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ertailapis's Journal

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:: 2003 8 August :: 12.11 pm

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Test

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:: 2003 7 August :: 11.48 am

Thanks for the quizzes Marielle!
Monet Sailboats
Impressionist! Monet, Manet, Cezanne, oh my! You
appreciate light and color, and you feel a need
to express yourself and the world around you
very vividly yet individually. You are like no
one else!

brought to you by Quizilla

You should be dating a Gemini
21 May - 20 June
This mate is inquisitive, entertaining and
charming, liberal, broad-minded and youthful.
Though Gemini has a tendency to be impatient,
gossipy and sometimes irritable, this twin has
the ability to expresses his or her pent up
emotions during sex!

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!
Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 5 August :: 11.26 am
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: "Hotel Paper" Michelle Branch

Well, today was productive. I got my permit for this year for school, I took all the cabinent doors off, and I managed to catch up on my laundery! Now I no longer have a mountain in my room that rivals Mount Everest.

More good news! I found out that I was off on the date school started. I had put it a week earlier than it really was, so that gives me an extra week to finish my summer reading and stuff, so all in all I'm happy for the time being. Until next time, later.

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:: 2003 3 August :: 6.36 pm
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: "Desperatly" Michelle Branch

Today's been alright so far. I went to Best Buy and did a little CD shopping. I saw the new Michelle Branch album and snatched a copy of it as soon as I was in arm's reach of it. (Yes, I do like Michelle Branch. What? You didn't think so?) Then I went over to the Rock/Alternative section and got TrustCompany's album. I wonder why it was only $10? Oh well, I'm not complaining.

We went to Whole Foods and picked up our weekly allotment of organic goods. We did the usual lunch from there and attempted to single-handedly buy out the bakery. So, because of that, lunch for the next few days will be croissants and Virgil's Rootbeer. (Product placement intended)

Well, it's about time for another installment of Cynical Wisdom for Your Everyday Life.

Cynical Wisdom for Your Everyday Life, 8/3/03: "It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish." - Aeschylus

Well, that's about it for today. Any questions/comments/complaints should be directed to either me or the register a complaint link below. Thank you, and until next time, later.

  • My #1 result for the selector, Which Real Pirate of the Caribbean Are You?, is Piet Heyn

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  • :: 2003 2 August :: 11.19 pm
    :: Mood: drained
    :: Music: "Headstrong" Trapt

    Well, today we (mom, goldie, and myself) went to the French Market down in the Quarter. It was fun, although I do kinda regret not haggling with the jewelry merchant over the ring I bought... I could have pushed him down at least five bucks, but oh well.

    After that we went to the mall because Goldie needed a swimsuit for some church gathering swim thingy. *shrugs* Don't ask me, I didn't get the whole story. After three grueling hours of shopping, she finally found something. When we finally made it to the bookstore, and mom asked if I wanted a drink, I was completely serious when I replied, "Double rum and coke." After a little rest and a bottle of agave juice later, I felt better. Must have been all the walking and the 97° tempreture downtown.

    School's back in a little more than two weeks, and I still have reading to finish... this'll be fun. Here's some statistics I found from a link in Marielle's journal. Enjoy! Until next time, later.

    Eric is the #33 most common male name.
    0.544% of men in the US are named Eric.
    Around 666400 US men are named Eric!

    LeBlanc is the #683 most common last name.
    0.017% of last names in the US are LeBlanc.
    Around 42500 US last names are LeBlanc!

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    :: 2003 29 July :: 9.42 pm
    :: Mood: okay
    :: Music: "Scars Left By Time" Chrono Cross Soundtrack

    Well... haven't written in a long time, mainly because I haven't had much to write about. I've got, what, three books left for summer reading? I think I'll finish that this week.

    I finally got my hair cut! It's great to be able to spike it again without it falling over, but I think the woman that cut my hair took a bit too much off... perhaps I should've been listening when she asked how much I wanted. *shrugs*

    Now, for a new section I think I'll be adding in every so often: Cynical Wisdom for Your Everyday Life.

    Cynical Wisdom for Your Everyday Life, 7/29/03:
    "A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance." - Anatole France

    Well, I think that's about it for today. Until you read again, later.

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    :: 2003 23 July :: 11.53 am
    :: Mood: cheerful
    :: Music: "Walking on Air" King Crimson

    Yay! We finished cleaning out grandma's garage! I know, big deal. But still, there was a mountain of crap, and it took my cousin Goldie and me the better part of two days to sort through it, box it up or throw it away, and put what remained into either the new shelves or the attic. Sooo, now we have a couple of nice neat shelves where there used to be a huge mountain. It feels good to have accomplished something. Oh well, the feeling won't last for long, I'm sure. Just hope I can stretch it out for as long as I can.

    My dad and I had another one of our two hour back-patio conversations. He now says that I should play bass more, and that I could be a phenominal player since I'm, as he says, double jointed in my left thumb. I'm not double jointed, as much as just damn flexible. Oh well. I doubt music will be my career choice, but it's always something to think about I guess.

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    :: 2003 20 July :: 11.14 pm
    :: Mood: bored
    :: Music: "Can You Keep a Secret?" Utada Hikaru

    Well, today was... well, boring. I went shopping with my grandma today for things for her living room since she had it redone. It seemed like we went all over creation looking for her gods forsaken baskets to put on top of the book shelves in the living room. I think when all ended, it was around $100 worth of wicker, so you can imagine the fun I had getting poked putting it in and taking it out of the car. I did get lunch out of the deal, so I can't complain.

    Goldie never did call back about going to the movies with her friend and her. Probably just didn't work out on one of their parts. That or, once again, I missed the memo. Oh well, I think I'll go to either the mall or the French Quarter and go look for something shiney tomorrow. Yes, that's it. I'll ride the ferry and go hang out with the tarot card readers in Jackson Square. Maybe I can finally find a good non-traditional spread...

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    :: 2003 20 July :: 1.28 am
    :: Mood: artistic
    :: Music: "Cold Wind to Valhalla" by Jethro Tull

    Hello everyone! Last night I went and saw Finding Nemo, and while I was watching it, something in it sparked my creativity, and made me write another five pages to my book. I hope things like this start coming more regularly. I could use a bit more creativity in my life for the time being.

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    :: 2003 16 July :: 2.03 pm

    YAY! I finally got a true blog up and running! Well, nothing extremly new or exciting at the moment other than that. I did find a couple of neat quizzes, so I'm going to put them up for anybody who wants to see them.

    find your element

    Your magical style is Priestess.

    What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

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