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lovedlessthanmost - 5/17/2005 : 16:26
if the sun is on it's way then we will never die, and we'll follow it's tracks to the sight...
Jaganshi - 8/20/2004 : 17:49
(no topic)
skife - 7/7/2004 : 18:10
Somone's being threatened by G-mail
lexish - 6/23/2004 : 23:7
Boredom kills, kids. Boredom kills.
Kate - 6/4/2004 : 12:3
Quotes from the last Marking Period
xinfectionbytearzx - 5/14/2004 : 21:42
::Not My Own...::
TheGirlWhoHasNoDreams - 4/2/2004 : 21:51
Quotes for David
kate - 8/24/2003 : 1:35
The Crow
skife - 8/17/2003 : 23:42
(no topic)