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:: 2003 27 October :: 11.54 pm
:: Music: Sharp Knife - Homeage

Cor just came in and yelled, "Sup, homie!" ... *shrugs*

And here's proof that Asian parents need to feed their kids junk food b/c man, we get apples and rice crackers in our lunch boxes and fruit for dessert. For the most part, you don't see obese Asian youth, but we get REALLY excited when we're allowed something sweeter than lychee. Witness the junk food crazed Matt in college... ;)

SweeTzK333: huh?
SweeTzK333: mmm junk food
DeAtHkNiGhT87: i wonder if people are actually gonna trick or treat here
DeAtHkNiGhT87: i bet they wanna take all my jolly ranchers away
SweeTzK333: you're a crazy jolly rancher freak
DeAtHkNiGhT87: lol
DeAtHkNiGhT87: no im not i just bought it cuz i didnt know what other candy i should get
DeAtHkNiGhT87: i was gonna get red vines
DeAtHkNiGhT87: but i decided not to
DeAtHkNiGhT87: and i bought a nice pack of doritoes
DeAtHkNiGhT87: doriTOES

And Matt is STILL being weird... though I beg to differ. Cranberry juice is better than apple juice.
DeAtHkNiGhT87: AHHHH apple juice
DeAtHkNiGhT87: the best juice

Ooh, the old Hickey album is back in stock at Interpunk. Ah, I remember the good old days when Hickey, The Jocks, and American Steel were still alive + kickin'. Now we have Love Songs, Sharp Knife, and Communique, but it's just not the same. Ah, reminiscence ;)

I accidentally became "friends" with some hooligan hos today. See, I let them look over my (perfect) test, and then I let this girl borrow my calculator, so they wanted me to hang out with them during the ten-minute break in the middle of our 3-hour long class. I don't really hang out with slut squads, but that's ok. Remember how I mentioned that girl who said, "Making out was fun" blah blah blah to that guy? She's one of my new found class "friends". At least they make me feel more intelligent - comparatively, anyhow.
The one guy in their group (yes, the slutty guy) is kind of good looking, if you're into scrawny, preppy guys. *wince* At least he can multiply haha

I want to go to Castro for Halloween, but I have work that night. Well, it only gets better as the evening progresses, eh? :)

And... Doug cracks me up...
I hope in the future Americans are thought of as a warlike, vicious people, because I bet a lot of high schools would pick 'Americans' as their mascot.

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 26 October :: 12.09 am

I TOLD you I was a survey whore. 3 updates in one day. This is beginning to be a very Doug-like journal. And Doug has two journals. He updates both regularly, at least twice a day. Plus, he has a life. I don't know how he does it. *shrugs*

::15 Random Favorites::
1: guys with piercings
2: male bass players
3: punk rock
4: Franz Liszt
5: stupid funny movies
6: Tetris Attack
7: mood necklaces (just b/c mood rings suck)
8: DDR (Dance! Dance! Revolution)
9: La Morena
10: Johann Sebastian Bach
11: Peter Cincotti
12: hateful notebooks (oh yeah)
13: Agatha Christie mystery novels
14: Cor ;D
15: road trip-age
::14 Favorite Foods::
1: dried tofu
2: fried tofu
3: cheap ghetto veggie burritos
4: mint chip ice cream
5: Morningstar anything
6: Jiu cai he zi (Leek pastry?)
7: veggie nachos (La Morena)
8: Jook/congee
9: sushi (no sashimi)
10: couscous
11: chimichangas
12: cong you bing (green onion pancakes)
13: jello
14: del monte fruit cups
::13 Most Watched Shows::
1: Gilmore Girls. Heck yeah. Between Rory, Lane, and Lorelai, you could learn the history of punk rock. When they talk about Joe Strummer, Greg Ginn, Jello Biafra, etc, it's rather education. Unfortunately, two episodes ago, Rory referred the Graffin as "the guy from Bad Religion" when she was listing all the rockers with at least college degrees, and omitted Milo from her list, though Dexter Holland was mentioned as someone who had a PHD in bio. *sigh*
2: ...Everwood?
3: ...Behind the Music?
4: ...The OC? (Adam Brody is "rad". Everyone else sucks dick)
5: ehhh... ESPN/EXPN?
::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::
1: Descendents
2: Green Day
3: Anti-Flag
4: Dead Kennedys (rip)
5: Fugazi
6: The Enemies
7: Your Mother (rip)
8: WxHxNx? (What Happens Next?)
9: Hagfish
10: Sharp Knife
11: Queen (rip)
12: The Code
::11 Memories::
1: Disneyland spur-of-the-moment road trip
2: ALL concert/meeting ALL + Armstrong
3: Ice Chalet + getting kicked out of Red Robin's with my "crew" haha
4: the infamous midnight burrito run
5: meeting "still Darren" + L-Sa freaking out about 10 mins later when she realized who I'd been talking to
6: Hagfish/Enemies/Lagwagon... and Mr. "I Like Bunnies"
7: Scholars retreat
8: Mexico... "cinco! no... tres! uh... quatro???"
9: band/choir trip to HAWAII!
10: Tom Jones + the parachute panties
11: Timmy Allister the stripper + Catherine the flasher
::10 Close Friends::
1: Catherine
2: Louisa
3: Matt
4: Cor
5: Esther
6: David
7: Nina
8: Rob
9: Justin
10: Jason
::09 Things you're looking forward to::
1: end of the semester
2: macroecon (so I can turn in the extra credit + have like 110% in that class)
3: shoreline walk with the scholars
4: stoppiing this endless cycle (you dunno?)
5: new Descendents album
6: Catherine returning from Irvine
7: kidnapping Matt from Davis (oh yeah!)
8: moving out
9: Anti-Flag? (long shot, but let's hope...)
::08 Things you wear daily::
1: underwear (panties + bra... a must have)
2: contacts/glasses
3: shoes
4: t-shirt
5: necklaces
6: jeans
7: bracelets
8: socks
::07 Things That Annoy You::
1: my mom
2: Kelly Osbourne
3: people
4: humidity
5: mosquitoes
6: drivers who don't signal
7: Martha
::06 Things You Touch Everyday::
1: face
2: books
3: pencil
4: stereo
5: bed
6: toothbrush
::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
1: The Shawshank Redemption
2: Independence Day
3: Adventures in Babysitting
4: The Goonies
5: Mars Attacks!
::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::
1: Ninja turtle action figures
2: She-Ra + He-Man action figures
3: legos
4: Quints
::03 People You Have Kissed::
1: George. That was a mistake. I don't usually do the casual kissing deal. I was very disturbed when a girl in my class turned to the guy sitting behind her and said, "Hey, making out the other day was fun. We should do it again sometime."
::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::
1: Cheer by the Descendents
2: One of My Lies by Green Day
::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1: ehhh... Cor? I mean, she's my sanity, so I suppose I need her around.

1 bonus cup | will that be ALL?

:: 2003 25 October :: 5.48 pm
:: Music: take a guess

I will not give thanks for racism and genocide... If this is what it took to get me where I am, I'm not sure it's worth it... It's not fuckin' worth it...

No, that's not the new Anti-Flag. It's The Sidekicks... it's been stuck in my head since about two hours ago.

I'm bored. I should be tutoring but I'm not b/c it's Crystal's birthday. She invited me to her party, but I don't really want to spend the day fishing with a few 7th grade girls.

Would I cry my pants? Yeah, sure, why not? Oh wait. My sister just handed me the mail. A package for me? Yes! From Fat Wreck? Yes! With A-F CD, patch, + stickers? Yes! A-F CD with bonus track? Yes! Ok, I was gonna have a depressed entry, but that just made my day THAT much better. Yeah, time to go listen. Bye!

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 21 October :: 12.34 pm
:: Music: American Steel - Rotting

Buy a quart, pass it back and forth... rotting, rotting...
Well, then... I've been rather lazy with this journal thing.

DeAtHkNiGhT87: the thing i dont like abuot gel is it gives off a girly smell
DeAtHkNiGhT87: well at least i think its girly

I swear this has become the Matt archives. I'm just too lazy to write a real entry. I'm procrastinating again. There's 5-10 page essay due Friday about Sophocles' plays. At least I finished 2/3 of the stat hw due that day as well.

Somehow, I ended up in a group (for the stat project) that is just... guys. I walked up to Bryan and said, "Hey, do you guys have a group yet? Can I join?" and he replied, "Yeah, of course." I didn't even know their names b/c I don't talk. That was me trying to overcome my shyness. We'll ignore the fact that I knocked over his papers and dropped my cell phone, in the process of trying to exchange contact info. *sigh* So anyway, it was just me, Bryan, and Joel... and then this other guy joined yesterday. I don't know his name yet. I'm surrounded by guys. Darn, I feel like a groupie.

My mom's friend from Taiwan visited during the weekend. She was like (in Mandarin) "Every time I see you, you get prettier!" and I was thinking, "Either that, or your eyesight gets worse." but I smiled politely, shook my head, and greeted her with a shy, "A-yi, nin hao." She wants to fix me up with her nephew in Taiwan. I think he just wants a green card. What's with all my mom's friends trying to set me up with their relatives?

Oh... my aunt got me a cell phone. She's been threatening me with it for the past year, and she finally got sick of my whining, "You REALLY want me to get radiation sickness?" and shoved a cell phone in my hand last week. "USE IT!" So... I have a cell phone. And I'm paranoid. Swear I can feel them dang waves, even with the headset. The good thing... I can totally call anybody on the weekends and night (9-6). Yepsir. I went crazy and called Irvine, Davis, and San Diego all in the same day. I was about to call New York, and then I remembered the time difference. Darn! ;)

So... my other aunt found these pants on clearance, and told me to try 'em on. They were black dress pants, and way above my ankles (and I was wearing my black Chucks... flat shoes). THey rather looked like capris. "Uh, Auntie Marlene, I'm not petite... I'm waaay over five feet." So she comes running down the hall to see. "They're not petite pants! THey're normal and they were - oh, nuh-UH! GIRL, how LONG are your fuckin' legs?" Me: "Longer'n these pants, obviously." Aunt: "Don't be a smartass."

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 14 October :: 3.26 am
:: Music: Madcap - Bright Lights Big City

Rule of thumb when asking a girl out: Make sure she knows your name.

The guy in my accounting class attempted to ask me out again, and I realized I didn't know his name , nor do I think he knows mine. That's pathetic. I politely declined, seeing as how I don't have time anyway.

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 5 October :: 12.32 pm

Another boring day of work. I have two midterms tomorrow, and I do believe I'm screwed. I had this whole happy week last week b/c I got the highest score on my Stat midterm (98.5% - A+), and then one of the highest scores on the Macroecon midterm (90%, curves up to 98%)... and THEN... I got a C on my Accounting midterm. Kill me now. I'm such a loser. It's sad when grades can change my whole mood and outlook for a week, but oh, this is stressful. And irritating. I don't usually get C's! I'm an A/B+ kind of girl! *sigh* Oh, there goes my scholarship... =P

1 bonus cup | will that be ALL?

:: 2003 4 October :: 11.07 am
:: Music: The Enemies - Get Bent

So I receive The Gauntlet metal newsletter in my inbox... One of the headlines is, "OZZY OSBOURNE To Pen Broadway Musical" No way. It willl most likely suck dick. That's a heckuva way to start my morning. Hecka freaky, dude. Hecka. Heckuv. ;) California Bay Area speak, yo!

In other news, Cor just came in hollering, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" while trying to dance around. She's 22. She still looks like she's 15. Brace yourselves, this girl is scary. We have yet to find the bar in SF that plays Descendents.

Ugh, time to do some Corinna birthday prep. I haven't wrapped her presents yet. Should I? Or can I just stuff 'em in a PacSun box and say, "Here, this is for you. Love me, despite the contents of this box, for I am your little sister."? Ehh... this'll do...

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 30 September :: 12.27 pm
:: Music: Much the Same - Conclusion

My life is seriously screwy. Well, so is Catherine's, but I guess that's why we're best friends. Not only is it screwed up, but it's messed up in a comical way, so that I can either laugh at my situation or go into the depths of despair. And it really depends on how much I feel like laughing, only to find that either way, I still have to deal with all the problems. I should tell you... I've got baggage... I'm looking for baggage that goes with mine... And most of the time I bring it upon myself... as does Catherine, but hey, we're rather alike. We do stupid stuff by accident, pay up, no sweat - until it comes back to haunt us and we realize that we're still traumatized. Oh well, time for me to take a shower and greet the day. Then off to the grocery store to buy Cor the final part of her gift (I realized I'd forgotten this while going through the Jewish cookbook), matzo meal.

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 28 September :: 7.01 pm

Hell ends in less than an hour
Have you ever had one of those nightmares that just goes on and you want to scream b/c it's so repetitive that it needs to stop? *shrugs* Just wondering...

This anticipation thing is messed up. Oh yeah. Whenever things seem to go well and I'm waiting to see if it really does turn out ok, everything just goes down the drain. Bizarre.

I'm such a junkie. No, I don't do that crap. Just... ugh. =P

So... studied some Serial Joe lyrics. Is Ryan Dennis sexually frustrated? Well, that was debatable in previous albums, but here, I'll quote some lyrics from Save Me and you can decide for yourself.

Meet myself outside myself
Then I run and hide
Touch my hand I pull away
What I feel I just can't say
My body shakes and then shuts down
Pretend there's no one around

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 27 September :: 1.08 pm
:: Music: Fugazi - And the Same

So I spent the night working, then went to 7-11 and Jack in the Box for some food + drink. While there, we saw tons of hooligan kids wearing chains and carrying knives and things. They were throwing food and using profanity like pros. At any rate, we got out of there as fast as we could, because they were obnoxious, rude, and quite frankly, scary as their older counterparts.

Ok, so I listened to Fugazi, and you'd think that I'd be able to come up with something better than this, but hey, I wrote it in about 2 minutes, so what do you expect?

Never any of this same old, same old
You see yourself through a looking glass
And if I let you in to some skin
You'll never understand why I'm moving so fast
It's blurry and I need to hurry
So you'll never see the real me

Hold myself together in your body
These shards are stitched in with you
Because I can't deal with the way I feel
And there's nothing you can't do
It makes me hate the way you're complete
But you'll never see the real me

Throw me some crushed rose petals
They'll be rotting when I'm through
Stained brown and yellow like a bruise
To match all my angry bloody red hues

Shower me with your diamond tears
They glisten in the moonlight all right
I don't care if they're tears of fear
We'll both need to shed our fears tonight

There's no turning back now
That's what you always knew so well
Once you entered my realm of sparkling misery
It would be both heaven and hell
But you'll never understand how I'm a freak
So you'll never see the real me

There you have it - sappiness and weird crazy little notions. Now you know why I dress in black. Well, that and I have no sense of how to match, so colors and I don't mix well. What's wrong with green and purple polka dots?! =P

1 bonus cup | will that be ALL?

:: 2003 20 September :: 7.39 pm
:: Music: Flashlight Brown - Looking Away

Ugh, I hate guzheng. I hate it. It's like a Chinese harp. And it's boring. Since my dad's in China, they have an extra ticket to a guzhen concert and they're making me go, which means I have to cancel my plans for tonight. That's crap, man. I understand that it's $25 a ticket, but really, why can't they get someone else to go? "No, it's impolite to ask one of MY friends. You go take your father's place." GAHHHH! I'm going to smack something silly! Ugh, I guess I'd better call my friends and tell 'em that I can't go out with 'em. Sucks. Suckage. Blah.

1 bonus cup | will that be ALL?

:: 2003 18 September :: 5.12 pm

blah blah blah... yada yada yada... i'm on a journal updating spree. no capitals. a bit of grammar. hah. need a 7-11 slurpee. slightly manic at the moment. get over it. statistics hw is driving me crazy. ooh, time for me to go. ;)

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 14 September :: 2.10 pm

It's been a long day, breaking my back for pay... it's been a long day, working my life away... - American Steel

You know, last night I went to Hillsdale to visit Nina, who works at Express. Catherine actually ended up buying something there, which gave me a bit of a scare. Then we went to Zumiez b/c we had to check it out. They'd replaced Mr. Rags, which apparently went out of business, according to Mr. Cliche Punk Guy behind the counter. He reminded me of Benji from Good Charlotte, but a lot fatter. He kept chewing on his lip ring. I think I have a problem b/c I'm not very friendly. Catherine was talking animatedly, and he kept up a conversation with her, but I was just... there. *shrugs* Ugh. Sometimes I hate myself for the way I am, and I try to change, but it's so uncomfortable + awkward. You can tell that I'm not innately outgoing.

Right now, I decided that I can't stand any of the jobs that I work. It's not that I'm lazy; I just feel like the work is so monotonous and repetitive, and I'm not doing anything worthwhile, except making money. Of course, I'm meant to assume that everyone feels the same thing, so maybe it's ok? Ayah. Now that L-Sa is thinking of quitting, I'm not sure if I should stay here either. The other jobs, I can't really quit b/c I feel like I'm obligated to stay there, since it's a personal thing. Everyone knows me, but here, it's a bunch of strangers.

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 7 September :: 4.12 pm

Ohhh... I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick! I want to curl up in a ball and be miserable by myself, but I'm at work... 3 cups of coffee to prevent passing out has done a number on my stomach... I think I just OD'd on coffee. I despise coffee. I'm sick and I'm gonna BE sick. Hurl. Upchuck. Puke. Spew. Oh man. I swear I'm getting the shakes.

In happier news, Thursday is Moon Day! Whoop whoop! Have a moon cake! Gooood wintermelon mooncakes, not the way too sweet yellow bean ones... ;) Unfortunately, I have a Scholars meeting to attend that afternoon, so I might be late to the family dinner. No big deal, though. As long as I show up in time for moon cakes, it's ok.

Eh... accounting sucks. Hey, I just realized that I'll be a Junior in college (middle of Dec.) before I hit 19. That's awesome. Shoot. I have to pick a major. I totally shouldn't have taken those AP and college classes in high school. They are seriously screwing me over b/c I don't get to procrastinate anymore. I have to have a goal in life! Oh no! =P

will that be ALL?

:: 2003 30 August :: 11.57 pm

If we really do go on that road trip next summer, our song should be Chasing Broken Lines by Stunt Monkey. Yeah. I listened to that song about ten times today. Crazy. I love it. Recorded, mixed, and produced by Bill Stevenson and Jason Livermore at The Blasting Room in Ft. Collins, CO, which, coincidentally, will be one of the stops on our road trip. Whoop. ;)

will that be ALL? | Random Journal