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User:kit_KAtt (user# 1667)
Location: Somewhereinnowhere, Michigan, United States
AOL IM:Sparkythetree
Bio:Hey it's HALREY! (Yes, that is the girl from Batman ^_^) I am outgoing, tend to be a bit crazy, and can only be obsessed with one man, God. I also have an interesting look about me that I call, "Christian Punk", interested? Give me a post and I will be happy to explain. :P Love you all very much!
Friends:(11) Brianna, glitterkisses, Iron-Cipher, jessa_lynne, jim9nin, Kandy, Lavitz1985, morning-view, Outsyder18, Shinigami, Stay_C
Friend Of:(6) Brianna, daleearnhardtjrishot, Iron-Cipher, kandy, outsyder18, Stay_C
Interests:(9) and country), anything that can challange my mind., creating, friends (or even strangers), God, Horseback riding, Motocross, music (Any type of Christian, writing
Created:2002-10-06 19:34:51
Last Update:04 08 2005
Journal Entries:129
Comments:Posted: 352 | Received: 327
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default