subsidize farms and businesses, which raises the costs of goods and services here, while stealing the comparitive advantage from our South American Neighbors.

No this nation is not perfect, and it never was. I doubt that it ever will be, but nothing that has ever been created by mankind has ever been perfect. America has come closer to perfection than any nation that has ever existed, and has made the entire world a more peaceful and prosperous place.

You non-Americans are free to criticize us, and blame the USA for all the problems in your personal life, your country or the entire World. We are a convienent scapegoat, but its not the truth and nothing will ever change in this World, until the rest of the World starts trying be like America is supposed to be, but has not quite made it yet.

6 WT'd me | WT my prick

:: 2005 18 October :: 7.53 pm

for all the emo fags who think life is just too hard.

3 WT'd me | WT my prick

:: 2005 4 October :: 9.33 pm;jsessionid=B6BB11577F8E950596054820E6329FE9.TC62a?__frame=_top&__lf=Static

1 WT'd me | WT my prick

:: 2005 28 September :: 9.36 pm

A great allusion to tourettesguy

WT my prick

:: 2005 23 September :: 8.24 pm

I am officially selling raffle tickets. The tickets cost $1 each or 10 for $5. All proceeds go toward a date with Will Tabaczka. Any money left after the date will go towards my Close Up trip.

WT my prick | Random Journal