Thank you for destroying me.


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Love me or leave me

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:: 2012 22 May :: 7.04pm

I remember the day he became my friend. For years I would see him at parties and he would call me Justin's sister. That night at the Sparta Beer Tent he spilled his beer down the front of my shirt and I said Bitch if you're going to spill your beer on me you'd best learn my name. Years of random hanging out and bdubs trips. Then I left Andy Clute and he became a person who I could call to cry to. A friend whom I could depend on for anything. A random Stony cruise (with me driving because he always scared the shit out of me behind the wheel). The only person who I would allow to fuck with my radio knowing that he would inevitabley turn to my across the universe soundtrack because it was the only thing we agreed on. I will miss you Andy. If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You will always be my favorite Andy.

3 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2012 27 February :: 7.08am

I'm sitting here on my bed.... wearing socks....

Open your eyes


:: 2012 20 February :: 10.44pm

My car is seriously pissing me off. I leave in a week for training and the minute I replace the starter the frigging alternator goes out wtf Patti I thought we were good.

Open your eyes


:: 2011 19 December :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: pissed off

If you bring my child to me one more time without a fucking coat i'm going to clobber you, its fucking winter time... its cold out, you're wearing a coat, why does he have to suffer!?

5 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 19 December :: 5.27pm

I can't handle being me anymore...

2 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 18 December :: 2.17am

dear back problems, please go far far away.

Open your eyes


:: 2011 26 August :: 4.05am

fuck you I quit.

3 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 14 July :: 2.40pm

More paperwork.

sprint is one of the top 500 "green" companys, i don't see how, let's say i have to order a phone for someone.

Step 1. I put their information into the computer along with phone issues, the computer automatically prints out 2 peices of paper (2) then the customer has to fill out a "data preservation form" (3) turns out i have to order a phone for the customer i get a shipping reciept (4) when the phone gets here it comes in a cardboard box with air filled plastic bag type things to take up space, then it comes in another smaller box filled with bubble wrap, then the phone and battery cover are wrapped seperatally. inside the box there is also a shipping log...

Open your eyes


:: 2011 14 June :: 5.48pm

fucked at work...

hey justin, congrats on selling a bunch of accessories, tripling the repair numbers, selling more insurance, and getting more tech refferals than i ever have and my fucking comission check is still the same amount it was last month.

what the hell do i have to do to get ahead!

2 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 13 June :: 10.18am

shit i'm not in the mood to deal with today

1. heather
2. aimee
3. Customers

4 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 11 June :: 11.20pm

I just wanted to share this here

Open your eyes


:: 2011 10 June :: 12.20pm

spud and kevin keep doing the 30 day song challenge, i'm going to do it to

Day 1 - my favorite song

1 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 7 June :: 10.48am

When a man lives dangerous, he is not afraid to DIE. When he is not afraid to DIE, he is strangely, free to LIVE...

Open your eyes


:: 2011 24 May :: 4.50pm
:: Mood: blank

Can't afford life anymore, fuck me.

3 find grace | Open your eyes


:: 2011 22 March :: 7.03pm

Still feels like my mother loves my ex more than she does me.

There are some parts of my life that i just hate so much.

I'm looking forward to the future though

2 find grace | Open your eyes | Random Journal