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:: 2007 22 September :: 12.21am

oh gosh. a rant
i saw resident evil: exintion.
all i can say that it was hot. alice was hot. olivera was hot. redfield, im sad to say, was hot. zombies were hot. not so much wesker but eh, maybe he'll grow hair by the next movie.

oh uh.. spoilers?
Read more..

on another note: im thinking of cutting my hair uber short again, but thats prolly because i'm having milla-fever again. @_@ pheww

1 heart | in my pocket


:: 2007 20 September :: 11.31pm


5 hearts | in my pocket


:: 2007 14 September :: 2.04pm

no josh today
and I was checking out this sophomore that looks sooo much like Tristan, just with slightly longer hair
and er, I think he saw me, told his friend, and they both glanced at me, said something and laughed

ahaha. haha.

also tae bo is quite literally insane as two insane things living in insane city.

2 hearts | in my pocket


:: 2007 13 September :: 4.47pm

goodbye mike

helloooo new kid (aka Josh)

in my pocket


:: 2007 12 September :: 9.16pm

today was the crappiest one so far. is.

I have moved from flirtland to boring city.

I don't know why, but I have been in a bitter mood since lunch.

oh wait, I remember now. I saw mike and nas walking together at the beginning of lunch, and now we are not talking over msn (mike and I). we talked a little, but it wasn't flirting, it was just talking.
it's not fair.
she's had her chance so many times
and he did with her
but they keep coming back together like retarded magnets that don't know how to stick together, but there's this connection that can't really be broken.

ooohoho, I blame Jess entirely for bringing up emotions I so successfully buried until today.

in my pocket

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