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:: 2008 23 December :: 10.17pm


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:: 2008 19 March :: 7.41pm
:: Mood: down

ahh Woohu... how's life been without me?!?! Probably not much different, I'm sure X__>

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:: 2007 18 November :: 12.16am
:: Mood: blah

No kidding here, I'm starting to think I have IBS triggered by my morning coffee, which would explain why I get stomach aches and always have to go after I drink it. I'm quite sure I'm not exaggerating this, either (it would explain the occasional stomach aches I get from other things as well)

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:: 2007 3 November :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: listless
:: Music: [SOFT BALLET] + [KO-KA-GE-NI]

Don't get inspired, get spiteful!
I feel like I'm trapped in a limbo of sorts. I can't seem to get motivated. Instead of being inspired, I get spiteful. If I actually invested as much energy into productivity as I do in contempt I wouldn't have this problem. So, I'm going to try to make some changes and stop poisoning my spirit with envy and resent. Good luck?

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:: 2007 23 October :: 7.08pm
:: Mood: indifferent

More often than not, giving up doesn't seem so bad.

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:: 2007 18 October :: 7.12pm
:: Mood: anxious

I think I had the worst, most vile dream I've ever had in my entire life last night. And because today is my birthday, it can't be preluding to anything good. I'll tell you about the dream, but it's really gross.

I was vomiting. I could taste it. I could feel the debris in my mouth, and I can remember the shapes of it. It was just piling and piling in my mouth and spilling out, and at the same time equaling unappealing bodily functions were happening elsewhere. Filling and filling the toilet.

I woke up gasping and disturbed, and poured myself a tall glass of water.

I was already kind not feeling to good about things lately, and this could have just been a dramatic manifestation of it. The only other interpretation I came up with is possibly a massive purge of something is coming. Or I'm going to get sick (although the sickness in the dream was in incredible, completely unrealistic amounts, and why I was sick in the first place was never revealed.) In any case, it was vile.

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:: 2007 12 October :: 8.23pm
:: Mood: sad

what a horrible strange beautiful thing-- it hurts

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:: 2007 7 October :: 1.09pm

I had a dream I got a 7 on my essay. Lol, how sad is that? Premonition maybe!

[probably not~ -.-]

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:: 2007 18 September :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: cranky

Only leopard shoes came, too big. Mum forgot the form again, dropping Model UN. Dawn/Dusk not stocked yet. BBUUTT

Rocky shirt is perfect!

also quiz

Find your Celestial Choir

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:: 2007 15 September :: 5.50pm
:: Mood: drained

I need to organise (nize?) my music folders, put everthing where it belongs, correct the tags, and add album art to everthing on the comp and on my mp3 player. Everything is a mess. That will be my project for the weekend.

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:: 2007 9 September :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: dorky

So it's possible that in winter/spring we might be going to disney!

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:: 2007 1 August :: 5.54pm
:: Mood: excited

Feeling better today. Soo... leaving this weekend with Als. I'm actually more excited for coming back than actually going, because lots of good things will (hopefully) happen. I'm finally going to order my Kyle Reese, Nick will be back (!), I'm going to finally mail my host family back in Japan a letter, and I will work getting my permit. The last has been delayed mostly because my mom procrastinates whenever it comes to my requests. Also, we have to make a bunch of calls and check about my vision because neither us nor the doctor are sure I can pass the vision test....*sigh* Hopefully everything will all work out! DD:

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:: 2007 31 July :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: lonely

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

"Your friends and coworkers may not be as supportive as you wish. Nevertheless, they are on the same side as you -- even if it doesn't feel that way now. Instead of trying to coerce anyone into giving you more, freely release him or her from any favors. Then, if someone helps you, it will be a generous act of free will instead of coming out of obligation."

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:: 2007 24 July :: 9.12pm
:: Mood: pissed off

Everyone and their fucking internet personas! I hate it! For some reason, you fell short of what you wanted yourself to be, or are too afraid to be, so you paint yourself anew and go off masquerading under a facade in secret away from the people who know the real you (Because even YOU know it's too late mold their oppinion into what you want) to impress others thousands of miles away who don't know any better than to believe is the truth! That shit's seriously fucked up. I blame the gross overglamorization of the tragic, the twisted, the victim, the pathetic, the martyr. I don't know what's wrong with people. I really don't.

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:: 2007 7 July :: 11.36am

Lolz there's a pogiemanz movie marathon on right now. I know what I'm doing till my friends come =]

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