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- I Love You -

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:: 2004 15 June :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: depressed

my frend thiago died yesterday =[ omg u dunno..ive been goin thru like hell..i feel like itz all a joke..n that thiago is just gunna call me up n b like ha just kiddin..but itz real.on da newz.on sun sentenal =[ ..i found out last nite..i was sleepin..n ricki called me up at midnite..cryin hysterically..n she told me.n at first i didnt believe her..n den i broke down..n cudnt stop cryin..i was up till 3 in da morning cryin =/ sigh..omg n he was so0 cutee too..n such a great person...n all that i can da go0d times we've had..him dressin up as a bigg dork on nerd ok im gunna cry agen..den at n whit both knew him..so0 we were both like eh at work..wid red puffy eyes..he died in a car crash..him in this kid marco were drivin to orlando..n thiago was in da passanger seat..n i guess he fell asleep at da wheel..went over a median..n hit a 18 wheeler..n one of da tires..crushed da car..n it was a deep impact..sniff..oh mann..his funeral is on goin..i dunno how im guna deal..oh man

r.i.p thiago quintela o6.14.o4
only the best die young....
but why did u hav to be the best?

1 spanksz | Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 14 June :: 5.29 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: jadakiss - time is up

godd im so0 tirrrrred
work was fun..but im just tired..2day ivy was bak..so0 that was go0d..we made dirt ( pudding wid oreos n gummy worms..mmm..i had so0 much of it ) den i had shehu's group 2dai.jezz der so0 umm...oh yeahh..2daiiii is eric's birhtdayyy !!! he told me nah to get him a gift.but im goin to neway..n i was guna buy it this afternoon..but 2morro def will..i kno exactly wha im gettin umm..yawnnn im so0 tirred..so0n i gotta go to da gym..ugh...but i gotta..ive been eatin so0 much...aww i really love work..all these lil kids..just come up to me n hug me..n scream out my name if they see me..itz so0 cute..der all like.HI MISS MELISSA !! lol iight imma go rest..lataaaz x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 10 June :: 9.12 pm
:: Mood: relieved

well i was hiding in my ro0m from my dad..for a go0d..oh..2 hourz.or my mom came in my room shez like..are u guna be in here 4ever..he already knoz u got a D..n he still hadnt talken to me..then i got thirsty..n i was like hmm..ill go to da dad is prolly in his room.n i look..n hez rite in da kitchen..i was like dammmmn i was just doin shizz in my ro0m.n my dad came in.all serious..n im like :: puppy dogg look :: n hez like dun giv me that look..n hez like are u tryin to avoid me? n im i am..n im sorry.n hez likehow long were u plannin on stayin in ur ro0m for.n im like..all nite..or at least till wen u fell alseep..n den hez like..ok..well no more computer..yadda yadda..n im like even nOw ?!?!? n hez like no it wudnt make ne sense now..but wen skoo starts..ur guna hav to study harder..n wen i get home im guna check ur homework..n go over nething u dun understand.den u can go on da computer.n im like okie daddy ..n hez like..i still love u tho ( aww lol ) so0 whew thatz a load of my chest..i feel better

another note..i got bored in my ro0m..n i was lookin thru my fone..n i was like.i havent spoken to danny in a long ass im just gunna call his ass up..n i did..n ya kno..i really..cant stand changed alot..n no he wasnt mean to me or nething..but i just glad im over him.he really was a waist of my 2 years of high skoo..ugh..iight byeeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 10 June :: 6.17 pm
:: Mood: scared

i wunna runn awayy
report cards just came.n i did terriblee..i got a D in math..n my dad is a math freak..n he flipped out every time i got a C..n now itz a D..oh dead..n my gpa is so0 low..itz like a 2.2 or sumthing idk..sniff..he comez home in like 30 so0 scared.n of course omar getz go0d grades.n showz da parentals how good he did..n ah..i KNOW hez guna take away my computer..n mayb goin out rites..i dunno..ah..but he shudnt take it away now durin summer..take it away durin skoo time..wen i shud b studyin..ya kno.ah..i wuna guna go hide in my room now.n just pretend im sleepin..from now..till i go to work in da morning.sniff x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 9 June :: 4.45 pm
:: Mood: drained

god was it hott outside..
well work was okay wasnnnt by myself..justin's gf came in to help me..thank god..n it was so0 weird..cuz his gf tomie..shez a singer.n she was on vh1.n in moviez.n im like im sorrrrrry..i havent seen ne thing that ur she was so0 sweet.n wen shehu's group came in ( lol ) i was doin my thing..instructin da class..n afterewards..shehu is like..melisssssssa !! come here.n im like ( hehehe ) n im like yea? n hez like..was she on vh1.for this next diva show..n im like hez like dammmn i kneww i knew her from idk work was fun..had my break 2dai.so0 i floated around campus wid carda..den umm i had to do was so0 hott..den after pick up..i was waitin to get picked up..n waitin inside so0 shehu was talkin to me..n hez like yo im really sorry about my group..der really bad..i didnt mean to let dem make such a mess in ur class.n im like..yeah well..start whippin dem into so0 hott w/e i came home..so0 tirred..i had 3 messages from eric..hez like man were always missin eachother..we never get to talk nemore..hez like beeee online at nite time.ok..rite wen i get home from work we'll so0 cute.i <3 well immmma luv yaaaz

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 8 June :: 4.59 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: the roots - water

work has been fun...
so0 i started my 1st job on monday..itz really great..itz so0 much wid carda whit jean omar..n whole buncha ive met new ppl so0 itz all go0d..but 2morro..ivy ( da lady i work with ) shez nah guna b here 2morro thru friday..so0 im guna b ALL by kinda nervous..i duno if i can handle everything by myself..eekz..just wish me luck..but mike ( da boss ) sed if ne1 givez me trouble to just tell him.n plus he told all da counslerz already to help me out..so0 i think im go0d to yesterday i went to da gym wid eric n amir.i was suppose to giv em guest passes but dey didnt need em.so0 w/e lol..n den dey sed dey'd work out with me..but they played ball the whole entire time..den jenn was der..so0 i hung with her..den i spent like 2 hourz der.n dey were still ballin.so0 i was like..okaaaay u guyz lol im leavin..der like awww dun go..n im like we've beeen here it was go0d to see him..i missssed wuna hang out this fri..but i think van is havin this like "drinking party" on friday..n were all guna go under a tent n ok? lol but we all wuna hang b4 she leaves ..iight well im tired so0 imma go lie down den off to da gym agen..buh byez x0x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 6 June :: 9.21 pm

ok b4..i wrote a whole bunch of bull shit.but i deleted the entry...bout me bein pissed off at danny carda paladium..n how every1 is out havin fun.n nah me..n dat i havent spoken to eric in a long time..n i was just feeling like ghjuidsghuish..but i talked to dustin..i kinda grew up da balls to IM him..n we had a actual go0d that made me like just a tad bit happier..den..eric finallyyyy came bak from bein away..n i ur not a away? lol..n we started talkin..n sighh..he made me 4get about bein madd..made me wayy happy.. =] so0 im go0d im out peace x0o

1 spanksz | Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 4 June :: 10.03 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: TI - lets get away

well i jusz got bak from st andrewz.for a orientation for my job..jeez..i <3 my so0 ez..every1 else is guna b out in da hOtt da other hand..ill b in this nice cold classroom..with ivy ( omg shez so0 kooo ) n i get to meet all da counslerz everyday..n help lil kids make fun marshmellows with pretzil legs..with m&m eyes lol..n den we hav lunch..which sounds so0 bigg ass buffet tables with every fo0d u cud want..n for guna get so0 fat at da end of da i like my job..so0 gota wake up early 2morro n go for another meetin at da skoo..n were not suppose to use our cell fones at camp..but ivy is like..pleez gurl i dun give a shit wha u can do w/e u want..n i wont tell im guna byeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 4 June :: 10.43 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: coconut song <3

wow..i really really like him <3 sigh =]

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 2 June :: 9.06 pm
:: Mood: injured

im still in much painnnnnn...n is it normal that my whole finger is black..yeahh..itz fuken huge.swollen..cant move it still..n itz black....n fricken 2dai every1 was hittin it "by accident" a freaaaaak..if itz nah better by 2morro ill b at da just needs to heal by itself.n i need lotz of i start work on monday. ( as a cook ) im gunna be like scary movie 2..the guy wid the retarded hand..no1 is gunnnna want to eat my food..if they see my finger..they'll be like " shes like the cook !!?!?! :: spits out food :: " ITS MY STRONG FINGER !!!! lol..iight im out x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 1 June :: 9.35 pm
:: Mood: injured
:: Music: tok - gal you a lead

ok i was at da gym..worked out den i decided to play a game of bball..bad idea..i was makin lotz of pointz..den sum1 threw the ball at me REALLY hard..n it jammed my finger =[ it seriously feelz broken..i cant move it at all =[..n its all swollen...n pplz..THIS is da reason whyyyy i do not play sports =[

2 spanksz | Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 30 May :: 6.47 pm
:: Mood: thirsty
:: Music: mase - welcome back

jeeez why am i so0 thirsty
so0 lets weekend went sumthing like this

friday _ went to muvico wid moniquee..n omar n travis..we originally wanted to see the day after 2morro..but it was sold out till like 10:55 n we were guna catch that one..but i told monique's daddy id hav her home by 11..so0 next movie was shrek didnt mind watchin it umm..carda was suppose to go..but she cudnt come =[ ..den i saw emanuel..we were tryin to get him to buy me a water.but he sed his manager was rite umm..that was pretty much it.

saturday _ lets see..i woke up..n i wanted to go tanning..den i try to turn on my tv..n ( ahhhhhhhhh ) it doesnt turn on...the whole electricity in my house went out..u dunno was like hell..for a good 2 hourz.i was like walkin around my house.doin i finally decided to play da piano.den it started gettin i was like mom letz get out of da i went to take a shower..n u dunno how hard it take a shower..with no lites..especially wen ur bathroom has no windowz at all..so0 i had one little flashlite in der..still cudnt see shit..den i got ready..den we went to eat..den best buy..den a whole bunch of stores..n we had to leave to go to miami around was like 4:30 so were like ok lets go home now..den we get home..n pplz were werkin on da electricity..den we walk in our house..n it worked !! lol..den we went to miami..for my cuzins bday was funn..i swear i saw so0 manny hott guyz in my cuzin julios yb..jeeeeeeeezus..omg every page had so0 many finne men on it..omg..i wunna live in miami soo

sunday _ umm was fun.werent der for long home..kinda want to go to paladium..kinda dun..i wuna go to da moviez wid..<3 iight im guna go.cuz i think ive ritten buh byez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 28 May :: 12.39 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: freaks

FINALLY !!!!!!!!!
its summmmmmmmer timeeee babyy..ahaha man..this is a great feeling !! i just threw out nething havin to deal with this yr.. n i took my hardest exam ..geometry..n it actually wasnt hard at feelin like wayyyyyyy better 2daii..n i thank it all to eric..cuz he prayed for me last man 2dai in 5th hour.we were like havin s0 much was our last 5th hour 2getha =[ but we had a blast.i caught our retardedness on my video im out now byeeeeeeez xo

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 25 May :: 4.15 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: the roots - seed

2dai was ok..i didnt go to skoo in da i slept in =] den i went to my job..hehe..n gav em sum paperz n shizz..den we went to skoo around lunch time..n i was like i hope i dun see my 4th hour i get to skoo.n i didnt sign in..i just went to cinthiaz locker..den met up wid cinthia..den im walkin.n i hear MELISSA.n it was my teacher..n shez was like..where were u last im like i just got into knew i was gunna run into her..den went to 5th hour..where juan henry tommy alex were like amazed wid my new dey took pictures the whole hour..den i went to 6th hour n took my 6th hour was really im home..bored.hungry n tired.

aww kaila im really sorry to hear bout ur yaz..x0x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 23 May :: 10.22 am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: hoobastank- the reason

whyyy meee =[
im sick agennn..i always get eye has finally stopped twitching ( yayayayayay ) but now i have the worst sore throat in my life..i cant even talk..i have no voice..n it hurts to drink water =[ on da happier note..i dun gota go to miami now x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 22 May :: 4.31 pm
:: Mood: happy

dadddy bought meee a digital cameraaaaaa <33333 itz so hott..omg itz the koolest thing ever..i <3 my cost $700..yup i kno..itz my bday n xmas but i wanted it..itz really small..n can fit into my not that i hav pocketz in my itz so happy

on another note..guess who i get a call from 2daii...danny! i answered n hez like..hola..mi loveee !!! i misssed uu..i got my fone bakkk !!!!! lol i was like heyyyyyyy..i thot u hez like i thot u died..i told u to call my house..but u we were talkin for along time..hez guna come around my house sumtime this week to give me his senior thaz all folks peace out..oh yeah 2morro ill b in miami all day..ugh i dun wuna go..but mayb ill take pix of armando or x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 22 May :: 10.25 am
:: Mood: sleepy

fun nite
well yesterdayy..i went to da movies wid kaila cinthia her cuzin cindy raphella n sum of der frendz..n yea..i cant 4get eric n amir.n OMG we get der.n guess what we see... A DONKEYYY a real oneeeeeeee...omg i was like freakin it was so0 i saw andrea der n dannielly..was callin me..n i was like hmm why is she callin me..i dun hav ne math i picked up da fone.n shez like i seeeee that was funny..den me kaila eric n amir just chilled inside sittin n talkin..n i got to meet amirz sister..n cinthia n cindy n all of dem..i really hav no idea where dey went..for the whole damnit kaila no we had this big ol drama cuz amir n albert got da rong ticket..wen dey asked for shrek n got kill bill..n dey wudnt let em in da theater..idk.den we got into da moviez..n had to sit on the bottom..bottom..bottom..way bottom hav a neckache the movie is hilarioussss..so0 funny..n hehe i like eric..hez so0 cute..den kaila left.n every1 was leavin.n i was still waitin for my dad to come..n i was just wid eric n dem..so0 wen my daddy came.dey walked me to my car..n were like talkin to my dad..n wen dey left i was like dad..isnt that weird..i came here..n der like the 1st pplz i if this entry makes sense cuz im kinda still im talkin to eric rite now =] our next plans are to go play pool..iight im out.i need to eat..n hey my eye is twitchin like very less 2daii =D

1 spanksz | Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 17 May :: 4.06 pm
:: Mood: exhausted

i went to captiva of fort myers was fun.left around 5 in da mornin.didnt come home till 11'ish..but it was fun.so0 aunt in NY was visiting der..n dey rented this HUGE ass house ( 4 stories ) for just da it was kooo..n it was like rite infront of da beach..n it felt like we were in a tropical everything was so0 lil restuarantz.n shizz..n i got sum beach jewelry ( i wore it 2dai..i was a surfer ) it was alot of fun

2daii _ it was an ok day..i was like so0 damn tired really really nervous..carda told me sumthing..n lets just afriad to be online this cud all turn out to be a really really go0d thing ( if im lucky )..i cant wait till this weekend is already moviez wid alex see shrek 2..den sat. HOPEFULLY pro am :: crosses fingerz :: if nah den im goin out wid carda n <33 hehe..den sunday is my cuzin christinaz baby shower..well immma go byeeeez x0o

1 spanksz | Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 15 May :: 1.56 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: missy - take away

herez a survey thingy..i was borrrrred
Name: melissa eva arguello
Birthdate: july 15th
Birthplace: coral springs fl
Current location: boca raton fl
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: dark dark brown
Height: 5'1 or 5'2 idk
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: cancer

Your heritage: cuban y ecuadorian
Your weakness: food
Your shoes you wore today: my black china slippers
Your fears: bugss..n death
Your perfect pizza: o0 brooklyn style bigg..extra cheese..n
Goal you'd like to achieve: doin better in skoo

Your thoughts first waking up: ughh..why am i up so0 early
Your best physical feature: ma hair? lol
Your bedtime: skoo nites - 10ish ..weekends - doesnt matter
Your most missed memory: the go0d ol days..super nintendo..2xl =[

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee

Smoke: i did once =x
Cuss: all da time lol
Sing: in the da car..wen my fav song is on..just all the
Take showers daily: yeahh
Have a crush: yesss <33
Think you've been in love: yeshh
Want to go college: yep
Want to get married: yeshhh
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: only wen im in da car wid mi abuela
Think you're attractive: im one sexiii bitchhhh lol
Think you're a health freak: hahaha nooo
Get along with your parents: sumtimes
Like thunderstorms: only wen im home
Play an instrument: yesh the piano

Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall: yes - went yesterday
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nopee
Eaten sushi: nopee
Been on stage: umm..nope
Gone skating: nope
Made homemade cookies: nope
Gone skinny dipping: nopee
Dyed your hair: nopeeee
Stolen anything: prolly - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: ya
Got beaten up: um no..mayb by my brother

Age you hoped to be married: 20 - 24
Number and name of children: 2 - mia and alex
Dream wedding: i dont care as long its the person i want to be with all my life
How do you want to die: in my sleep
Where do you want to attend college: i dont know..
Dream job: blah
Country you want to visit: europe

Layer.nine - In a guy/>>girl<<...
Best eye color: brown..dark brown.or green
Best hair color: brown or black
Short or long hair: short
Height: taller than me
Best weight: in shape
Best clothing: whatever he lookz good in
Best first date location: movies or in his room ;]
Best first kiss location: room lol

Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
Number of CDs that I own: a l o t
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: none i want one tho
Number of scars on my body:like 2
Number of things in my past that I regret.: many things

another wun =)

1. Kissed your cousin: on da cheek
2. Ran away: no
3. Broken someone's heart: idk
4. Cried when someone died: yess
5. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yesssh =[
6. Broken a bone: nopee
7. Drank alcohol: yea
8. Cried in school: yea

10.COKE or PEPSI: Coke
11.SPRITE or 7UP: o0 hard one...7up
12.GIRLS or GUYS: guys
13.FLOWERS or CANDY: flowers..n candy..both lol
15.QUIET or LOUD: depends
16.BLONDES or BRUNETTES: brunettes
17.BITCHY or SLUTTY: bitchy
18.TALL or SHORT: tall
19.PANTS or SHORTS: pants

20.What do you notice first? eyes..body
21.Last person you slow-danced with: sum guy at homecomming
22.Worst question to ask: i cant think of one

26.Your good luck charm: my cross
27.Person you hate most: umm
28.The best thing that has happened to you today: talked to my crush <33 AND had burgeking <3333

29.Color: red
30.Movie: zooooooolander
31.Book/Manga: eh
32.Subject in school: lunch
33.Juice: fruit punch
34.Cars: i want a civic
35.Ice cream: cookie dough
36.Holiday: years..n my bday
37.Season: summer and winter
38.Breakfast food: french toast..cuban bread n cuban cofee
39.Place to go with your boo : his room

40.Makes you laugh the most? danny van ricki
41.Makes you smile? does he make me smile =D
42.Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? danny
43.Has a crush on you? idk
44.Who do you have a crush on : danny..n another person
45.Can make you feel better no matter what? danny..dustin ( wen hez nice to me )
46.Has it easier, GIRLS or GUYS: guys

47.Sit waiting for a phone call all night? yeaa
48.Save IM conversations? sumtimes
49.Save e-mails? sometimes
50.Wish you were someone else? sometimes
52.Cry because of someone's mean words? yea sumtimes

55.Fallen for your best friend? no
56.Have u ever been rejected? yea =[
58.Used someone? umm..idk
59.Been used? prolly
60.Cheated on someone? nope
61.Been cheated on? i duno hope not
62.Done something you regret? yea

63.You touched? my fasha
64.You talked to? eric
66.You instant messaged? eric n amir
68.You yelled at? amir
69.You laughed with? eric n amir
70.Who broke your heart? dustin
71.Who healed your broken heart? my frendz <3

Last Thing You:-
01: Bought: umm..this n white tanktop.wid JLo jeans
02: Talked to: eric
03: Ate and drank: the new spicy tender crisp chicken sandwich at burger king..wid a sprite n fries
04: Read: of mice n men
05: Watched on TV: music videos

Pick One:-
01: Club or houseboat: club
02: Tea or coffee: coffee
03: High achiever or slacker: in the middle
05: Drinks or shots: both
06: Cats or dogs: dogs
07: Single or taken: single
08: Pen or pencil: pen
09: Gloves or mittens: gloves
10: Food or candy: food
11: Cassette or cd: CD
12: Coke or pepsi: coke
13: Hard or mild alcohol: mild
14: Matches or a lighter: lighter
15: Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: sunset beach? i duno..
16: Ricki lake or oprah winfrey: oprah

Who Would You Like To:-
01: Kill: no1
02: Shag: dannnnny
03: Slap: youuu
05: Get really wasted with: danny
06: Tickle: alex..he is SO tickleish
07: Look like: sum1 pretty
08: Be like: me
09: Avoid: lots of people

01: Food: pizza.burger.chicken..nething mmm
02: Drink: root beer
03: Color: red
04: Album as of right now: dunnooo
05: Shoes: sneakerrz
06: Site: bolt
07: Dance: merengue
11: Berry: strawberrys =)

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 14 May :: 7.31 pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: slow motion

im freakin starvin like marvinnn really momma has neglected to feed me..well 2daii was a funn day..i woke up late =) den me n my mommy went to da mall..i got a coffee thingy =) den umm went to walmart in see my daddy..den we picked up kailannie..den came bak to mi casa..we had funnn..lookin at eachotherz yb's..den watchin da it sukz im nah in it..grr..den we just talked n hung out..den i was eatin a sugar daddy..dammmn thatz a freakin hard ass candy to eat..1st i thot i was guna choke.den it was stuck on da roof of my mouth..n wudnt get i looked like a freakin retardd eatin that umm we signed eachothers yb's <333 was a funnn dayy =] den so0 hungryyy..n my eye is STILL twitchin..=[ it wont stop imma go.i think im guna go get sum taco bell..think outside the bun..byeeeeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 13 May :: 4.36 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: britney spears-everytime

go0d times
2day was funn. i was like eh.i dun wuna go to 6th or 7th ill ask my mommmy to pick me up i called her n she sed she'd wud.den ricki wanted to go home to0..so0 she called her mama..called in for a blue pass.so0 wen my momma came for me.we took rickii we went to home depot..n we felt so0o0 koooo..we were bein bad assez..n skippin 2getha..hahaha..den..we decided to get sum hotdoggies n icecreamm..mmm..den came home..n just was fun..makin fun of sum moviesz...but she jusz left.cuz her mommy wanted her home..well saturday im guna hav another ricki-full daii =] ..omg shrek 2 is commmmin so0n..i cannnot ricki fonte n cindy are guna go seee it 2gethaaa..we'll push all da little kids in see this movie alex is in da movie.. ( the donkey ) lolol..woo..go0d i cannt wait..ahahha..well im out prolly guna go to da gym 2nite..derz a paladium 2nite.i think..but ill b to0 tirred to go..but on da 30th derz def goin to that one..peace jigggga im out `1

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 12 May :: 3.41 pm
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music: cat in da hat movie

dont you hate wen your eye starts to twitch eye has been twitchin all day..i hatee day was ok..i did my presentation for bio..i suked so0 badd.. =[ umm in pysch chris was in my class agenn....umm o0 =[ durin lunch me n cinthia went to suite a for sumthing..n i saw chris n jon.n chris was leavin now.2dayz my last day..sniff sniff..i literally gav him a 2 minute long hug..i wanted to gunaa misss him so0o0o0o0 much..i told him to call me..he i really really am guna miss him =/ now all my seniorz are gone.i hav no1 to say hi to..no1 to wait for after lunch =/ well..wut u guna do..5th was fun ( like always ) den umm rest of my day was eh..umm..fuken omar got the fuken job at saint andrewz.n i didnt..dey picked him.cuz dey wanted more guyz..n now hez fuken rubbin it in my face.ass..n u kno whoz bein an ass..amir..he was bein such a dick to me..w/e i idk wut..byez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 11 May :: 3.47 pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: kanye west - jesus walks

i hav a headache
well 2daii was an ok day...umm 1st- we didnt do much.2nd- i just talked da whole hour.den on my way to 3rd..i found danny.gav him my yb for him to sign..den in 3rd.chris was in my classs..denn umm..4th.oh yeah i was like feelin eh'ish.so0 i just put my head down for da hour..den lunch..was funn..der was guna b a fite.wid alex danny n deez kids.really rest of the day was okay...ok now its time for my inner kno0o0 danny is really.really REALLY rong for me..n hez a man whore.n all that crap..but really he is the only guy that im actually happy to see..n the only guy that i cant stop smiling wen im around..i think bak on all da guyz i hav liked..n none of dem hav made me feel the way danny does..n yes hez a man whore.n prolly not a go0d bf..i just wish he wasnt like that..he'd b perfect..but im nah guna hold a grudge n b all pissy n madd at danny.wen he didnt do really nething to just madd at me.so0 i take it out on him..but i dun wuna take away.the one thing that actually makes me really happy..so0 even if nutten happenz..i just want him as my frend..so0 i can still b all happy n feelin great with him..n now hez gone..out of skoo.n i wont see him at skoo..but hopefully we'll w/e that was on my mind 2daii..iight i g2g do hw n shizz..iight byeeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 10 May :: 3.47 pm
:: Mood: happy / sad
:: Music: celia cruz

seniors last day =(
well 2daii was a really go0d da mornin..i woke up my mom tried drivin me to da bus stop.n saw that da bus was she tried crashin into da bus to make it 1st hr did nutten really.2nd- worked on jewelry.3rd- nutten really..4th..nuttenn..den lunch..i was wid carda..cuz cinthia had to do idk wut..so0 i found chris..he signed my yb..n hez like i hav to be here i was like yayayay..lolden i found fabian..n hez gunna b here 2morro..really.all my seniorz are like on thrusday is der last last day..den ill b like i dunno things wid me n danny are str8 agen..i found him ( hez stayin till thrusday to0..dumbass ) n i just ran up to him n gav him da longest hug..n 2morro hez guna sign my yb..n make it real long n meaningful ( or so he sez ) n i was just wid him in lunch cuz idk where carda went..n we were just talkin shizz out..but we koo 5th hour..woo was i on a hyper hehehe n alex is goin to west boca now..yayay..n hez gettin his car over the summer..a blue honda civic..but itz only guna hav 2 seatz..n im like..and that extra mine right..hez like..yea of itz alwayz fun wid ricki in that am is commin up so0n..i cannnnnnt waitttt !!! ah...den 7th was gay im home..eatin a ham n salami sandwich..n im about to go do hw.. =[ iight lataz x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 9 May :: 7.17 pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: usher - u got i bad

the weekend
my weekend was funn...friday - omarz was alot of funnn..he was kind of surprised..den my whoel family came over.den every1 that was playin bball in da ho0d came over..so0 der was alot of pplz over..den we all played spoons..we were all goin wen every1 was just us..n mindy n dem.n i swear..i havent laughed so0 hard in such a long time..i was in tearz..omg..der so0 freakkkinn funny..den saturday..went to sawgrass..didnt buy nething..just went for omar..he bought like 2 hatz...den me omar eric were guna go to da moviez for pretamz bday..but i dunno..planz fell thru..n didnt go..i kinda wanted to see van helsing..even tho i heard it sucked..den sunday ( 2dai ) just cleaned hw..itz mothers day..so0n were gunnna go to cracker barrel ( <3333 ) n have dinner..but now im so0o0 borrrrrred..ight well ima go byeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 7 May :: 3.42 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: mariah carey - make it thru da rain

chicago..your out of there
wazza loserz..n2m starvin like marvin tho..hmm lets see..yesterday was a fun day..natalia monique n jessica came over..looked at yb's ..had pizza..den me n jess had a lil study we mostly just talked thru all of itz omarz bday..hez da big 1-7..n 2nite were havin a surprise party for him..hehe..well my day was okay..umm in da morning i looked everywhere for a flower..found one..1st hr..disected that flower..den aww i love my teacher..she gav us all candyz..n go0d onez hour..just talked..3rd.took a test..4th.had a sub.did nutten..just signed yb's n shizz..lunch..aww im really really guna miss my seniorz..last day is guna cryy..5th..rickii wasnt in sk0o so i was so0 borrred..n i just did hw in dat class..6th- did a lil group was me ashely n was fun..den 7th.took a calculator helped me alot..but fuker man..last minute of class..every1 is packin up..diz kid that test was hard.n im like yea..n fuken einhorn goes..melissa 10 points off ur test..omg..n i prolly..if i was lucky got a 70 on dat test.n that wud of helped my grade..but now wid that 10 points off..itz guna b a 60..wut a fukerr..ughidlgjlsfsfsj that made me so0 maddddd..well imma go..n eat a lil sumthin sumthin..byeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 4 May :: 4.03 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: choochie song

o0 lawd..what is i gon' do..o0o0 lawd what is i gon do..if i stop.deez crackaz gon' kill me.o0 lawd..n if i gon hav me an accident.o0 lawd..:: accident happens :: nigga dont you see that stop sign...i dun kno what u talkin' bout..nigga dun u see that stop sign? o0 u mean that octagon shape? nigga who taught u octagon..wo0 lmao..

this is a daily me n ricki conversation.were just to0 day was iight.1st hr i just ate my crossant n colored in the notebook..2nd - more coloring n just chit chatting..3rd..pascarella is backkk...n we just to0k notes.4th- i did my presentation..i messed oh well..lunch- seniorz got der yb's 2dai..n were gettin ourz 2morro..hopefully..5th- wo0 high so0 much fun in der..6th - it was bareable 2dai..7th - it was alright..but i got sworn into the V club !!!! afterwards..i flicked off alex.n told him i hated him.. =] hez bein an ass n he deserves it..same wid danny..what an ass..god..well w/e i do not a care..iight im ghost 1

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 2 May :: 7.00 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: dru hill - beauty

funn weekend
friday _ went to da mall wid natalia..n met up wid ricki n jenny..i bought a new outfit..sum JLo jeans wid this cute black n white tanktop.

saturday _ busy day..woke up..i str8en'd my hair..picked up monique..chilled around da casa..played the '64..den i called ricki..n jenny was guna lend me sum of her many shoes n koolio hatz..but we didnt hav to pick dem up..so0 me mo n da fam went to my aunts house..den my mom n abuela went to da hospital..n we stay'd at mindyz house..hangin wid da cuzins..n we watched gothica..that was w/e den we left to go to catalyst..omgg it was so0 muchhhh i get der..n first person i see is chris..i was like =D he was like whoa what are u doinn he was wid all his sexii sexii frenz..i was like david x2 n anthoney..n den we all went in..n so0 becommin a breaker..itz so0 hott..den jenny didnt bring the shoes..but brought da hat..hehe it was a black n white trucker hat..n it has stewie from family guy on looked so0 cute on..n god the guys der..wowow..n da breakerz n beat boxers were so0 great ahh..i wuna go next saturday agen..den we left around 12..n dropped dem off..n mo slept over..n we watched the chris rock thingy till 2 in da morning

sunday _ woke up latee..den we decided to go to da pool or beach.so0 we got readii..n we were on our way..but den mo's mom called n sed she was stranded in lake worth.so0 we went to lake worth to find her..n she didnt hav a cell or car..so0 it was so0 hard..n she sed she'd b in this one plaza..but we cudnt find her.we spent 2 hourz lookin for her..n den we decided to go to her house..n she was we had to drive her places..den i got home..did all my hw..n laundry..n im like pooped out..n momo has to sleep over here agen..well thatz that..imma bounce..n freakin amir is bein an ass to0 me.. =[ lol byeeeeeeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 30 April :: 5.55 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: enrique iglesias - hero

well 2dai was such an eh day..from last nite..of me cryin all day..n cried my ass to sleep..i woke up this morning with such puffy eyes..n den skoo..every seez that sumthings wrong..n of course every1's like omgggg whaz rongg...n idk for me..wen sumthing is rong..n sum1 askz me whaz makes me wuna cry even more..i cudnt even talk today..cuz every wrd i wud say..i wanted to bust out cryin.. =/ but if i wasnt so0 eh..2dai was a fun morning we had a pep was ass went up der..n did the tug of war..we wOn.. =) it was alot of funn..den 1st hour..umm just took notes but me..i was just sleepin..n like almost cryin..2nd hour completed my hemp necklace.itz really like..den goin to 3rd..i see danny..n my eyes look like dey've been cryin..nah red tho.idk..n den i see him..n i go to him.n im like hi..n hez like..whaz rong..u look like u were cryin..n im like i... n he interupts me..n was like GRAD NITE IS 2NITEEEE WOOOOOOOO n im like..uh..ok..n i was like ok i was cryin..n den hez like omg u sorry..wha happened..n im w/e 4get it..u dun really care about bye..n walked away..n he like ran after me n hez like.melissa i do care about uu..n im like ok..n hez tell me whaz rong..n im itz ok..hav fun at grad nite..n hez like melissa wenever i pay my bill for my fone..ima call u..n were guna hav a lil talk..n im like that was that..den 3rd..we had a nother sub..so0 we just watched moviez..n den i was cryin a lil..bleh..den 4th..i felt better..n we were doin this projecto..den ricki n cinthia..just chilled ate.w/e..den 5th..took gay notes..6th..watched a movie.n lmao..the other day in dat class markeyes sed man that boy is a pimp..he b slappin dem n mrs petkus heard.so0 2dai markeyes had to write every gurl in da class an apology note..sayin he was sorry he disrespected women like that..oh it was 7th..nadaz this time i was like way better..bein my regular weird was like.damn hollywood is missin out on this gurl..n im like lol why? n shez like cuz dammn ur so0 funny..n ur alwayz makin sound was like yeah well y0uuu den bus was actually n alex were was fun..oh n i think fonte has a lil gf now..but i really dun care..n dat fuken ass..hez guna stay in SR next year..that bitch was suppose to b my ride for next den lata on 2dai..ima go to da mall wid nati..n meet up wid ricki n jenny...i cant wait till 2morrrrro..ill write about that prolly on byeeeeez x0o

Leave Some Lovin'

:: 2004 29 April :: 4.17 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: isley brothers - contagious

i fuken hate my mother..she is such a bitchhh..she fuken thinks i dun miss my dad..just b/c i dun tell her i she goes n callz my dad..tellin him..yeah i miss u..omar missez u to0..but meli..she doesnt miss u at wtf..ok..just cuz i dun go aorund da house sayin..awww i missss dadddy..wen is he commin nah da one to express nething to my family..i like to keep to myself.but den my mother has to go put words in my fuken mouth that is not even tru..n den da other day.i didnt pick up da fone..n i didnt kno it was my dad..n im on da computer..fixin sumthing on my fone..omarz in da kitchen..n so0 is my mom..n none of dem wuna pick up da fone..n den my mom goes." meli you are such a fucking bitch i cant believe you wudnt answer the fone to ur father " itz like wtffffff i was busy.. ur ass was just sittin to da fone mind is goin fuken crazi over this crap..n der all fukin pissin me off

on a lighter day at skoo was okay..chris looked so0 frickenn cuteeeeee 2daii..i was just lookin at wow..n jon is cant wait till this wid da breakers..ricki is guna lend me one of her trucker hats..so0 ill fit i get to meet..umm whats his face..whos really ima head out like a fetus HA ! lol x0o

Leave Some Lovin' | Random Journal