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:: 2004 4 December :: 12.17 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: the real world

cant keep my eyes openn
yeah so tonight is the stupid lock-in thing and i really dont feel like going but i dont feel like staying home cause samm is going out with lily to celebrate her sweet 16 tonight and soo i dont want to sit here with my parents? i dunno - ill end up going. i really want kayla to go with me or something. i just feel like hanging out with her. maybe ill just ditch that and go hang out with kay or something - who knows.

soo last night was kinda a bust. jess said she was going to call me but SUPRISE SUPRISE she didnt. i swear to GOD she is incable to pick up the fucking phone and do shit on her own. ok so i called her last night and she was like "i cant hear you" like 5 times and then she just hung up and so i called her back like a ba-gillion times and her phone was off so i feel like she was just being bitchy and trying to ditch my ass or something. i dont really know. like i wouldnt be mad if i couldnt have hung with her just if she wouldve called me to let me know WHAT THE FUCK was going on then that wouldve fixed things. oh well so instead samm and i rented 4 movies, swordfish - which is now my like favorite movie ever and then top gun, elf, and fight club. we wanted to get resovoir dogs but it wasnt there. WHORES. so we watched swordfish and elf. and elf wasnt as funny as i thought it was going to be but still alright.

jo is talking to me know about how she wouldve been all over geoff but she like i dunno just didnt or something. like ok, this is the thing with johanna.. i love her but i mean.. shes kinda.. not the cutest shirt in the mall.. so she hasnt really had the most experience.. im not really sure if shes just trying to bullshit everyone or if she is actually prude so i dont even know but oh well.

friday i had civics with nickk! i love that mofo! haha we were doing a little group project, just me and him and we were talking and having like an awesome time and he was like "ok, if i tell you something you have to PROMISE not to tell anyone!" and so i was like flipping out like TELL ME DAMNIT! cause the look on his face made it obvious that i was going to die. and so he told me that declan and geoff arent CIRCUMSIZED!!! OMFGGGG! i was DYING laughing and like the horror on his face from just remembering when they told him was the funniest fucking thing i have ever seen in my entire LIFE! haha ohh dear god i was amazing. im seriously like dying wanting to TELL EVERYONE but im being a good girl and not telling anything! haha i think i told jess but i dont know if she was fully understanding what i said cause it was really loud but holyy shitt im like still laughing. ok well im gotta motor.. later kids

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 1 December :: 8.16 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: some commercials

today was the worst day ever :(
ugh im so sick of e v e r y t h i n g. i just feel like i dont have anyone to talk to and just REALLY trust. i dont understand why everyone has an excessive need to be whores. i guess im just really starting to realize that i am reallyy my own type of person and im a lot different from everyone else. i dont want to go all sappy on your ass but i just want someone like a best friend or boyfriend or someone who i can say anythingg to. its really annoying to want to be and stay best friends with people and just always be there for them and them for you but its impossible and pointless if they dont give you that back. dont get me wrong like i lovee all my friends but they have their own specific best friends and i neverrr seem to be one of them. i just really want someone who is like my exact personality to click with and just never fucking get all dramatic with 24/7. like i have been kinda bleh for the past 2 or 3 days and not one person has taken the time to ask me whats going on or actually care enough to sincerely care about me and whats new with me and just simple stuff like that. i just feel soo lonely and by myself cause i dont know if anyone would actually understand or give a ratsass that im freaking upset. do you ever just feel like you're not TRULY best friends with your best friends?

im just realizing that like all the people ive blown off and fucked over have experienced so much fucking bullshit from me and i just cant believe how unfair that is. its like now i feel like i understand how hannah felt when she read that note. ugh and now im being all upset towards myself. i mean whats so wrong with me that i dont have a real best friend or a REAL boyfriend? i just feel like i jump into people and give them soo much of myself because im so eager just to have someone new to be with and then they end up not giving their all into me.

im talking to mere online right now and im just kinda shocked that we're actually clicking so well right now. i really feel bad about shit ive talked and just old shit that happened between us. im really glad she is fucking ASKING me whats going on with me. glad someone gives a shit!

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 30 November :: 6.27 am
:: Mood: so unbelievably fucking bored
:: Music: some shit on the radio

bleh im hungry
yeahh so im pretty pissed at my parents right now cause they're all like "LETS BE DEADBEATS AND NEVER GO ANYWHERE!!" ugh die! samm and i want to go get the xmas tree and set it up and shit and we offered to do like virtually everything and they're still like "im a tired old bitchh" god cunt faces! ugh could i want to kill myself any more right now? yeah so im sitting at home reading peoples away messages cause i have absolutley NOTHING else to do

yeah so now josh is trying to give me all this attention after not saying yes to cory and im like wtf is this? well i like josh and all but normally he never ever comes up to me and now hes all at my locker trying to say hey to me and whatever so who the hell knows whats going on!

mm today was pretty average.. i had spanish which was its usual crackheadness and then math which went by pretty fast thank god cause usually im like poking my eyes out with pencils by the end of it! and then resource and i was like all over nick cause im awesome like that! ha hailiey was getting soo pissed and i LOVED IT! it was sweet. i wish nick would just tell me who the fuck he really does like! hmm i would like to know please!

samm is drawing MR.TRIANGLE to decorate lily's locker for tomorrow. lmao hailiey is such a fucking dykeass. her away message is like "my schedule for tonight, 7 minutes running 20 curl ups 10 push ups" and random shit like that - uh yeah i swear shes not rolled up on the couch eating smelling like hot ass and cheetos! death to her! jesus christ shes gay. okk well im pretty much done here! later bitches

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 27 November :: 11.59 am
:: Mood: whateverr
:: Music: beastie boys<33

yeah so cory wont stop stalking my ass and its really fucking annoying dude. oh well, he'll get over it.

yeah so i went shopping with my mom all yesterday in downtown leesburg which was actually a billion times more fun than i thought it was going to be. my mom traded in the bag that she got earlier for this REALLY hot bag. its green tween and it has this brooch on it and omgg its so hot. yeah and my mom bought me a black and white tweed mini bag thats sooo adorable and i love it! it only fits my cellphone and my chapstick hahah but thats really all the space i need! yeah soo then we went to an early dinner at LIGHTFOOT yumm so good<33

thanksgiving at my house was a lot of fun this year i thought. so it was grampy, pat, sue, sean, maggie, mark, lisa, brooke, nate, carmella, sam, me, and my mom and dad - it was packed but it was pretty awesome i thought. yeah so i guess it was just a normal thanksgiving but we played monopoly (ha we're awesome ok?) and then thomas and matt and teresea and david came over.. death. yeah so the only person i like in that family is teresea. david acts like he's my dad and has control over me... CHYEAHH right! anyway..

so grampy, me, mom, and samm are all getting ready to go to alexandria to hang with the whole family and go shopping out there which should be pretty fun!

yeah so tess, johanna, jess, and sarah had some big movie night and sleepover at joe's.. wtf. yeah so i swear to god i didnt have plans with jess for that night and she TOTALLY ditched me and i already told her from before because sarah wanted to hang with the whole crowd but me and i was like "yeahh it just makes me feel like she doesnt want to hang out with me for some reason cause it looks like shes going out of her way to exclude me" and then jess goes and does it anyway? i really REALLY don't understand some of the things that my friends do. i really dont. like am i not best friends with them? uhh what? its RETARDED. whatever they can kiss my black ass - im just going to hang with molly on monday and ignore them. ugh i still cant believe it. what assholes.

haha at like 11:30 on thursday night i randomly text messaged molly's cellphone saying "good night! love you!" haha it was hot as hell. haha yeahh im cool stfu!

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 23 November :: 8.17 pm
:: Mood: eh fuck

yeah here ya go!
ok so i pressed update without even thinking about me having more to say and shit so this is whats new from the past 3 seconds.

yeah so i told cory i didnt really want to be his bitch and he was like "ok" and then i was like saying that i hope he's not pissed and shit and then he like signed off and got on like 3 minutes later and now he's not talking to me. lmao look at this convo about cory with molly..
molly: then be like relationships suck
me: lmao relationships?
molly: haha STFU
molly: lol
me: lmao that was the hottest thing ive heard all night

ha yeah i know thats hot ok! yeah so i feel like a mega bitch cause cory is all quiet and disturbed on my ass but there is nothing i can really do because, as molly says it, "relationships" are so retarded because i get annoyed so easily and then im like "DUDE FUCK THIS! IM OUT" and then we break up after like 3 days because im so impatient. plus id rather be on my own cause its better cause i can do whatever the fuck i want with whoever the fuck i want. the problem with me is that i like people and then as soon as i find out that they like me im like "oh.." and then i dont like them anymore because i just like chasing them around and being their bitch and not being attached to shit. i dont know, im just a prostitute! yeah well anyways since no one is talking to me im gonna get out of here cause this is gay as hell. later

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 23 November :: 8.00 am
:: Mood: annoyed

fuck me)(*#%)(@$*^
ok this is gay as hell. so last night i gave molly cory's screen name (woah first fucking mistake) and then she got all BFFF with him over the night and she fucking got him to ask me out... what the fuckkk. ok so basically i like cory as a hot little motherfucker but i dont want to like be his main bitch and he's really shy about this kinda bullshit so i dont know what to do and everyone is like "OMG JAY SAY YESS" blah.. so now ive been avoiding it for like 25 years and its coming back to bite me in the asshole! so we're like BARELY talking right now and i know hes about to bring it up and i think i might fucking die.

cory: r u really smoking pot
me: hahahaha no i was just being a dumbass
cory: oo i was about to say nice
me: haha thats hot - i mean let me break out my crack pipe

ha yeah thats hot. so anyway - the big drama for today was that hannah wrote me a note asking me about all this shit and i was just basically telling her the truth but kinda stretching it in some parts just saying how she has been really fake and how i dont really hate her and blah so that was about it. so i offically dont like anyone (ha i know you're so shocked cause i always talk so much shit about how i love a new person every 33 seconds but STILL) did i ever tell you SARAH IS A CRADLE ROBBER?! ew wtf she's goin out with CHRIS D! AGAIN! woah, weirdo. miles wasnt here today - what an ass. mm pete likes emily! skankyy! yeahh so im pretty fucking bored. praise the lord that tomorrow is only a half day cause i cant take this bullshit anymore! jess and i might go to the movies tomorrow.. skanky

well later homies

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 22 November :: 8.55 am
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: gwen

holy shit cory likes me.. ahh! ok well molly's like IMing me off the hook so i will write you tomorrow!

omfg so excited

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 22 November :: 8.17 am
:: Mood: shaky
:: Music: aaliyah - yeah dont fucking ask!

drama for today!
ha today was hot shit. uhh hannah found this note on the ground and read it or some shit and it was a note from sarah to jess and it had some shit like "hannah is so fake this year blah blah blah she thinks shes too good for us" which is all basically true. soo jess wrote her back like backing up all the shit she said and whatever and hannah was trying to be all mean back and shit and i was like YEAHH RIGHT! if you went up to her face she would flippin crumble. asshole. so paige anna and i were like yelling from the other end of the lunch table about how she got fat and ugly and she thinks she belongs when she hangs out with people when she really just looks like an asshole. ha it was great.

yeah so today in resource i had to watch hailey and nick have some 3some with travis simon and it TURNED ME ON A LITTLE. ugh shes so fucking annoying! she wont shut up about nick and its retarded as hell and then she has her "pathedic" days where she tries to fish fro compliments and i dont give her any im just like "damn that sucks" ughh she drives me insane. i dont even really like nick that much but he is a good friend and shes just being a fucking idiot about the whole thing. woww cory's hot! haha he wasnt even here today that asshole! ha<33

so its 32 days til xmas and it KICKS ASS! i went shopping online for samm and got her some PRETTY HOT ISH! haha sweet ass! well i dont really have much to talk about so im going to go. later<33

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 21 November :: 12.02 pm
:: Mood: impatient
:: Music: love in an elevator

bleh donuts..
ugh, i always look at donuts and think they're going to taste good and then i have one bite and get ready to spew! yeah so the reason im already posting so crackhead early is because im bored as shit and waiting for mom to get her blackass inside so we can go xmas shoppin for samm. ill have to remember not to post what we got her cause she might read this.. hmm. so we have to swing by samm's work to get ma's credit card. bleh, i hate sunday's without samm, it's BORING. aw i love this song<33 what it takes<33

yeahh so grampy got her yesterday from boston and took samm and i xmas shopping for like everyone, it was fun. we have 26 wrapped presents already<333 mm could i love xmas any fucking more? i cant wait!

so the harcest festival thing was a bust. mere and hailey were so fucking annoying! they took like an hour break and left anna and i there but i really didnt care cause they were just getting on my nerves and when we count up the money and shiz in teen living we can tell mrs. mcdermott if we dont think the other people deserve it. omg im about to spew that one bite of donut is going to be the damn last of me! oh yeah and matt invited himself in our car to the harvest festival thing so i had to be SEEN with him in public.. ah die.

could i be any happier that its the weekend? the week took FOREVER! my spanish teacher is going to kick my ass when she finds out i didnt do any of my shit and i didnt come on friday like i was supposed too.. oh well! i'll take a 0, i could care less. i like cussed out christian and his little stalker wannabe friend jake. omg they are so gay. they're both in my science class and were like calling me whore over and over and then i like made that jake kid cry. not like i didnt say anything that the WHOLE room didnt already know. whores.

jess came over friday night for a while to watch some movies and just chill. jess is moving all this weekend so you know, im excited to see her new house. maybe i'll call her later and find out how it went.. mm maybe. well im gonna go watch tv or some shiz. update you laterr

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 17 November :: 6.54 am
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: whatcha waiting for

ow, my braces hurt :(
ah fuck, my braces are killing me.. ahh

ok well my field trip to the capitol and shit like that was offically the fucking gayest thing ever. CORRUPT BITCHES. haha it was so fucking retarded. we got there and they made us walk around outside to get some random tickets and shit and blahhh and then when we had to go through security.. lucky me.. haha my belt went off and they practically CAVITY searched me lmao it was fucking hot. then, they made us sit in this room for like seriously 45 minutes and shit and then kicked us outside and then walk the long way (at the time we didnt know but that physco was trying to jump the fence of the white house so they made us walk through the guarded part of the capitol which was cool cause there was like 30 snipers on the roof that we saw) around the capitol and shiz and then we waited outside for another 35-40 minutes and then we saw ONE ROOM and fucking LEFT. omfggg corrupt bitches. we were the only 3 groups that didnt get to see the whole fucking thing. whores. i cant fucking believe it. oh well, molly and i had fun together ha. even though her boyfriend gives me the willies..

well the dramatic part of the trip would be when i was about to punch the fucking life out of hailey! omg stupid whore. she was being all retarded in the back with nick and dacey and them and she was like flirting with nick and acting like she was hot even though everyone thinks she's fat and gross.. ughh wtf. so i talked to nick once we got back and he was like "no, everyone was trying to get her to show her tits but i was the only one who didnt see them" ughhhh dieee hailey. i want nick in my pants.. badly..

so i was absent yesterday cause i felt like shit and didnt feel like going and then i missed the first 2 periods of school today because of my allergist appointment/lunch with my ma haha. school was pretty normal when i got back.. blah.. boring. i hate being absent cause then all your teachers get pissy when you try to get your make-up work. ha another CORRUPT society! whores. haha but whatever, i'll just have to fucking deal with it.

omfg garett is going to try out for varsity cheerleading just to be a jackass. lmao i can't fucking wait for this shit. BY THE FUCKING WAY.. russell told samm and jeremy that i fucking STUFF! lmaoo can i fucking please strive to be like lisa? wtf i IMed him and he was being all gay about it and now i know what day i was talking about. i was sick and i fell asleep on the bus and i had a tissue in my hand cause i was blowing my nose like a bitch. soo i had this pack full of tissues on my lap and then i dropped the tissue while i was asleep. cause i remember waking up and the tissue was like on my neck and i was like "how the fuck did this get there?" but then forgot about it so whatever. what an idiot anyways, it was not even remotely close to my shirt. fucking weirdass. oh welllll.. and that was my awesome day so i will write you back later.


give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 12 November :: 8.17 am
:: Mood: so fucking tired
:: Music: none

omg i can barely keep my eyes open at its only 8:20. i think i might die. the shitty weather has been making me so delerious. thank god its the weekend! i can't wait to sleep it all away. also, i have my field trip to the capital on monday which im actually excited about.

mm today was pretty good. i fucking love my spanish class dude, it's hilarious. haha garret is moving back to spanish1 (he's such a fucking dumbass! he's 16 and going back to spanish 1!) ha we were talking about how we're going to laugh when we find out he's in my class. or he could even end up in clay's class, i think i would pee myself. other than that, the day was pretty normal.. i had math which was good, then resource which i took my science make-up test and everyone said it was hard as shit but i was like fucking flying through that crap so im happy! and then teen living which was fucking hilarious cause hailey was literally SCREAMING "biitcch" to mrs. m and she didnt even god damn notice! haha what an idiot! i flippin hate chris soo much. he's so gay and he thinks we all want to like bone him when we want to drop him off a fucking cliff haha. oh well.

i was supposed to have plans with jess and sarah tonight but as always they dont call me. i dont really care though because i am so heinously tired that im about to fall asleep on the damn keyboard. mmm i think nick might like me too. omg i want to bone his ass soo bad it's CRAZY. lmao i fucking LOVE cory! i am going to marry that s.o.b. molly thinks i should bone him hahaha i love her. maybe i will, who knows! anywayysss

so i was talking to derek this morning and he's basically running away from home. i feel really bad actually cause his home life fucking sucks and i have no ideaaa how he's living with it. apparently his plan was to just get dropped off in pville and then just stay there all day and i dont know how hes getting home or if hes even home right now. i kinda feel bad.. i shouldve given him my cell number incase something happened.. i guess he will just have to tell me on monday.

yeah, before i forget, i was in the halls with anna today cause she just kinda followed me around and i was looking for jimmy's locker cause i wrote him a super cool note ha and anna was trying to get through to talk to kathleen and nikkea was like "uh you don't belong in this hallway" and i swear to god if i had heard her at the time i wouldve beat the SHIT out of her. what a fucking bitch. no one even likes her so that gives her no excuse to act all high and mighty. fucking prude dipshit. ugh can i please kill her? i seriously want to just cuss her out cause she knows that she would have nothing to say back and she already is SCARED of me for some unknown reason cause of some shit that happened last year and she was under the impression that i has like HUNTING her down to kick her ass. for the record i wasnt. cause for some reason people are always intimidated of me before they get to know me which is dumb as hell because i am the biggest fucking retard ever (fucking hilarious if i might say so.. haha it hurts my back to kiss my own ass like that) oh well to much time has wasted talking about her.

well im tired so im going to go duck tape my eyes open and watch some television because i am so damn cool. later kiddos.

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 11 November :: 9.21 am
:: Mood: mm normal
:: Music: none

my dad
ok, i know this is my second entry today but i have to say that i haven't like been seeing my dad lately. it sucks. like he comes home at like 8:30 and then sits down with my mom and they watch tv and eat and stuff and it just seems like i havent had a conversation with him in a while. usually my dad and i get along really well (with a few exceptions) and i kinda miss it. well im not trying to sound sappy on your ass but im just saying! well i have IM's going CRAZY heh so i'll write back whenever the hell i damn well feel like it!

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 11 November :: 7.47 am
:: Mood: sweaty and ugly!
:: Music: sweet emotiooon

just got back from tennis
ahh just got back from tennis and i am FREAKING disgusting. omg it was so roughh. we played [ samm and i being we ] in the uhh raquetball (sp?) room thing and the echo was basically defeaning (sp? ha) so now im home deciding when i will get my lazy ass up to go take a shower and shave my hairy legs! lmao i know you were dying to know that.

hailey t needs to get the FUCK over the fact that nick will never like her fatass so she needs to back the hell off. just because i personally want him in my pants. since like 3 seconds ago, well not really like 2 days but still. ughh he's ALL she talks about and then we i talk to him he's like "i hate her!" haha what a dumbass. can she not see it? her whole "valley sucks" routine is getting on my damn nerves. like i dont personally worship valley but its a kickass school for being 3,000 years old and our football team kick park views motherfuckin ass so you can eat shit.

mm derek will be riding the bus again. thank god, i have NO ONE to talk too. i reallyyy want rainee to get fired because
1. she doesnt even have a license
2. the bus driver position is the lowest form of humanity. i mean come on, the damn fatass is barely eligible to vote.
3. she annoys the shit out of me cause she doesnt let me do whatever the hell i please

good to get that out! i hate her so much. im the only one who like tells her off cause im the only one who has the damn guts. oh well! i enjoy playing the role as the bitch! haha anywayy.. uh i totally bombed a civics test even though it was like open notes.. heh.. but in my defense it was like 200 pages and he gave us like 5 minutes to do it when you had to look through like 5 fuckin papers to find it. oh well. i dont care. he wants to bone me so im sure i can pull of an A. holy shit, today i learned that mr. sharples was in the marines.. woah scary.. that must be why he's all stiff and unable to love ANYTHING.

everyone is out watching the OC and no one realizes that the show is offically the teen soap opera of america. get the net. honestly its so damn retarded. could the plot be anymore predictable? stange boy can't get girl, struggling romance with a twist (more like a full on splash) of DRAMA. yay.. can i please? i mean i have all of the shows recorded and under my bed and i make out with them when i can't fall asleep! so i guess i am going to go take a shower. later.

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 8 November :: 7.20 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: same old song and dance

ha sexual
haha here's some flaming hot quizzes for you! haha most of them sound like me! hahaha

Would anyone want to bang you? by phobia
Favorite Food:
Wants to Bang you:
This many times:17
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero NameEmo Kid
Super PowerSevere Mood Swings
EnemyClear Channel
Mode Of TransportationUnicycle
WeaponBeer Bottle
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What do people really think about you?
by Raven319
favorite song
Parents thinkYou work too hard
Strangers thinkYou're hot
Friends thinkYou're a slut
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Stripper Info by radioface
first name
Stripper Name:Billy Jean
Specialty:dancing sexy to music
Customers say:"Nooo, come baaaack!"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

give me your god damned lunch money

:: 2004 8 November :: 5.56 am
:: Music: angel - aerosmith<333

my boring wonderful day
god damn could it be any colder in this house?! damn air blows through the walls basically haha its hot as hell! i turned up the thermostat cause it was like UNDER 60! wtf my dad has these little weird things where he thinks if he turns the upstairs thermo to 10000 degrees it will warm the whole house but the heat only goes DIRECTLY into samm and i's room.. i dunno enough about that. mm hot chocolate<33

today was mildly ok. it was an "A" day thank god though. i got a 99.5 on my flippin spanish test! i dunno WHERE THE HELL that came from but it was much appreciated! haha and tomorrow im skipping school to hopefully go to the doctor's to get some HEAVIER NARCOTICS haha not really some better anti-biotics for my everlasting sinus infection! and then prolly getting dropped off at miles's to play some hardcore halo 2! haha hopefully my padre will never find out.. uhh.. haha my teachers are going to be pissedd at me for missing another B day but i could give a rats ass because b day's suck my nuts.

nothing real interesting happened today. just watched world's wildest police videos with my madre, padre, and sister. it was hot. mk well im gonna go do some stuff. later.

give me your god damned lunch money | Random Journal