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:: 2005 24 January :: 7.09pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: shes on fire

fuck AIM!
god damnit - i wrote all of this and then i clicked some link on AIM and it took it all way! whores! ok yeah so ill try to remember what i was writing! ha yeah so today sucked ass! haha i had resource first and the first hour of it was silent study time and i COULD NOT get myself to focus on studying! it was rediculous! haha so i spent the hour writing notes and being delerious! ha after the hour was over i went to sit with paige and she helped me finish my english exam review which i forgot to turn in cause it was due at the end of the day - jesus christ im an idiot! haha so we spent the time laughing and talking about her and jeremey and me and cory and basically just guys and stuff like that in general! haha it was hot as hell! haha i love her so much - shes damn hilarious! haha shes exactly like me about things like that! haha yeah so i was getting up to go sit with cory and he didnt know that i was coming and so he got up to go sit with melissa! whore! god damnit! like, i love melissa but i am soo jealous of her and cory! haha its so annoying! so i spent like all my time glaring at them and getting cory to stare back at me haha and paige and i were just laughing the whole time! it was damn hilarious! haha so then we had lunch/break and it was gay as hell. jess and jo were being bitches and i dont even want to get into it so i walked around with haley and tess. thenn i had teen living and the exam was the easiest thing ever soo that was good. and then i went home! excellent! holy shit i am so fucked on my english and science exams tomorrow its rediculous! haha i brought my books home but honestly, who am i kidding

pff like studying helps ANYBODY!

haha yeah so ive been waiting for cory to get on but that asshole is refusing to make me happy! haha. i dont know what im going to do about me and him. i dont really want to "Date" him but i think we're going to end up being like un-offically together - like without a title. bleh - i dont know. i still need to work up the courage to tell him how i feel about him. whatever. ill worry about it another day. alright well i have to go procrastinate a little bit more! haha byee

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 21 January :: 3.49pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: mr brightside

fuck civics!
god damnit. today sucked ass. ok well today i had my health and civics exams. so i had health first and we went there and it was pretty easy so when everyone was finished we went and hung out in the big gym on the bleachers for like an hour basically. haha jo and i were like throwing notes back and forth across the gym area where we were sitting. haha it was hilarious. then jo spent a lot of the time making sexual grunts and calling my name in the process! haha it was hot as hell! too bad everyone in that class thinks jo and i are hardcore lesbians together! haha well anyways, i got an 86 on that. not bad but not impressive so im pretty content with that one. then we had our lunch thing and i spent most of the time running around with johanna and sitting with danielle and kathleen and walking around and shit and then jo ditched me so i went a chilled with people on my own. yeah and then nick and i walked together to civics and we spent some time reviewing and i was kinda nervous but i expected to do fine but then it turns out i got a fucking 79! shit! so i dont even know how thats going to effect my grade so im just trying to not think about it! haha so anyways!

today was pretty boring. the day feels longer just waiting to go home early haha. it kinda sucks but whatever. its weird being home right now. its intense! haha yeah so i saw cory this morning and i went up and walked him to his locker basically - and then i saw him like non-stop for the rest of the day but i didnt say anything to him cause i was either with people or he was with people and i didnt want to go up to him and then act like a giant ass or something so whatever. i really miss being friends with him - he like never talks to me anymore - who knows. its just weird now! yeah so im just in a bleh mood today. meh, things will be different tomorrow. so unbeliveably stoked and relieved that its the weekend! thank GOD! i think i might show up at the basketball games tomorrow cause i have stayed home and done nothing for the past like 2 weekends! haha its hot i know! well i dont really have anything else to say! later kids<33

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 20 January :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: stuck in the middle with you

exams suck my balls!
ok so today i had my spanish and math exams.. sweet. haha so i had my spanish one first and it was seriously the easiest test i have ever taken. god damn i am so good at spanish - you should be proud. yeah so tomorrow i have 7+8th period classes which is HEALTH AND CIVICS! ook thats gonna suck! ha and since i just enjoy being an idiot - i brought home ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to study. not even my bookbag. haha oh well! ill just wing it tomorrow i guess? haha oh well! yeah so i found out that resource is a 2 hour long SILENT STUDY PERIOD! AHH! ok well i might kill myself? so i told mi madre that she is going to take me into school late so i can miss like all of that bullshit! haha sounds like a plan!

ha dude today, when i was in math, melissa and i found this camera in the little "lost and found" section and we found this disposable camera and it still had like 20 pictures on it! sweet ass! haha yeah so of course, i stole it. haha i still have like 13 pictures left! haha ill have to waste them somehow! ha i love missa to death! haha im so glad we got closer this year haha! same with jenny - i love that hoebag! haha! hollyy shittt ok - so when i got on the bus, i was fucking around taking pictures and the short bus that takes kids to philmont and like the absolute BOONIES were right next to us haha and they have a really SEXY (holy shit as sarcastic as i can possibly be) bus driver was like not paying attention looking ahead so i was like lining up a shot through the window and he looks over and im sitting there like the biggest freak ass stalker and i was like "uhh!" haha so i like dived into my seat and like lied down so he couldnt see me through the window and derek and i were like PEEING our pants - it was fucking hilarious! haha and the bus driver was laughing and shit so i took another picture when he wasnt looking! it was hott! haha i cannot WAIT until that one is developed! haha yeah and that was my super amazing awesome day! later homies!

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 19 January :: 6.06pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: somethings gotta give

hey homies
well today is wednesday and tomorrow is the start of EXAMS! yay! ha uhh well lets see. tomorrow i have my spanish and math exam - that should kick some ass! haha i think i will do good on my spanish one and ok on my math one but i still dont want to take it!

dude today it was like 16 degrees and the heat in my spanish room was broken! it was the worst experience of my life. haha senora dowling made me go back to my locker to get my jacket cause it was seriously like 40 degrees - it sucked ass! then i had math which was as normal, confusing and a complete waste of my time, then i had resource which was fun cause i hung out with nick paige and colin the whole time - haha i love those bitches! then i had teen living which was alright i guess. haha uhh everyones away message is like "studying for exams" haha uhh NO. haha im going to break open my spanish notebook for like 5 minutes later on tonight? haha im so irresponsible. well not really, but lately i have been!

so lets see.. nothing exciting is going on. hmm. well i hate mrs.cona with a passion but thats not anything new really. well who knows! haha i still like nick? if thats anything that needed to be updated. yeah so the whole thing with cory is uncomfortably weird now! i miss being his friend but i dont understand the damn kid for anything. he confuses me. so im not really stressing out about it. all his little away messages and stuff are so completley about me its like undeniable. like right now for instance, its this saosin song and its all like "you do it so ill be mad" and random stuff like that. meh. i dont know what he wants me to do so theres really nothing i can do to help him out!

hope you loved it!

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 16 January :: 7.38pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: boulevard of broken dreams - teeny bopper and you LIKE IT

god damn no school tomorrow!
god damnit i love martin luther king! thank GOD we have no school tomorrow. i think i would pretty much kill myself! yeah so friday i spent most of the night being bored and i wasnt really in the mood to go out and hang with people so im glad i stayed home. i went and rented reservoir dogs and taking lives. i liked reservoir dogs but it couldve been more badass. russell came over and him and samm were having theyre little CANOODLING PARTY so i stayed in my room and was about to watch taking lives but then i popped it in and just the begininning where you select if you wanna watch the movie and that was like creeping me out a little with the little weird body things so i was just like "AH" and turned it off and got on the computer. haha amazing story i know.

saturday was kind of a blur because i spent most of the day sleeping haha and then when i got up i really just hung around. gave lucky a bath? haha and then did more nothing! excellent i know! haha so today i woke up at like 1 and then took a shower and lounged for a while but then went to pick up samm like an hour early so i could shop and we ended up staying there to party with heather and suzanne for an extra hour after closing time cause we are awesome! haha then we went to panera and we like just got home. so tomorrow we dont have school and i desperatley want to go get my nails done because they are looking a little like shit! yeah and i want the clothes i ordered from A&F to come in IMMEDIATLEY! yeah so i have nothing to talk about so i will write you later!

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 13 January :: 5.22pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: aint that a bitch

yeah so im offically done with this week of school. god. i am so tired. i came home yesterday and slept til like 9.. and then i totally fucked myself cause then i realized i had a science project due that i forgot about. whoops. but i got it finished so its cool now.

yeah i forgot to tell you that samm got her learners. creepy. i dont want to get in the car with her. its so weird not being like 8 years old anymore. i literally thought i would never see the day that anyone in my family would be able to drive. craziness. jesus i just realized today on the bus how hot garrett is. jeez. why doesnt he have a girlfriend? i wouldve snatched him up like 20 years ago!

today i had english which was gay as hell cause i had a big test that i didnt study for because for some reason i love fucking myself over. oh well. i think i did OK on it. the rest of the time we just read. it was alright i guess. and then i went to science and turned in my project and we spent most of the time doing exam review and christian and i didnt feel like doing anything so we just sat there and talked about how we think jake has a secret man crush on him. we got paige to go over and hit on him to see what he would say and she was like being all slutty and like asking him to come over to her house and he was like "ew no." haha whatta homo. no guy would say no to paige. chyeah right. jake is such a homosexual its like gotten to the point where it is undeniable. then i had early dismissal cause i went to the dentist cause im hardcore like that. yeahh atleast i got to blow off gym. yess. so i came back like 10 minutes into 8th period. it was weird. nick was being really weird to me. like yesterday he was really flirtacious and then today he was like being really distant. i dont understand. god damn i am so sick of playing around with people. i just want an actual boyfriend. everyone tells me that they think nick likes me and then i start to belive it and then he gets all weird about everything. like even the other day paige was telling me how hot she thought we would be together so we spent like all of resource talking about it until i went over to hang out with nick and ian and colin. nick and i would be so together its insane. i dont understand why guys dont think of things like this. its really annoying. i mean, why dont they look at who is in front of their face. i was talking to derek about it and i was just kinda complaining about how i dont understand what the hell is going on. who knows. im just so tired of school - thank god its a 3 day weekend. i just need to rest. im so worn out. i dont want to take my spanish oral exam tomorrow. its going to suck ass cause i knowim going to get all nervous. oh well.

ok i had the BEST dream ever yesterday and i cant stop thinking about how amazing it was. ok so for some reason i was in gym, and nick was in my gym class and like i looked really cute with my hair up and we were like going out and like he just had like his arms around my neck and we were just like hugging and laughing and talking the whole time and for some reason his mom was there taking pictures and it was really cute. i mean it doesnt sound so cool when i explain it but holy shit it rocked. and then i woke up. and that sucked ass. god its driving me insane becuase i know that is exactly what we could have together. i really do think he likes me but then its hard to tell because today just threw me off completley. who knows, things might be different tomorrow. nicks birthday is tomorrow. i need to get him something. i dont even know - tomorrows gonna be a totally different day and things might change. well im just tired so im gonna go watch a dvd in my bed. bye kids.

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 10 January :: 8.09pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: damn IPOD is charging

aww yessss
yeahh so woohu was being a really big bastard and wasnt letting me update so my last entry was from like 5 seconds ago cause i saved it so i could re-do it later! haha yeah soo friday was johanna's party. i went home with sarah and jess came too! yeah so we got to sarah's and stayed there for like an hour or so before the party. haha i wrote daniel a note just being gay and left it on his pillow lmao cause im awesome like that. yeah so we hung around and went to hang with johanna for like an hour before the party started just to be awesome! hailey and dan were already there because they went home on the bus with johanna cause they are awesome like that. so ryan and kayla and hannah showed up kinda early and we were all hanging out and mere texted jess saying she was gonna come or something like that and so ryan took the phone and called mere back and was like "dont come. we dont want you here!" and it turned out that it was megan and not meredith and he was like "uhhh" haha yeah so then as usual megan cussed out jess and jo for being hoebags and we were like "yeah oh well!" haha yeah and so then more people showed up and everyone was just like partying i guess? yeah and i was hanging out with like hannah the whole time cause i LOVE HER TO DEATH! haha she is so rad! i love that hoebag! haha yeah so hannah and i were like boning declan the whole time cause we were bored! cory got there and it was sooo weird like he was trying to talk to me the whole time but he ended up just being realy annoying so like i would run away after like 30 seconds with hannah and then like 15 minutes later he would just sit down and watch me. so yeah that pattern happened like reapeatidly over the night! haha yeah so that was basically the short story of johanna's party! NOW FOR PART 2..
ok so the next night, i got online and cory IM's me and we start talking and then he like FLIPS out on me for like "CANOODLING" with declan the whole time and was just being like really jealous and annoying and i finally just broke out and told him everything that had been bothering me and stuff like that and it just turned out really really gay and then he kept IMing me and i was so done with the conversation i didnt right back and he was like "im sorry i had feelings for you.. i guess now all we could ever be is friends" and then like immediatley put his away message up. god damnit - that is the shit that bothers me about him. who does that? honestly! yeah so he apologized and shit and now he thinks i hate him which i kind of do and now we aren't talking! great story i know!

so yesterday i basically did nothing but sleep and hang around the house cause im awesome! and today i went to the mall with my mom and got 2 shirts from A+F and a bra from victoria's secret. then we picked samm up from work and came home just in time to say goodbye to grampy who just left to go home to boston! yeah so then i spent most of the rest of the night listening to my ipod and doing my nails! and now its 8:35 and im extremely bored. i forgot my spanish stuff.. again.. suprise suprise! haha god damn i am so fucked on homework in that class its not even funny! well atleast i have my A day tomorrow so i dont have to do anything hard! blehh i am going to be soo tired! alright well im gonna go! later homies

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2005 10 January :: 8.07pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: IM's

well woohu was being a penis and it wouldnt let me update so this is from a few days ago!

god damnit, the one time i actually dont copy the entry before i click "update" it doesnt go through. whores! so now my blackass has to re-type everything :( . damn. well yeah i havent written in a while because my computer was fucked up and so i had basically been on AIM on my phone for the past 5 billion years! yeah so xmas happened! it was pretty kickass! i got an ipod, a new tv, tivo with direcTv, clothes, and other random stuff like that! pretty spectacular! haha i gave out some really sweet gifts this year! i love giving presents because i just love the reaction! its so fun! so much family time! jeeez i spent like all my time with family! i didnt even sleep well over the break cause i had to give up my room and bunk with samm in her TWIN (that was fun!) so i was pretty much delerious the whole entire time! um i spent new years at miles's house with chris, jb, samm, sampurna, some girl, amy, and like the whole eblen crew! it was pretty fun! we played jailbreak and halo 2 and that was about it! exciting i know!

well since i havent been on in like forever, i was reading tess's journal to see what shes been up to cause i have been like a tad anti-social and not keeping up with what has been going on! haha and so she had this one entry that was like about a fight she had with her mom and it was like pretty basic mother/daughter fight kinda stuff and so i scrolled down and it was like "28 comments" and i was like whoa what the hell! so i clicked on it and there were soo many harsh comments! dude so many random pussies were like calling tess a snob and to stop complaining and shit like that and it was all total BS! so i IMed tess and was like totally siding with her on it and stuff and holy shit! you people are soo unbelievably jealous! its not tess's fault that she was born into a family where she is fortunate enough to live well! its not like she got to choose what family she was born into! and tess's parents DO NOT give her whatever she wants! actually, tess's parents are suprisingly strict with her! god that really pisses me off cause i have been accused of like being snobby and shit like 24/7 and im sorry that i might have things that others arent priviliged enough to have but i mean its not like im a bad kid who doesnt deserve any of it! and same goes for tess! its really sad that a lot of people cant see past money. and another thing - its not like this money just came out of no where! jeez our parents earned it themselves! they deserve every penny for working their ass off to get to where they are! dude my dad grew up in braintree, MA in a "not wealthy" environment with his 4 brothers and sisters! my dad had like a billion jobs and worked to get into college and paid for it by himself and came out on top because he worked on it! same goes for my mom! this is why she doesnt have to work. seriously. you people need to look at the facts! god, its sad to see how blind people can be! maybe your parents shouldve got off their ass and worked a little damn harder.. maybe you all should stop attacking other peoples success cause you dont have the drive to get your own! jesus.

ANYWAYS! school has been pretty normal! random drama here and there but nothing to special! except for the whole danielle/dan/hailey love triangle fiasco! but that all worked out so its pretty much blown over except for everyone hating hailey! haha and today i had my much anticipated field trip to udvar-hazy air and space museum.. sucked ass actually! haha it was boring and retarded and paige and i got yelled at like every 5 seconds! haha when we had the chance to screw around we definitley did! haha the IMAX movie was HILARIOUS! it was seriously the funniest damn thing ever! haha but i was like on my crimson and cramping and it just sucked! oh well!

haha yeah so things with cory and i DEFINITLEY got a lot better! haha he is so awesome! we talk like 24/7 now. haha but im now like weirdly jealous of him and melissa being friends. haha paige and i had a longg conversation about it on the bus ride home today. hes admitted to me like a billion times how much he likes me and stuff and i always tell him that im not going to like be his girlfriend until he gets less shy around me because shyness is like a hugee pet peeve/turn-off for me but ever since then it has gotten a lot better! who knows!

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 21 December :: 8.29pm
:: Mood: ache-y
:: Music: nonee

wow my spectacular day
yeah so i just got home like 2 hours ago from the orthodontist that was SUPPOSED to be 20 minutes long but ended up taking a little over an hour because some bitchass fucked with my teeth and fucked everything up cause shes a fucking idiot! yeah so im stocking up on a yearly supply of advil cause my teeth are S-O-R-E!

today sucked balls because i reallyyy did NOT want to go :( yeah so i came in late to school and LUCKY ME it was my 3rd tardy so now i have DHALL when we come back from break! whores! god damnit! haha so i was talking to jess about it on the phone and she was like "hm ill be late tomorrow so we can have it together cause it will be my 3rd tardy" haha i love that bitch! suckily, i had to sit through my boring classes! lets see i had donohue which was suicidal, as normal! we played some gay word games and i was like fuck this so i just pulled out my book and did that instead! then i had science and WTF we actually did shit? god damn idiot! i got an old test back and i got a 91! how proud of me are you damnit?! haha yeah so then we just took another test and did bookwork.. amazing i know! then i had health which sucked major balls because NO ONE was there so i had to sit there and talk to MYSELF! damn jo and kayla for not coming to school! so i just slept the whole class period away instead! then finally, last period came and it was civics (yeah could my B day class schedule suck any more balls? NO) yeah so we did some geography bee thing and me being the complete heinous retard that i am in geography i got like 1 question right and the rest wrong. whores. it was FIXED! but atleast i had early dismissal at 3 so i got to miss 15 minutes of class.. not bad. yeah and then i went to the ortho! fun day! i know!

god damnit napoleon dynamite AND my kitson shoes didnt come today. fucking sluts! if i dont get them tomorrow im going to be very upset :( my kitson shoes were shipped like 500 years ago anyways! yeah so im talking to cory and apparently he got me perfume for xmas? soo i get that tomorrow and hopefully it doesnt suck ass! i might possibly skip tomorrow if ma would stop evolving into OMA and becoming pure evil! ugh i just want to sleep my life away! oh yeah, samm is at some SWING DANCING shit with russel - sweet jesus i dont even know! she pretends like she doesnt realize that russel is going to knock her unconcious and rape her in an alley. slut. yeah and that was my FANTASTIC DAY! later homies<3


give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 20 December :: 6.23pm
:: Mood: my stomach hurtss
:: Music: mm good plan

ow 5 more days!!
yeah so today was MONDAY! "look like someone has a case of the mondays!" hahah well its only 5 more days til xmas thank god! haha yeah so i got a HOT present from johanna! haha she gave me this huge box filled with CRAP! lmao some like teeny bopper .20 cent cd and half a bra? lmao and candy and a pair of SIZE 11 GRANNIE PANTIES! lmao! they were lycra too! i got yelled at like 50 times on the bus because i kept whipping them out and shooting them and people like CATAPULTSS! haha it was awesome as hell! yeah so and then sarah gave me a present! haha on the card it said, "to jay from sarah + daniel" lmao i was like peeing myself! haha yeah and she got me the cutest hello kitty stuffed animal thingy with a REALLY awesome watch that is hello kitty and it comes with these little circular things with little HK's on them and they're in the shape of different fruits and you can pop them off the watch and put another one on! its soo ghetto! haha i love it! cory and jess both skipped today ): whores! so yeah i think im blowing off tuesday and wednesday? or maybe just wednesday.. who knows. so yeah today was pretty good except i broke another fucking nail! fucking sluts! god! ruined my whole day! haha yeah so that was the basics..

yeah so spanish was the gayest class ever today! hollyy shittt you cant even imagine how cold it was! the heat was broken in our class and i was right by the window! omg i almost DIED! literally! yeah so we had the fucking sexiest substitute in spanish! holly crapp! he was wearing a lacoste polo and sweater and these hot loafers and cords.! haha dear lord i was going to jump on him! haha yeah then i had math and the fucking power went out for a minute! haha and kurt jumped on me and i was flippin out - so then the emergency lights came on (which is like 1 light per class) and christian was like huddled under his desk haha it was the funniest fucking thing and THEN i was like "oh fuck, i have to piss" so i like stumbled my broke ass down the hallway and i got into the bathroom and it was really dim and i was SCARED! and the water was like ICE on my hands - god it sucked. so then i had resource which was really boring cause we dont have any homework since its like basically break so i was like "uhhh" so i just went to my locker and got a book to read becuase i didnt feel like sitting there for one more minute with nothing to do! yeahh and then we had some bitchy sub for teen living and it sucked! yeah well that was my day so i will write back tomorrow-ish? later

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 19 December :: 6.18pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: amazing

wow sundays suck!
ha well today is sunday and i woke up at like 10 because fucking samm woke me the fuck up on her way to fucking work. god fucking whore! haha so i was tired basically all day - including now! yeah so i stayed home for a while and then my dad was going to go get GRAMPS from sue's so i was like why the fuck not, its better then staying home. so retardly, i thought it wasnt going to take that long soo we left at like 1 and just got back now, and its 6. but anyways, it was better than staying home so whatever!

god damn the weather! its under 32 and its not even snowing! WHORES! its supposed to drop to 19 tonight soo if we have school tomorrow im going to be very upset! haha so i think im going to blow off tuesday and wednesday, or maybe just wednesday.. i havent decided! yeahh so im really bored.. nobodys on :( .. mm cory told me he got my present yesterday! ow ow! haha yay! im so excited! haha he better pee his pants over my present or im going to be pissed haha yeah so this is really boring cause i dont have shit to talk about! write back tomorrow if we dont have school.. otherwise like tuesday/wednesday-ish. later kids<33

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 18 December :: 7.12pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: dream on

my fridayy/saturday
hey kids. well last night i went to jessica's house with jo and it was awesome. haha when i got there jo had put higlighting crap in jess's hair and we took it out and jo and i were like laughing silently cause it looked like total SHIT! haha and jess was like "uhhh..." haha so after i could BREATHE again after basically pissing my pants we went downstairs to watch DEGRASSI! and while we were watching i put in more dye to try to fix it. so after that we went to take it out and it actually looked like 892394 times better soo then we played hide & go seek with taylor and justin cause we're the biggest fags and all the lights were out in their basement and there was the light on the smoke detector flashing and it was soo creepy and jo and i were like crying cause it was so freaky an jo and i were it and we were scared to walk around so we crawled on the ground and our legs got like tangled and we fell and i like FLEW into this metal thing and i had like a concusion and i was on the floor dying? haha yeah so after that we just hung out and talked crap for a long time! haha. omg im so pissed at geoff! dude what an assbag! he was soo leading jo on for the longest fucking time and now hes like "i like chelsea haha#(*@#$(* im not circumsized! hahah" haha well not in those words.. ha but still and jo's all like wtf is this soo you know. jessica like yelled at him at school about it and dan got really pissed about it and supposedly flipped out on him so who knows whats gonna happen.

mm yeah so i talked to cory for like 2 and a half hours yesterday it was HOT! haha i got him the hottest present for xmas its damn hilarious! i cant wait to give it to him! speaking of presents, i really need to figure out how to wrap jo, jess, and sarah's gifts.. hmm. omg 1 week til xmas! i cannot fucking wait - im so stoked! omg i forgot to say, haha jess and jo finally confessed this to me last night, when geoff, jo, jess, and sarah were all hangin out and jess's house, jo and geoff were upstairs and for some reason jo's bra was like on the floor or something (ha suprising for jo? i think not!) haha and so she like jokingly dared geoff to put ito n and he did LMAO and jo was like re-enacting the scene and it was the funniest fucking thing ever! haha omg so hot.

so today i sat around cause my parents have been gone like all day so i have spent most of the time figuring out the new TiVo and baking COOKIES! haha the first ones turned out like shit but i have a good feeling about these new ones! haha well im gonna go hang out with samm or something cause absolutley no one is on! later kids!

1 sucker | give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 16 December :: 6.21pm
:: Mood: stuffed : X
:: Music: the other side

hmm here you go!
i just got back from subway/picking samm and kat up from preseason! bleh im full. yeah i randomly saw my homeskillet biscuit CHRISTIAN running across the road. haha whatta nerd.

well today was really slowww. i had spanish which wasnt bad - actually pretty fun. and then i had math and i passed the time by verbally molesting christian and flirting with kurt. yeah i know that flirting with a kid named kurt is probably frowned upon but still. yeah then i had lunch where i basically just sat with paige, danielle, devon, and kathleen and then i had RESOURCEE aww the best period of the day. i spent like 20 minutes in the library typing my damn story for donohue and then i went and sat with molly and read her my spanish thingy even though she was too busy text messaging mike to notice but i dont care! and then i spent like more then half of the time watching cory and WISHING i could go hang out with him. bleh i like cory a lot now that i have gotten to know him. haha if youve read my past entries youre prolly like "THIS GIRL CHANGES HER MIND TO MUCH!" but theres a lot of time stretched inbetween these entries! FINALLY, i had teen living but we had a sub so we played games instead? haha i mean WHAT? yeah so that was my day basically!

yeah so i grow to hate hailey tretick more and more throughout my day! god damnit she is so annoying. i dont think i really like nick anymore.. hes not really my type. well i have like a boatload of civics to do and i think im just going to end up procrastinating my ass off as usual? haha yeahh so tomorrow is FRIDAY! thank god! yeah so tomorrow is a B day.. meh.. well anyways! i dont really have to much to write about! haha ill write back prolly in a day or two! later kids<33

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 13 December :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: jealous!
:: Music: gwen stefaniii

havent written in like 4 days!
haha yeah sooo saturday i went to party with my bitch jessica! ow ow. we were on the phone with derek and he was being gay as fuck. anywayss! it was really fun. that damn hoe skipped today! biznatch!

saturday lisa, brooke, sue, and maggie came to party with us and hang out and put up xmas lights. it was pretty fun! lisa's car is the flipping bomb! it has the vocal gps system and then the XM radio with voice command! GHETTOOOOO haha yeah that was hot

so today was a B day! pretty boring! yeah so i hung out with johanna basically! it was soo slow today! suprisingly mr.sharples was being nice to me today! it was shockingg. yeah so i have like 300 million pounds of homework i need to do for the next b day but YOU KNOWW. yeah so jo's telling me the newest crap about hailey.. DAMN thats suprising that shes being gay again? so apparently at the game, she was like all over geoff after joe told her that she liked him and everyone was like WTF. so now joe and i are gonna like go cuss her out cause we're MEAN. haha it will be fun! oh by the way! only a little over a week until i can sit in the back again! woohoo! haha thats sad that im that pumped. holy shit xmas is in 11 days and i might fucking die from excitement? its going to kick your blackass! i REALLY hope samm's hollister shit gets her on time.. bleh! oh yeah and josh and kayla still arent talking.. hmm.. its only because josh is so jealous of ryan and her OBVIOUSLYY. oh well! thats my BON JOVI! haha yeahh well i dont have a damn THING to write about so i will write you tomorrow hopefully! later kiddos!

give me your god damned lunch money


:: 2004 8 December :: 9.47pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: some IM's

woah, has woohu gone all high-tech on my ass? i dont know how to work things like livejournal and crap so THAT is why i like woohu! im glad i only had to pay my 2 lousy bucks a while ago! sucks ass for new users =D

yeah so i didnt even go to the stupid lock-in thing THANK GOD! i really didnt want to go and from what i heard, it was reallyyy lame.. and cold? yeah so i stayed home and watched FIGHT CLUB and other random movies. jeez fight club rocked my bones!

yeah so i missed the last b day. meh. my teachers prolly want to BEAT THE SHIT out of me! dude i miss every single bday i SWEAR! haha paige was begging me not to leave her tomorrow. yeahhh so i just finished my english thats due tomorrow and im going to DIE cause im tired and i reallyyy wish that tomorrow was friday! bleh this week has been sooo long! omg i FINALLY went off on sharples the other day! he yelled at me for calling him "dude" holy shit call the motherfucking pope! and i was just like telling him the truth. like even if he doesnt admit it, he KNOWS that he victimizes me in that class. holy shit WHO DOESNT SEE IT? oh yeah and now i have to sit up front on the bus cause i was like.. being a child.. wow having fun is so hard to get away with these days! i like jumped over the seat with this little roll thing of a poster just talking to people and rainee's fat ugly ass like FLIPPED out. whatta physco. oh yeah and i swear to god she called my parents.. YEAH I SWEARR! wtf not like everyone isnt going to just come up and sit with my anyways?

i just got home from the guitar concert thing and it was pretty fun only because i had my bitches and hoes to talk to? haha some bald ass came up and yelled at us. whata physcho! not like there was anything to hear? wow amatuer guitar players! WHATTA SHOW! yeah so i basically just hung out with paige and tiffany cause jess, sarah, and jo were like all in their own. soo you know. haha omg luke looked soo fucking cute in his little loafers! haha i love that son of a bitch!

so.. cory is still stalking me. like, he's gotten a lot better about coming off like a total weirdo but everyone once in a while something stalker-ish will come up. yeah so like im talking to him online now and he was telling me something about some random talent show in like may or some bullshit and he was like yeah so me josh and emily are going to be in it and you are going to be in the crowd yelling to me and you are going to want to have sex with me because i will offically be a rockstar. haha i was like "yeah cause you know youve made it when you're in a talent show?" haha yeah so i dont have to much more to talk about so im gonna go! wow long entry!

later kids<3

give me your god damned lunch money

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