*-|If there ever comes a day, When we can't be together, Keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.|-*
*-|If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you.|-*
*-|We will be friends until forever, just you wait and see.|-*
- Winnie the Pooh
Goals are very important to have in one's life. Goals centralize the mind on reaching a destination that is wanted. All hopes and dreams are driven by the desire to accomplish them, so one could argue that life is an ambition -- a dream -- a hope -- some sort of strange goal -- and that life only goes on because of the wanting to go somewhere -- and anywhere. This could also mean that birth symbolizes the creation of a dream and that death symbolizes the completion and accomplishment of life. If life is a dream, then all we aspire in will come true if we believe enough.


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:: 2005 11 November :: 10.06pm
:: Music: Sad shit cheers me up..

Fuck you if you dont like hearing me complain cause I'm gonna do it.

Everything sucks..(I sound emo now..fuck it). I am sad and its all coming out as anger and I can't help it.

I see a physcologist again..for my family again. What else??!
I'm getting a C or lower in 5 out of 7 of my classes and I don't feel like at this point I'll ever do any better. People around me are hurting and its affecting me. I can't help that either. I'm like a sponge or something..no a train. Welcome aboard Marilyn's train of fucked-upness. I hope you enjoy your ride. Don't forget to bring all your baggage and dump it on her. I'm not complaining about listening to other people's problems because I love to be there for people if they need it but I just feel so worn down sometimes. I need a hug.

Nothing is going well..my parents are still alcoholics..my grades as you know are in the fucking toilet and I'm getting flack for that. I feel helpless. Nothing I do will make anything any better so why try?! I'll tell you why--I'm a fucked up dumbass. Thats why. I hate it. You might say "Well why are you doing so bad in school. Just study more". I try that. I try to study. I really really do! Everytime I do I get distracted. In the afternoons when I get home from school I want to relax and enjoy my time alone before my parents get home and start their drinking. THen I go to my refuge- the computer because Itunes is on it. I turn it up loud enough for me not to hear the ice going into the glass and try to study but I always hear it! I always fucking hear it. Then I go on AIM to distract myself. It helps. So my homework is forgotten about and my studying is put in the back of my brain. Damn it. I want to succeed because thats my ticket out of this horrible place but its so hard to do well. You may wonder why it wasnt like this last year..I wondered that myself until I figured out that last year I didn't need to study. I could absorb enough during class to get decent grades. THis year I can't and studying doesnt come easy so what do I do? I need more discipline I suppose.

Anyway. things this year are just worse. Hopefully 2006 will be good. I doubt it.

I was thinking..I hope I die young. I think dieing when I'm 45 will be good. Or younger.. No older than 50 though. I dont want to see everyone else around me die and I don't wanna stay on Earth because things suck.. If I'm not married or if I dont have any kids I would like to die when I'm 35. I dont want to look all terrible in the casket.
I'm getting really tired but I dont think I'll be able to sleep a lot tonight. I guess I'll be going then.

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:: 2005 10 November :: 5.29pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Professional Pirate - Muppets

Things Don't Change in Never never Land
I'm tired of it. I really am. And my parents say maybe I shouldn't be angry with her. Yes, I have the right to be angry with her because she's just conviced herself that she can't do anything alone. She has convinced herself that she's going to stay miserable in her wheelchair and that she's going to die that way. My dad, aunt, and uncle went to dinner to talk to her about what they were thinking of doing. Larry, my uncle, is moving back in with his wife in a little while, so he has to leave Mema alone.
They went there to discuss who would stay in and help her by living there. I was under the impression they were going to ask her about trying to give a damn. But no, not really. It was mentioned, and she shrugged it off completely. So now my aunt, her husband, and her two little kids are thinking of moving in for her.
1) Selling thir beautiful house to go and live with Mema
2) these are toddlers we're talking about. That means noise.
It's a stupid idea. My mom had lunch with her the next day and asked how she felt with the confrontation. Mema thought something was wrong when they first all decided to come over for dinner. When Larry told her he was deciding to move back with Ceal, Mema didn't know. The thing was, Larry had also told her she would be the first to know if he decided to move back with Ceal. Dude if I was my grandma I'd feel pretty crappy about that too.
But Mom was talking to her about some of that stuff, about trying to help her and excercise and things like that. She said to Mema: "So Win, I know you're not into the exercise thing and don't like it, etc,"
"Nope. Hate it. Don't wanna do it," came the reply from her.
I don't get it. If her doctors tell her she can do physical therapy and get help, why doesnt she do physical therapy? Everyone tells her that she should do physical therapy. Mom says that it could also be that she might have had some more minor strokes and that may be why she doesnt want to try to walk, so maybe I shouldnt be frustrated with her. But she doesn't have to try walking. She could lift her legs or do some other kind of exercise. Mom said Mema said, "I'll just keep thinkin I'm gonna die like this," or something like that. No, damnit! You don't think that way! you just don't! People shouldn't give up like that! It's ridiculous and stupid, and she has a good life! It's like commiting suicide, and to be honest, I see suicide as a generally cowardly thing to do, especially if it's because of sadness even though they have a good life. But there's the saying "this too shall pass" and to be cliche - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It's also selfish. I relieve their own pain, the person creates pain for everyone else around them. If there is no hope, like you're being tortured by terrorists or the world is ending and there's no way out, then it's understandable, but not if your life is actually good.
We were staying over at her house one time and she fell as she was getting up to get in her wheelchair and go to the bathroom. It was a slow fall and not like she hit herself on anything. She had the wheelchiar and bed to hang onto. But I went in to try to help her get up and told her to get her feet set so that she could push up and help herself and I get her to stand again, but she wouldn't. She hardly made the effort. I kept repeating it to her, and she still hardly did anything. If a person can't stand up themselves, it's understandable, but i really don't understand how she couldn't steady her feet to give me a hand. I almost started crying right there as I was trying to help her up.
People have told me a have a great life, and I do, and I'm extremely extremely happy for that. But I don't want it to change. How it is now is fine. I don't want to grow up, I don't feel like getting my drivers license, I don't feel the need for another boyfriend, I don't want to go off to college. I'm not ready to do it. I don't want to lose my grandma and eventually my mommy and daddy. It's time like these when I realize how hard some of those past pains hit me. In general, I can adapt, but it still hurt at the time. I've been lucky and haven't had to go through a lot of the things other people have, and I am thankful for the things that I have gone through because it does give me more of a feel for life than some other people have had, and I love the fact that I am able to accept the things and learn from them, but I'm not ready for it to happen again.
There are these cards that I have. They're kind of like tarot cards, but not. I was flipping through them and looking at all the art on the cards, and the painting of the one labeled Death really scared me. I didn't like looking at it, so I would turn it over when I wanted to lay the cards out. The picture wasn't even really that frightening. Normally I might think something like that looked cool, but it actually really bothered me, and I didnt understand why until I thought about it later. Weird how your mind works that way.
Mom knows that I get upset about the whole Mema thing, and she says maybe I should talk to her about it or something. But I know if I do that it will just make her feel bad and make her frustrated with me. When she doesnt like something, she hates talking about it, so she would get irritated with me if I tried. And then if I started crying I would feel even worse about it, but I dont think I could talk to her without it.
But i dont want her to die because she gave up on moving and trying to help herself. She's on blood thinners now to see if it will help with the whole stroke problem, but if she falls or cuts herself, she'll bruise really easily or have trouble stopping the bleeding. On one hand it would be bad if she walked now because of the bruising and stuff if she fell, but if she exercised her leg muscles and then practiced walking, she'd fall even less and be able to prevent that. If she falls now she cant even get up to help herself.
I just wished she wasn't so miserable all the time. She's not visibly miserable - it's one of those things you have to watch for in little things. I love seeing her happy, but it makes me sad sometimes too thinking that while she may look happy on the outside she still suffers from something that pains her. She went to visit my dad's cousin, patrick, in the rehab center after he had a bad stroke that made his left side so weak it was difficult for him to even move his arm. He also had to have a hip replacement at the same time. He was taking therapy at the center. Mema used to have therapy there too, and when she came in a wheelchair she saw one of the nice guys who took therapy with her, but he was still there taking therapy. He saw her and talked, and one of the things he said to her was, "Next time I see you, I don't wanna see you in that wheelchair." Then we went and visited Pat, who was doing okay. We left and she hasn't done anything to help herself out of the wheelchair. Patrick's walking now.
The more things progress downhill with her, the more I hate it. I'm fine with things staying the same for a while, or being the way she used to be, when she used to take us to Barnes and Noble to buy a book every time we came to visit her, but I don't like the way this is going, and I don't want it to happen. But I guess you can't have everything you want, right?

"But I guess it's all the work of the ticking crocodile. Time is.. chasing after all of us, isn't it?"

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:: 2005 30 October :: 4.58pm

YO dudes..haven't written in here in a while and i'm avoiding some history homework right now so i thought now would be a good time to update this thing..

Its 5:00 right now and my father just opened his alcohol. yay. he'll be drunk by 8. so will my mom
speaking of my mom. its possible she might move out this week or next week because apparently she is really pissed off about some shit. i dont even know what. supposedly its not my fault entirely but my "attitude doesn't help" blah blah. i dont care if she leaves. honestly, it might be nicer. nicer because i wont have to deal with all her crap and shit about not being loved. maybe if she left it would be possible for me and my sister to have a relationship even if the relationship between me and my mother suffers. hmm.things to think about. lots of things.

ooh my sister is a slut. truly she is. she slept with some guy and then called us at 7:30 in the morning on sat. and said 'i got raped" no..she didnt get raped. she got scared and called it rape so that we would feel bad. so my mom went up to see her and then she told my mom "i wasnt raped i got too drunk and i had a one night stand" obviously those werent her exact words but that sums it up. so luckily we know for sure she isnt pregnant but she still could have numerous std's including aids. my sister is a dumbass. yesterday i called her cause i was mad at her and shes like "marilyn, it was only the 3rd time" so how many people actually have this happen even 1ce?? If it does happen once they usually learn their lesson..."gee, maybe i shouldnt go out drinking with a bunch of strange people i dont really know. or better still- maybe i shouldnt drink at all." of all people..shes the ugliest of my sisters..ask anyone and they'll tell you. i guess stupid ass guys in small towns will have sex with just about anything as long as its female. i sorta hopes she has a disease..not aids but mayube herpes because that would teach her.

anyway, i'd better go.

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:: 2005 2 October :: 4.28pm

Ok so this would be a reply to Jessica's wonderful comment but I dunno how long I'll decide to complain so here it goes:

The giants are assholes and theyre beating up on poor Snow again. They are reportedly seeking a lefthanded first baseman for next season.. THey are dumbasses though because Snow is a fucking lefthanded first fucking baseman! Just cause they designed a fucking ball park that would not be good for Snow's swing at all they decide to get rid of him! WELL FUCK THAT! AFTER ALL HES GIVEN TO THIS TEAM. HES SHOWED UP TO THOSE SHITTY CHARITY EVENTS! HES GIVEN 5000 DOLLARS WORTH THE SEATS FOR EVERY HOME GAME THATS ON A SUNDAY TO POOR KIDS! FUCKING FUCK THAT SHIT! The GIants don't deserve Snow..hes too good for them and he needs to go somewhere that will appreciate him more. I just hope that wherever he goes is near by so I can watch the games. If it isn't I'll take the $144 out of my England savings account to pay for the special baseball channels with games from around the league on them.

Today was the last game of the season and they picked him to speak on behalf of the team. He said how he wished the season had turned out differently and that he was sorry about that but he appreciated all the support from the fans and all the love they give the team. Then I started crying because he said "See ya next year and we'll try to do it better." ITs like "DUDE NO YOU WONT SEE US NEXT YEAR BECAUSE YOU WONT BE A FUCKING GIANT NEXT YEAR! YOU'LL BE A FUCKING NEW YORK MET OR WHATEVER! AND THE GIANTS WILL BE GLAD YOUR GONE NEVERMIND HOW THE REST OF THE FUCKING BAY AREA FEELS OR EVEN HOW ALL THE GIANTS FANS ACROSS THE COUNTRY FEEL!" Hes such a great player. I'm gonna cry again just thinking about it. HE told the Giants announcers that no matter where he is next year he'll always be a Giant in his heart. I thought that was very touching and wonderful as well. I love J.T. Snow. hes the best that there will ever be at first base or any fucking position!

bye bye. :(

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:: 2005 26 September :: 7.51pm
:: Music: queen. bohemian raphsody (sp?)

bitchy girl
My sister just imed me and i wanted to complain about her but I dont wanna bother anyone else that I'm talking to cause I must say it is boring.

So we got in a fight when she came home for James Patrick's baptism and I decided to block her. I actually hadnt talked to her in like 8 days which was really really nice. Refreshing. I love my sisters but she wears on me so much. Everytime she says anything to me I just wanna say the first thing that I think of which is usually the meanest. Damn though. Shes so terrible. Shes smacks me and verbally abuses me. I just wanna pound her fucking ass in. Yea so shes complaining about some stupid ass bitchy guy right now. Shes a dumbass..saying how ugly and rude he is. Maybe she should look in the fucking mirror and see how ugly not only her physical appearence is but also how ugly her personality is.

Ok something else that was bothering me. Fucking ass shitty parents.. Doesnt everyone say that when theyre a teenager?
My sister informed me they've resorted to sneaking drinks now because we confronted them about being alcoholics. Goddamn those bitches! why cant they just not drink?! WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SO SELFISH?!

Ok so in drama we've been doing these things where the people go up to the front and talk about their lives and stuff. I'm learning quite a bit and I'm really really glad Mr. McCaw decided to do it cause now I'm realizing though things in my life do suck quite a bit..everyone has issues too. I should really open my eyes a bit more. Now I feel like a self centered bitch cause I didnt bother to look around and see all the other people with problems. I guess we all have our own types and some are worse than other but I was a real big stupid ass for feeling like mine were the worst. Yea dude. Theyre not. People have told me before but I wanted to live in a cloud and wallow in self misery. To be honest I'd still like that.

Yea lets see..I dunno. Oh yea. Giants suck ass. Snow is going to be gone next season. The Giants wont make it to the playoffs. They will die tonight. Actually in about an hour and half their season will be over and I will cry and pray J.T. Snow goes to a team nearby so I can watch him sometimes. I will cry when he goes because he is so talented and I'll feel bad for him.

Ok Bye dudes.

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:: 2005 17 September :: 12.36pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Where is Mr. Barrie? - Finding Neverland soundtrack

Hm. That's right... where *is* Mr. Barrie?
I have been inspired, for a reason I cannot explain because I lack it, to update the journal thingy of DOOM!

My sister is making poached eggs right now. And it's my dish day, so I get to clean up her lovely mess of poached egg residue in the strange-looking pan-for-making-poached-eggs.

This sound track makes me inexplicably happy. I only have three songs from it, however, so I'm afraid I will need to add it to my Christmas list, along with the purdy soundtrack from Edward Scissorhands. Chyaa, mon.

"Hallo! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!

I think I'm going to perfect my STD song here. For background info, in religion class freshman year they were telling us all about lovely sex ed and STDs and stuff, and I was thinking about it, and made a song. Or at least, tried to. This is to the tune of the chaotic part of Bohemian rhapsody! yay!:

"I see the little silhouetto of a moose*,
STDs! STDs! Will you do the dirty dance?
You have an infection, why is it you question me?!
Gonorrhea! (Gonorrhea!)
Gonorrhea! (Gonorrhea!)
Gonorrhea! I need meds,
Someone's a hoe(oh, oh oh),
I'm just a poor slut, nobody loves me!
She's just a poor slut from a bad family,
spare her her life from her STDs!
Easy now, please be nice, let me see a doctor
Sy-phill-is! NO! we will not let you go - let her go!
Sy-phill-is! NO! We will not let her go - let her go!
Syphillis! NO! We will not let you go!
Will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go, let me go
no, no, no, no, no, no!
Oh, gonorrhea, gonorrhea, gonorrhea, I need meds!
Oh, HOW long will I have to suffer with these S-T-Ds.... T-Ds.... T-Ds!"

* This is an inside joke to the appearance of a uterus on one of those diagrams. Notice, it looks quite similar to a moose.
Disclaimer: You will have to excuse me if that song was politically incorrect. No, I am not saying all people who gets STDs are sluts, so you may calm your little britches down (and yes, I said bRitches, meaning underpants, not the other mean word. Teehee). You may think of it as being the opinion of the other people saying she can't go to the doctor or something. I don't know, the song isn't supposed to make complete sense through and through, so that's what you get. Hope it wasn't offensive to anyone or anything, and stuff. I don't think I actually said anything offensive about all the people in general who have STDs, so if you see that, you might be reading too much into it. Dude this small song is taking too much time to make up excuses for, so I'm done.

I wonder if we have any pickles in the house. Those are yummy.

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:: 2005 14 September :: 6.14pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: Come Fly With Me - Michael Buble

Dead Bodies in the School Building
Got to school today at 6:57, so there was only a very small group of people there waiting outside, for we were the early birds. The librarian, who normally opens the door to let the students get in was unlocking the doors and about to let us in when the mean lady with short curly hair who likes to yell at everyone (the lady yells... not her hair. Her hair doesn't yell) Said sternly: "No, you can't come in here!" The fat janitor man happened to be over next to the librarian too. The mean lady turned to him and said "Have you smelled this building?"
She let him in and showed him around. We sat outside in the cold, group of students and teachers growing gradually as cars dropped off their loads of back-pack heavy children.
All of us were wondering what it could be, because they weren't telling us anything - most likely because they didn't know yet themselves. A classmate of mine, Marie, said she had smelled it when the librarian lady opened the door, and it did smell pretty bad. For the logical sense, we guessed there was either a gas leak or a sewage leak. For the illogical side, at least for me, I guessed/hoped there would be a dead body in the school. You know, some serial killer had broken in undetected in the middle of the night and decided to place the rotting, dead corpse of their victim in our school to be found the next morning - the usual. That way, not only would we all have to go home, we'd also need grief couseling and be out of school for the rest of the week. Chyaa! 'Course it's not so good for the person who was killed. Nor, I suppose, their family. Yeah, that part wouldn't be so good.
A little bit later, after contemplating all the wonderful and exciting possibilities, the janitor man came out of the building and said: "We've got a hole!" And then scurried off. Not quite sure what that meant, but a few minutes later he came back with a bucket. Also not quite sure what a bucket would do, but we figured it was a sewage leak or something.
Nothing happened for a little bit. I studied for my english quiz because I figured that it would be too good to be true if they cancelled all classes. Inbetween looking at my English notes we entertained ourselves by watching people try to open the doors, even though the entire sophomore and freshman class was sitting right outside it.
At the time the first bell was supposed to ring, they told us to evacuate to the gym. As we were leaving, I heard fire engines down the street and figured they were coming to our school. We all went into the gym and sat on our butts in our home rooms. Some people were still doing homework and studying because, like me, they figured we were all going to start classes soon, just relocated to different areas on campus for the ones in the "intoxicated" building. I checked the clock, seeing how far into first period it would be, and realized it wasn't working. Come to think of it, a bell hadn't wrung either.
They took role and we hung out in the gym for a while, until we were instructed to go to out to Pardini Park, which is basically just a big hunk of grass on school campus. When we were going out there, we saw two cool firetrucks and some firemen in cool suits walkin' around. Neato, dawg. We stood out on the lawn for about ten minutes, and I asked my homeroom teacher if I could go to the bathroom. She said she'd prefer it if I went to the bathroom at the other side of campus from the freaky smelly building, so Julia and I started heading over there, but the intimidating attendance lady who is hard to understand when she talks said I couldn't go to the bathroom. It sucked mucho.
Eventually they had us move to our "Big Sisters'" homerooms (Big sisters are like Buddies with the upper classmen. Frosh -->Juniors; Soph --> Seniors) in the other building where classes were held. We all went in their and Julia and Sarah and I started bouncing around because this was muy cool. We sat on the floor and listened to music and ate Chex mix while Mrs. Evashenk put on the movie "Dodgeball," for us to watch. I noticed that the clock in the room we were in was also not working, so there was most likely a problem with some of the electricity. Only thing was, lights and TVs worked.
The time we remained in the room got longer, until I started to stop worrying about if I got to miss English or not, and started hoping this lasted until history class. Things were looking up in that aspect, at the time being. They herded us back to the gym to buy food from the kitchen if we wanted, or to snack on something we brought. We had to sit in our homerooms again - or at least that's what they told us, because I didn't see too much of the point since they weren't really taking role anyway. So we sat there, kind of confused as to why we were all in the gym to eat stuff, when they could have just sent people over to get food in the kitchen and then bring it back to Donelly, because people are allowed to eat in that building.
A little bit later the new principal lady who's name I don't remember got up and said some stuff. She said there was a strange problem that happened with the computer system over night, and it created a really bad smell and had all sorts of other 'symptoms. "When you go home tonight to talk to your parents about what was happening today, you need to remember these things. Nothing was dangerous, nothing was toxic, the school took extra precautions." Then she tried to get us to respond to some strange statement about Living the Goodness 'All the time' three times, but none of us really knew what she was talking about the first time, so we kinda just sat there and looked like dumbasses for a bit. I began to worry that we were going to start classes again, and I hoped that history time was over. But then Mr. Brocco started talking about how all after school stuff was cancelled. The whole gym erupted in cheers. Huzzah! No rehearsal! There was also to be a staff meeting in a corner of the gym or something. So we sat there for a bit until the teachers wandered back through the crowds. Danielle asked Mr. McCaw when he passed by if we got to go home.
"Possibly," he said. I hadn't expected that answer, so I was feelin' happy. "The phones and the computers aren't working, so we ha-"
"Ooh so if we have an emergency we can't call anybody!"
I was excited. This was exciting. We were excited. NO history!
So, we kept our hopes up. Danielle figured that a good reason too would be 'what if we all ganged up on the teachers or something? Then no one could call for help! We should petition outside with signs that say: "Save the teachers! Send us home!"'
They ushered us back out of the gym and into our previous homerooms, where we all sat down on the floor and Mrs. Evashenk began writing instructions on the board. Watching eagerly as her writing progressed, twas time to bounce up and down when she wrote about calling a parent to either go home or stay at school. We were also supposed to check the school website that evening to see if school would be in session tomorrow. The group of seniors in our room went to their homeroom teacher in alphabetical order, and our group of sophomores went to Ms. Evashenk in alphabetical order. When it was my turn, I had to call a few times until Mom picked up, because she had been doing exercise routine and was listening to music. She said she'd pick me up at eleven thirty, which was about an hour from then. So I waited, and people slowly began to fade away to their homes until only a few were left in the classroom. Unfortunately in that time however, the sound of a bell resounded throughout the school, indicating the end of a class. The clock also began to tick. Damn.
They moved the remaining students to the Student Life Center, or the "SLC" where there are a bunch of vending machines, etc., and kept everyone on a master list to check out with people once your parent called yours or a teacher's cell phone number to say it was time for you to go home.
My mom finally came, so I went out to the car and shoved my huge pack of unpacked school stuff in the back seat. Then we drove over to Mema's and got to go out to Chevy's and eat lunch. Yay! I was so happy to have the day with no classes. They had been piling us up with so much homework lately that it was the biggest relief to know that we got a bit of a break.
When we checked the webiste that night though, in nice big red letter it exclaimed: "School will be in session Thursday, 9/15"
Yeah, that part sucked. Guess you can't win 'em all, though.

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:: 2005 16 August :: 9.17pm
:: Music: beverly hills cop soundtrack :)


I need to run...I've been feeling really lazy lately. I ran a mile last week on Tuesday but then I get so bored I just give up after that cause the T.V is way more interesting than the radio and the hot ass garage.

Anyway, I went to Disneyland over the weekend. Tons of hot dudes. I'm serious..there was like 20 every 5 feet I walked. I was in line for one of the rides (Tower of Terror which is fucking insane but very very good) and there was this guy who was like 15 or 16 and his hair was spiked and pretty short just the way i like it and he was a skater which of course is very nice and he was just so good but I was sorta sneaking glances at him and one of the times he looked right at me and I was embarrassed...oh well. Then I we went into the elevator and there was this freaking super hot guy in there and I stepped on my moms toe when we were getting in it and then she said "hey. you stepped on my toe" and i know it sounds stupid but I was kind of embarrassed especially when my sister said like a dumbass "oh who cares mom its just your toe" cause she always says stupid stuff. So I was embarrassed by my stupid ass family again.

Other stuff in L.A we had to share a hotel room with my dad. Not fuckign cool. He snores so loud its a mirace to get any sleep but I was so exhausted that I got a few hours. Not too bad.

Lets see..My sister was an ass during that trip but thats cool cause shes leaving for college a little while.

Lets see...I've got so much freaking homework. It sucks ass. I'm kinda getting excited about school a bit cause i get to see a lot of people I've missed over the summer. Yea..but the school and learning aspect sucks butt like I've already said. I'm still afraid of walking into the wrong classroom cause the numbers on the doors. I'm afraid I'll miss the right room and walk into the door next to it. Scary thoughts dude.

Lets see...My sisters are both leaving. Maureen is going to Sacramento and Michelle back to Mt. Shasta. I'M SO HAPPY! Finally my room will be all mine again and it will be quieter and I'll have things to myself. Thats the really big disadvantage of a big family- you never get your own stuff cause someone else is always stealing it or wrecking it or something. Not cool. .But its nice cause youre never lonely which can also be a bad thing but not usually. I'm gonna miss fighting with Maureen..we have some fucking awesome fights. Especially that one that I almost beat her at except I started crying. Oh well.


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:: 2005 30 July :: 1.39pm
:: Music: "Wintertime love"-The Doors

I just read Jessica's journal and it made me quite sad so I thought I'd write in here.

Yesterday I went to my grandma Coyote's house with my sister and then my dad and mom met us there cause the air conditioning guy needed to come and give us an estimate.

While we were waiting my grandma called me and I followed her into her room (which I've never been in). Her room is still decorated like it was back in the 50's and I think her mattress must be from the '30's cause I put my hand on it and it was like a rock. Anyway, she dug her old Notre Dame yearbook out of this cedar hope chest she's had since she got married or maybe before that. I was looking through it.. very strange. All the girls had bobs and stuff and everything was so formal. Even the comments people wrote in the back were things like "I had a most wonderful year, Leanore." and then they'd sign their name. Then that made me think.."WOuld I want my grand kids someday to read the comments in my yearbooks?" Probably not.

Anyway, thats not the reason I wanted to write in here. My dad came a little after we got the yearbook out and then he went into the hallway and stood outside the door to my grandpa's den. Last time I looked in the den it freaked me out cause everything was the same as it was before he died. I opened the closet and there were guns and I found his old Greyhound uniform and a bunch of bullets in various drawers so I felt like he was still in the room. Needless to say I left and I told my dad I wanted to go back in there with him cause he's not afraid of the room and he said that grandpa wouldn't have been mad at me for going in there but oh well. So I went back into the room and showed dad the things that creeped me out last time and I learned the 3 of the guns were his so that wasn't as bad as I first though. Then I opened the 3rd drawer in his desk and found 2 pictures, one of a man and then one of a woman who were my great grandparents. The picture of my great grandpa made me cry for some reason. My dad refers to him as "The Bastard" because he left my grandpa and all his siblings and mothers to fend for themselves because he didn't want the responsibility. I suppose I should hate him too but I never knew him so who's to say he didn't have a good reason for leaving? Anyway, my great grandpa was so handsome and my great grandma was so pretty. FOr some reason thinking that I could be their decendant made me cry even harder. My great grandpa looked like the typical scottish man--high jaw, dark eyes, long skinny face. He looked tough like if you messed with him he'd beat your ass in. Theres a scene in Titanic where they're below decks with all the 3rd class people that are having a party. Thats sorta what I imagine my great grandpa doing. Wow..I've gone on about him for a while. Sorry bout that.

Jeeze...dead people fascinate me. That sounds so weird and disgusting but they really do. I want to figure out what life was like for them. How they acted and talked in public. How they wrote even just casual letters. Why they did everything they did. I also found a picture of great great grandma named Julianne Scully. It was a profile picture but it looked like she was also pretty beautiful.

I better get going.

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:: 2005 29 July :: 4.17pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down.
I don't like the rap part of this song, but I like 2D's voice for some reason, even though it's weird. And so I listen to it. Silly Gorillaz.

Now that I've actually started reading Wuthering Heights and gotten a fair ways into it, it really isn't that bad, once you get used to the old-fashioned writing style. It can be kind of confusing sometimes, because The narrator, Mr. Lockwood, uses so many adjectives that you wouldn't expect could be used for his purposes that you sometimes lose the meaning of what he was saying in the first place. But I've gotten used to it quickly enough, so I'm alrighty. It's kind of an interesting cute story.

Well, Wednesday was a busy day. Woke up nice and too early for my taste. Then we headed over to the orthodontist for my sister's appointment. I also had to go sit in the nice little reclining ortho chair because my retainer wire had broken a couple weeks back. Unfortunately, it couldn't be fixed, and now we have to buy another one. The pain is in Mom's wallet.
But we got the cheaper one. It's one of those invisiline ones. I guess it's better than my old one because there is no wire to break.

After that, yes indeed, the dreaded doctors office for a much-not-looked-forward-to physical. My pediatrician lady is pretty interesting. She's Hungarian and wears these one-pieced suits for some reason. Jump suits or something. Whenever she talks, she also hums.

"How have you been feelings lately, hmm?"
"Pretty good."
"-nod- Mmhm. Good, good. Been eating right? Drinking lots of milk?"
"Yeah, I think we get enough."
"Hm mmhm. At least three dairy products a day?"
"Oh okay, then yeah."
"Mmhm. -nod smile- very good.."

etc. It's not the type of 'thinking "hmm"' either. It's just a casual thing for her that she tosses into her sentences every few words.
So anyway, she so courteously chose me to go first and my sister second. Examinations happened, etc etc. Then it was over and I joined my sister in one of the other rooms. Soon though the large assistant nurse woman informed me that I needed shots. Not a big surprise to me, really, even though I still grumbled and complained under my breath. At least the TB test wasn't. So she stuck me in the forearm. I hate shots. I took this one much better though than I used to. Well, considering that I would run away when the time came for a shot. Keep in mind, when I say run away, I mean break free from my mother's and the nurse's grasp, sobbing and afraid, jump to reach the doorknob (which was specifically high to keep kids like me from running out), run out of the little check up room, down the hallway, grab another high doorknob, scamper through the waiting room, out the main door, down another hallway and out the building into the fresh bright evil morning, far away from such things as sharp objects that nurses like to deliberately stab you with.
Once I had gotten outside of the building, however, guilt had taken me over because one: I knew I had thouroughly embarrassed my mother, and two: it's not like I could run away forever and instead of take the shot and go home, get kidnapped in the wilderness of the somewhat suburbian city.
All this happened many years ago. So instead of run away again all the next times I had to get shots done, I could just settle for sobbing uncontrollably while the nurse and mother held me down.
This time though I was a big girl and needed neither nurse restraint nor mother restraint. The TB test was over. I rejoiced in my head, and the nurse lady gave me a "good girl" of praise, knowing how I used to be. 'Huzzah!' thought I! 'It's over except for the evil blood test!'
Nurse lady read the papers and then muttered something about a Tetnis shot.
"Tetnis shot?" Mommy, who is also a nurse, asked.
"What's that?"
Mom made a face of 'ick this won't be fun'.
"Don't make faces! It's not helping!" I pleaded. I wanted an answer to what it was and where she was going to stab me.
Nurse lady held in her had another syringe. "Let's see, which arm? Are you right handed or left-handed, sweetie?"
"Kay, so we should do it in your left arm."
Me: O_o. Inner thoughts: Is this going to completely disable me or something?! Why does it matter?
Hesitantly I turned to the side so she could aim for my upper arm. I remembered these types of shots when I was a kid. These were the big ones and they weren't pretty.
But I did it! Yay! I survived! .. And now my left upper arm muscle has been sore for three days and I can do nothing with it. This afternoon I rammed into the pantry door with my sore arm. Twas muy painful.
Anyway, then was the blood test. The lady doesn't do the ones in the arm yet. Only the finger ones. They always seemed to hurt the most though. So, I whined lots about this one too, because I thought they were going to use the one where they almost literally stab your finger. Luckily thought they used the one that they use on babies. It just feels like a really hard snap of a rubber band. Actually it hurts a lot more after it happens than when it does. So that was over with, and I watched the lady squeeze my finger so the blood came out and went into a little tube. Twas cool.

My sister only had the TB test and blood test done. Afterward we were done and standing in the hallway, Denise pushed past me rather rudely, so I instinctively "Dude!'-ed at her. Then she sat down and all the color drained out of her face and she was feeling dizzy. We had to take her to one of the check up rooms where she lied.. laid.. lay.. whatever down on the table thing for a while. Mom said her pulse was all racey and scattered as well. She had been very nervous about the check up I guess, and for some reason after the blood test it got to her and she felt like she was going to pass out. Eventually she was alright though and the doctor got her up and we all left and went to the little in-building pharmacy to buy some candy.

After that we all went to my grandma's for our weekly lunch outing. We ate at the restaurant in Nordstom's called 'The Bistro' and then walked around the mall a bit. Denise had been wanting to get her ears pierced for a while, but she was hesitant, so after much persuasion to do it, she got it done, and watching Mema's face was kind of funny. She was so excited. In the end, Mema paid for denise's piercings and for a pair or earrings that I wanted. I wanted to get second holes in my ears, but I'm broke and Mom says I'd have to pay for the second ones, so it didn't happen.

I love my Mema. She makes me sad, though. She really does. I wish that she would try harder to get better. I know that if she didn't want to, she wouldn't have to depend so much on that wheel chair. It makes me so unbelievably happy when I see her walking around confidently enough that she doesn't need the help of her walker.
If it was the case that I knew she couldn't get better, it wouldn't make me so sad, but knowing that it can happen and she's just not trying hard enough I think is sadder than if she couldn't walk frequently anymore at all. Any time someone tries to encourage her or nag her to walk more often though, she won't hear of it. She doesn't like talking about it because it will make her upset, and she won't.
Later that night I was talking to Mom about it. She had put a fire in the little fire pit thing outside in our backyard and we were sitting out there. I told her how Mema makes me sad, and was surprised to find that when I thought about it I actually started getting tears in my eyes, but I didn't want her to see, so I just kept staring into the fire.
Mom said that Mema for some reason was depressed a bit. I know that's she's gone through a lot in life. She lost a son when he was just a baby, her husband to cancer as they were supposed to grow old together, her grandson suddenly in an accident, had to have heart surgery and had at least three strokes (luckily none of them too serious) and other things like that, but she loves her family dearly, and knows how much we love her. Whenever she talks about her newest grandkids' (David and Anna) visits, she gets this light in her eye as she tells the stories of how cute they are, and you know how happy she is to see her family come by and visit so frequently.
But when her family isn't visiting, she sits in front of the television and watches old movies or something on lifetime and that's most of what she does all day when she's not out doing errands with her caretaker. She just swallows herself up in old black and white's and romance movies.

And I know how cheerful of a person she is when she's with people. She has the greatest sense of humor, and I love spending time with her when I can. But it hurts so much to think that she might be gone in a little while, and that she could have tried harder to stay healthier and walk more, or at least show some more determination. Because one of the things I've wanted since I was a child was to have her, along with my parents, live long enough to see me get married, and even have kids, because I know how happy thinking of that makes her. And I want everyone to meet her. My friends, my family, my children, and to know how wonderful of a person she really is. I love her so much, and I want people to know why.
Whenever she talks about me getting married, she seems so happy and so sad at the same time. It's as if my romance life is one of the most exciting things she likes to hear about, as long as I'm smart with it. I think I've written this before, but I remember a while back, we were watching a movie together, and there was this wonderful scene of a wedding. I told her I wanted to get married in Ireland, when the hills were greenest, and it was raining lightly outside. It would be in an old castle. She smiled, and her eyes smiled too. She said: 'That will be beautiful. And you have to promise to invite me to come. And if I can't go, I'll promise to be there anyway, watching you.' And I knew what she meant. She looked so sad as she said the last part of it that I could have cried right there, but I turned away, smile flickering away, and just said, in as happy a voice as I could manage: "Okay."

Wednesday night was actually the first time I had cried hard in a long time. Is that stupid, crying before she's even gone away? I don't know why I cried as hard as I did, but I did.

I want her to know how much I want her to stay around. I want her to know that sometimes she makes me sad, seeing her like this, but I can't very well tell her. I'm afraid she'll just get frusterated if I tell her she makes me sad. What if she just waves it away and says: "I don't wanna talk about it."

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:: 2005 18 July :: 5.29pm

seems as though people are back to their old ways again. summer was going so well until i realized it. now i gotta go face reality which i was doing a marvelous job of avoiding. that sucks really bad. so i will go back to school in 5 1/2 weeks and face the shittiness of it all and pray the time goes by swiftly cause i think i will die if it doesnt. honestly there is a world out there that i'll never fucking understand and whats the point cause i get glimpses of that shittiness and realize how truly stupid and childish it is. i dont need to be apart of that so hopefully i'll be able to ignore it somewhat well and wait until i'm 18 and get out of the shithole called san jose california. yea that will be nice.

other things: moms an ass. i knew that already but she is more of an ass now because is keeping me from a relationship with my sister. next summer monica said that she and james will be moving up to eldorado hills so i can go spend the summer with her and get a job and stuff. i think thats a good idea. i'm trying get out of san jose as much as i can and that will be a good opportunity to experience another way of living and make some new friends and have fun and not be in front of a computer or t.v for most of the summer. next year seems so far off. i hope i can make it that long. i have this feeling that my parents are going to get on me this winter and because no one will be there to defend me i'm going to have to stand up and take it like a man even though i am in fact a girl.

well i think thats all i have to say for now. i could probably go on for hours but i'll go write on it on paper. bye

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:: 2005 15 July :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Tainted World - D'espairsRay

Motto motto tension
Doooody doody! -twitch- you know what I realized a bit ago? I think in my icon the "Abel" is spelled wrong. I typed it in to google to see if it would correct me, and the silly thing didn't. Aw, pooper scoopers.

I really should be working on this wallpaper thingy for my friend. I'm still not super good at them, but I'm happy with what I can do so far.

Today I'm going to be a Harry Potter geek and go to Barnes and Noble at midnight. Chyaa, man! Plus hopefully I'll also be able to buy Angel Sanctuary #7. Muuaha! Evil side plots!

I restarted that Fruits Basket RPG I was running on greatestjournal from last summer. So far we have more characters, but are lacking in a Kyou O.o. Does anyone here know of someone who might want to play a character, if they are a Fruits Basket fan?

Ah, time to bid thee farewell! Apologies for the short and pointless update.

Ta ta!

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:: 2005 12 July :: 2.45pm
:: Music: Come As You Are - Nirvana

Snap Crackle, POP!
Yodel! Wow, a month of no school is over already. This makes me sad. I don't want to go back. I already have a crapload of schoolwork to do (which I, by the way, haven't started), and then once August 29th (or whatever that date is) comes around, I'm doomed to more schoolwork!

And of course, as an example of my incomprehensible smartness that is me, I'm sitting here updating my journal instead of working on it. So then I guess in all technicality I don't have the right to complain. But OH! I must!

Maybe, as another waste of time that will make my mother rather angry at me, I will change the layout of this journal. But first -- laundry! Oh, joy in my heart! Well, it's a small load. And towels. Which is good, because any time I can avoid doing socks, I will. -shudders- Oh, the evilness of sorting socks.

You know what is kind of confusing on peoples' journals? Those backgrounds that move while you're trying to read the text on top of it. It kinda makes you dizzy and you want to barf, you know? You're getting sea-sicks from someone's journal. I mean, it's cool and all I guess, but if it makes people hurl when they are reading it, it's kind of pointless, because then no matter how cool it is, if it makes people blow chunks, they aren't going to want to read it.
Like all my synonyms for vomitting?
((My sincerest apologies if I have offended any one with cool backgroundy-moving vomitty journals. I mean no offense, really ^.^. And I know that sounds sarcastic with the little 'vomitty' adjective added in there. But really, if you have one, sorry. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!))

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a good frickin soundtrack. I like it indeed, I do.

Well, anyway, guess I'd better fold the eeevil laundry and stare blankly at the eeevil history homework, or perhaps the lovely Wuthering Heights book that has already begun to bore me, and I've gotten to the top of the second page so far. But then again, it could be so boring to me because I'm reading a better one on my own free will. Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country by Rosalind Miles. I love anything having to do with King Arthur and Peter Pan. In fact, I bought Le Morte d'Arthur which is huge and another book I really want to read over the summer. (Ah, so much to do, so little time).
Anyway, Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country book is good, but she makes Merlin a half-badguy, Taliesin and Merlin two different people (I'm used to the Mists of Avalon book where they are one in the same. In this book I actually like Taliesin better than Merlin. Really, though, I don't mind too much that they are two different people. It's a different turn on it and I think it's pretty cool), and Morgan le Fay is evil. That last one bothers me the most. I love Morgan. Nevertheless, it's still a good book, and everyone is allowed to have their own version of the King arthur story, after all. And also, now that it's mentioned, Guenevere bears Arthur a son, who is killed seven years after his birth. I'm not familiar with that. I always thought that she never bore Arthur a child and that she was pretty much barren. But then again I could just be stupid. So I think that it might be another one of this author's twists in the story. But then again, like I said, I could have never looked into the story completely enough. Ah, oh well. Hardy har.

The laundry calls.

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:: 2005 2 July :: 9.09pm

my dad is such an alcoholic. my mom told him not to drink as much so now he is sorta "sneaking" drinks except my sister caught him just now. this time he took about 2 shots with his sudafed (sp) and advil. isnt it a warning on the back of all medicine bottles not to take them with alcohol?? my dad is stupid and he will kill himself if not with the alcohol then with his temper which makes his blood pressure go up. Hes fat so its not like his blood pressure is at a good level or anything. if he raises it too much he'll deffinately have a heart attack. i hate saying that i hope he gets one but i sorta do. It would save our family a lot of grief. well perhaps not. he is the money of the family and my mom being a secratary is not enough to support us. it seems like all lawyers are fat and alcoholics. if thats true then i'll never be a lawyer. its a pretty boring profession anyway. all those huge legal terms and worrying more about some case youre working on than your own family. not fucking cool. i guess i should get used to that type of shit cause thats how my family works. but then i think that i shouldnt have to get used to shit like that cause no one else does. jeeze i'm emotional right now. actually my thoughts are emotional but physically i'm not mostly cause i'm tired cause its been so hot lately and then i ran today. speaking of running that was a fucking run on sentence that didnt really make too much sense. anyway, i wont run again this summer during the heat of the afternoon/evening cause its just too hot. it must have been 100 degrees in the garage this evening and all i could do was 1.27 miles. not very good, eh?

anyway i'm done cause i'm bored. the giants are losing. not cool. bye

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:: 2005 14 June :: 9.51pm
:: Music: "yes the river knows" -the doors

Dude its fucking pissing me off how the Giants dont appreciate Snow. He is the best fucking first baseman to ever play for the giants and they dont treat him with the respect he deserves. He deserves to be the every day starter and he deserves higher pay than what hes getting. Every fucking time I think hes got the starting role they find some shitty ass rookie who tries to take his fucking place and does for a few months and then they put him in occasionally. Its not fucking right. He's been there for the Giants whenever they fucking needed him and what does he get for it?? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING! Lance Niekro the bitch who only got to the major leagues because of his name is trying to take his spot. Hes batting better than Snow right now but lets face reality- Snow has more experience and knows how to play his position. The bitchy ass Niekro was a fucking 3rd baseman before but they converted him to first base because they already have a back up 3rd baseman. Fuck that. Turn him into a fucking pitcher cause thats what the fucking giants need right now. They've got a solid first baseman..why the hell can't they leave it alone??! OH my fucking god. It just makes me so mad because Snow deserves more respect than hes getting and the managment is so fucking money hungry they don't care how the hell team goes. I bet Lance Niekro's dad went in there and paid some money to get him to start everyday. So fucked up! IT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF! Today Niekro hurt his left big toe. I hope he fucking broke it and can't play for a few weeks. With Snows luck it will be a minor bruise and be gone in 2 days and Snow will face his fucking assignment of being the most talented first baseman ever to be benched. I dont fucking give a shit if that didnt make any sense cause in my head it did and its not like anyone would fucking read this cause no one cares about baseball these days except for dudes that have brains! FUCKING GIANTS MANAGMENT SHOULD FUCKING ROT IN HELL! I think i must have written that a million times in different places. These are Snow's quotes about this whole fucked up situation: "He said 'they' -- whoever that is -- want to see if Lance can play every day," Snow said. "He'll get a lot of playing time this trip. But I'm just a player and I don't make decisions. If I'm in the lineup, I play." "It seems like an annual thing with me," he said. "That's just the way it goes. I hope for nothing but the best for Lance. He's going to be a good player. I'll root the team on the best I can."

Hes such a great player. If I was on his team I would fucking wash his nasty socks for him and shine his cleats after every game just to show him how much I appreciate his attitude and his talent. Those quotes show how well he deals with all the fucking shit that the Giants put him through. I bet when he talks to his wife on the phone he yells and says all the shit that I've said except different cause its happening to him. Hes just really good with the press cause he knows whatever he says goes in the papers or on the internet and then the managment reads it. I gotta pray for Snow. I know that if you pray for bad things to happen to other people they never do so I wont try that. IF ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN ANY SORT OF GOD READS THIS PLEASE PRAY THAT SNOW WILL PLAY MORE!

Ok...I'm done...for now. I might be back later to complain about this again.
Oh yea..Foppert played today. hes cool. I like him

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