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--*Being Alone*--

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:: 2013 12 August :: 4.34pm
:: Mood: About to have heat stroke
:: Music: The Toadies-Tyler

So I am probably about to die. Not really, but trust me, it's not a good idea to go out walking in the August sun without drinking water first. And it probably doesn't help that I ate really light at lunch and breakfast because I am beginning to feel that if I don't fucking get this weight off my head is going to explode from me thinking about it all the time. I was out walking and my friend said just to keep walking and working out and I'll "get the weight off in a month or two." It was just encouragement, though. No need to see it as an implement of destruction. I have also come to the realization that this my relationship is one more that probably will not work out. That's kind of depressing, but I'll get over it. I can't stand that he feels I need to be protected. I mean, it's sweet and it's just his instinct, but I'm not helpless. I can't tell if I want to cry or laugh hysterically while flipping the world off. Whatever happens is okay with me. What does a healthy relationship look like? One where the two of you have your own lives? Haha...

Crush ME


:: 2013 11 August :: 5.22pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Infant Sorrow

Body Image/Self Esteem
You just started feeling good about yourself. Don't do that again. That makes the fall from grace (and in this case the word grace refers to the frailest, most minimal amount of self-esteem and sense of security possible) hurt so much more when you get slammed back on the ground. I try so fucking hard. I've lost a lot of weight, it's a really big accomplishment for me. But no one knew me from before, 64 pounds ago. So this is nothing and people still insist on saying things that I take to heart because I feel that way about myself and I am left depressed and feeling like a disgusting fat ass. Even among the people who actually mean something to my life, whom I love that love me and don't have a problem with it (so they say, because of my own insecurities I am not fully convinced. Oh, and there was that boyfriend from my last Job Corps who was always saying things like, "Just get to this weight, and I'll be happy." Thanks a lot, you insensitive prick. Go fuck yourself for that. I'm glad you didn't come to DC). Anyway, even among the people who don't talk shit about it or think it's weird that I have a good looking boyfriend since I'm fat, the subject still comes up pretty frequently. Sometimes I bring it up (I guess), but I'd rather it not even be there to discuss. The answer clearly is to lose weight. I know this. And I am losing weight. In the meantime, though, I will continue to feel like shit about myself. Which will probably follow through to when I do lose enough weight. A lot of this would be easier if I would just ignore everybody else and just look inside of myself and actually be nice to myself. Say, "Good job, Laura on losing those 64 pounds. That's an amazing accomplishment. And you're doing so excellent. Seventeen percent done in TCU already AND you quit smoking cold turkey almost two months ago. GO! GO! GO!" That is all awesome, but it doesn't feel like anything and I'm still not satisfied. Of course, I have had discussions with friends addressing the idea that human beings are always works-in-progress and if you ever are "done" improving or working towards something, what then is the point of continued existance? Always strive to be better. Even if you want to fucking kill yourself every time you fall short.

Crush ME


:: 2013 10 August :: 8.06am
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: 94.7 FM

People here can be really cruel. Normally people saying bad things about me doesn't get to me. Alright, that's a lie, but people here are so much worse. I leave everyone alone, even when I think they are pieces of shit, and the other day I just walked by someone with Ty and some guy who was making fun of his friend for being ugly said, "It'd be like those two having sex." And a couple people have asked Tyler was he's with me. See, my boyfriend is so hot, he really is, so hot that straight men tell him he's hot....and ask why he's with me. A part of my brain understands why he is with me. I'm intelligent, funny, spontaneous, spunky, fun, loving, caring, and I really get him. And relationships shouldn't be based on appearance by any means. But I still don't understand it completely. When I say he's hot, I mean he's hot. Solid arm muscles and stomach like a brick wall kind of hot. Blonde hair, blue eyes, adorable but bad ass as hell kind of hot. Hoah! And then there's me. Not that I'm hideous. In a very unique way, I am hot as hell, too. But I'm still fat and have really bad skin. So while logically I know that those kinds of things don't really matter when it comes to love, it still baffles me that my boyfriend is ridiculously attractive. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me, though. He treats me like a queen. We got a room for my birthday and he had me go in the bathroom. When I came out, he had a box of four doughnuts, each with a white taper candle in the center, and a chocolate covered marshmallow heart in the front. Who else has ever done anything like that for me? He is exceptional. The people here who say bad things or question why he is with me help me to understand the reason people snap and shoot up schools. People can be horrible. Our relationship is none of their business, first of all, so why do they care? And what's more, clearly Tyler is not such a shallow prick that he only dates girls that are considered beautiful by society. I just can't wait to get the fuck out of here, in general, and to have this relationship outside of the context of Job Corps. Thank God I'm already over 15% complete.

Crush ME


:: 2013 29 July :: 9.05pm
:: Mood: Upset

A Bad Night
I do not care for myself right now. My neediness, my clinging...I find myself detestable. I don't know how to change, how to fix myself. At least I am calmer now than I was ten minutes ago, shaking with sobs on my bed. I feel so disgusting sometimes.

Crush ME


:: 2013 21 July :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: amused

Job Corps!
So many things tagged with the text " Fuck Job Corps " by many different people has got to count for something. Regardless of the fact that you don't have to pay money for all that they give you here, there is most definitely still a cost. And in the end, it had better fucking be worth it.

Crush ME


:: 2013 9 July :: 8.51pm
:: Mood: Emo as fuck
:: Music: Sabrepulse

I am a horrible fucking person. I'm going to go play in traffic and hopefully end up rotting in hell where I am starting to feel I belong. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll just go with the old tried and true method of cutting the shit out of myself. I am disgusted with myself and full of self-loathing. I am an absolute piece of shit. Why the fuck did I come out to Washington DC? I have done nothing but fuck up since I've been here. That's not actually true, but shit is getting fucked up. I just want to resign and go home, but then I will really be a failure. And staying here and dealing with the God-awful distressing consequences of my disgusting, selfish, and completely fucking stupid actions is my penance, I suppose. If I hadn't done anything that bad, I wouldn't be feeling like I should kill myself because of it. Fuck...my...life....for it is all my fault.

3 Crushed ME | Crush ME


:: 2013 29 June :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: energetic

La, la, la, la, laa!
In a fantastic mood again, so YAY!!! I have been exercising like crazy and it really helps. I started last Saturday with a half an hour on the stationary bike and a half an hour of weight training and now I am up to an hour and a half to two hours of cardio and I've refined my weight program to focus more on what I need to work on (my arms). I have also started doing crunches and I am doing SO well with eating. Woohoo! Go me! AND I just hit nine days smoke-free! Hell yeah! Also, I saw four deer lounging in the field earlier and this adorable little kitten I saw last night, too. I'm going to buy some treats or something and feed it so I can eventually pet it. It's SO cute! It's white with black splotches, a black splotch right on it's nose! ::squeals like little girl:: I don't know if it's the not smoking, but maybe I really am bipolar. When I'm happy, I'm like, " OH MY GOD! I'M SO FUCKIN' EXCITED!! " Then when I'm upset, REALLY upset, I'm crying in bed four times in a day and thinking about cutting myself (which I have NOT done). I'll get over everything and adjust, I'm sure. It just takes some time.

Crush ME


:: 2013 28 June :: 3.04pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Whatever makes me smile

You know? My feelings of anger and frustration are never justified. I'm just not being understanding. I am, God damn it, I am always fucking understanding, seeing where other people are coming from, seeing things from their points of view. But what about MY point of view? No one needs to understand that? I could never be the sole breadwinner of a household, I'd kill my husband. So everyone needs to understand, that I need to fucking vent sometimes. I need to get my frustration out, even if it means saying things I don't really mean but am pissed off about. Especially when the only reason I am pissed about them is because I love someone so much and am having a hard time dealing with not seeing them, not even fucking talking to them. E-mailing sometimes, but it's no where near the same. And also people need to understand that of course I'm going to be feeling my emotions more fiercely for a while, because I am no longer smoking cigarettes, which shielded a lot of things for me or at least gave me a type of outlet so I didn't necessarily have to deal with my emotions. I guess there are just certain people I can vent to and others I shouldn't. ~sigh~ Hopefully this aggravation is over soon.

Crush ME


:: 2013 27 June :: 5.20pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: Led Zeppelin

I could have been home right now. And every day till the 14th of July. Doing what, I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have involved crying in bed all day.

Crush ME


:: 2013 22 June :: 12.17am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: Classical

Washington D.C.
Just to give you an idea of how big and beautiful this campus is: I went outside for a cigarette Thursday night and the techno music Dakota put on my MP3 player spurred me to go for a walk around campus. I wandered down towards the front gate, intending to take a right and walk up the hill towards the TCU building. After I passed the Rec, however, I stopped and spent about fifteen minutes observing a deer, a young buck, grazing in the big field in the center of campus. A couple of times he looked at me dead-on and I just stared back, hoping he'd realize I planned on leaving him alone and continue eating, which he did. After a few more minutes of grass munching and cleaning himself, he bent his legs and just plopped down in the middle of the field to relax. Thursday was interesting for other reasons as well. I had my first TCU classes, which I really enjoyed. After my tearful breakdown on Wednesday, during which I vaguely considered whether or not I really wanted to do this, it felt wonderful to be occupied with work to do. I hadn't had anything productive to do at Westover for a while. Keyboarding was frustrating, it brought me to tears a couple of times, but I was still emotional from such a big change and from being sick. I went to the new student luncheon which was very nice. They fed us real steak. I spoke with a sexy, black staff member. I can't remember his name or job title (which is for the best because due to the trouble I got into with this on line journal before, I will be changing everyone's names in here, anyway). After that, me, my roommate (who is also a TCU transfer student), and the CPP all trooped down to the front gate to get our IDs. I couldn't stop looking at the startling difference bwetween when I first arrived at Westover and how I look now. While waiting for everyone else to finish, an 18 year old CPP boy who goes by " D " was messing with Jim, a 24 year old CPP man. I already had a lot of respect for Jim because he's mature and serious about getting this done. I wasn't going to say anything to D, but he involved me somehow, by asking for my opinion on the situation or something like that. I said I'd sooner listen to Jim than to him and when he asked why, I explained, " Because he exhibits maturity and you, quite frankly, do not. " D wasn't pleased and said that I thought I was so mature just because I'm in an advanced trade, but that I am no, in fact, mature. He didn't know me at all, I barely speak around people here, and being in an advanced trade doesn't make me mature in itself, but I certainly had to be mature to get there, now didn't I? I didn't say all of that, I just told him he was right, with barely any sarcasm in my voice, just to end the conversation. I heard him talking to Jim after that and refer to me as Jim's girlfriend. That's not childish at all. Calling someone a person's significant other because they stood up for that person and expressed their opinion unabashedly. I was going to skip dinner and try to locate a convenience store, but I got hungry upon seeing the cafeteria. I got my dinner and thankfully found a table to myself. After a little while, though, Tony (the first person I met here, who showed me around a little bit and is actually taking OA himself right now) motioned for me to come and sit at his table where he was sitting with his friend Ron. Ron warned me to stay away from a couple of people, Tony piping up telling me not to listen to him and that I could hang out with whomever I want to. I did listen, though. Whenever someone says that, you have to at least hear them out, especially in a place like this. One person he warned me about is Kasey. I could tell by the way he immediately referred to her as a " crazy bitch " that she was his ex. Tony said she is known as The CPP Slut. In my eyes, she is this center's version of a certain Westover female trainee we've all noticed gets around pretty quickly, only Kasey isn't as nice and seems crazier. I found out today, actually, that she, too, was going around telling people she was pregnant. Oh, the irony of thinking you're going somewhere different and the people are almost exact copies of each other! I was also warned about Bible (clearly not his real name, but I witnessed a very emotional religious debate at dinner tonight between him and one of my aquaintances and he is indeed a bible thumper, hick accent included). Bible had given me the creeps even before I found out his story. I saw him at the Rec while Ron, Tony, and I were on the hunt for cigarettes (which are called " jack " here instead of " bogies "). He recognized me from the brief but still too long for me exchange of words we had in the TCU building. Yes, he is in some of my classes. May God have mercy on my soul. So Bible saw me and said, " Hey, I didn't really get a chance to talk to you earlier. " I thought to myself, Which is perfectly fine by me. He introduced himself and started pulling out his ID. I didn't understand why until he told me that most people don't believe his name is his REAL name and they think it's a nickname. I was too nice to point out that I didn't really care either way, and certainly not enough to demand to see his identification. While he went to " take care of one quick thing, " I seized my exit and went out to smoke with Ron and Tony.

More tomorrow, I must take my leave for the night...

Crush ME

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