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:: 2004 9 December :: 12.22 pm
:: Mood: sleepy

doin it up, last wednesday in LBN for the year
well it was a fun night, went out with my housemates for next year. we went to ato...thats dereks frat, but i only saw him for like 2 seconds. i went to jamie's room at like 1030, and had some beer, and then we went to ato, hung out with a few people for a while and then went into the basement where there is normally dancing. well there really wasnt, only a couple people were. then as were all standing there, these two girls come up to me and are all hittingon me and shit. and after a while, im being nice and all, bc im not gonna be mean even though im way homophobic im not going to be mean to someone theyre like lets dance, and im like "i dont really like dancing" blah blah blah making excuses why i dont want to, and theyre like grabing my arms and trying to get me to dance. they finely give up and they send this guy over and he;s like "those girls told me to coem dance with you" and i seriously just didnt feel like it because we were about to leave now. but he just started like dancing with me anyway, so we danced for a while and then jamie saved me, and we went up stairs, but campus safety came and we had to hide in a random room, but whatever. then we left and i came back and talked to janet for two seconds and it ended with me saying "bye bye" so yeah, last wednesday in LBN for the semester, did it up right (minus some added unexpected things)

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:: 2004 7 December :: 1.20 am

only because i said "why not" to someone
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

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:: 2004 5 December :: 11.02 pm

so if anyone wants to get me a christmas present they can get me the greenday international superhits guitar book followed by the american idiot guitar book.

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:: 2004 5 December :: 12.20 am

well friday was fun

Got to see Meghan and other people from ludington at the mhsaa quarterfinal girls basketball game. it was st. clair and ludington, and of course like i knew they would all along, st. clair won. i also saw jill, and after saying hi she threatened to kick my ass in front of everyone for no aparent reason...glad nothing has changed there lol. i met "skate park kate" who was meghans counselor (i think) at spring hill this summer, but the weird thing is that she knows one of my housemates for next year.

then me and mel played songs on her guitar, but the fun part was that we didnt know the songs that we were playing for the most part, so it was really funny. i was in a weird mood so i was picking on janet more than normal, so she just watched tv and fell asleep. i think she was really tired from not getting more than like 4 hours of sleep.

woke up this morning and came back to school. i have like 6 projects/papers due this week, so dont expect to tallk to me or anything this week.

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:: 2004 3 December :: 1.53 pm


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:: 2004 1 December :: 12.30 pm

i agree
kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets, life is too short to be anything but happy

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:: 2004 23 November :: 11.46 am

hey, before i left school and a constant connection to the internet i wanted to tell everyone that i hope they have a great thanksgiving break and eat lots of food (even you danielle, miss health conscious, i dont eat anything but green leafy vegetables) thats what thanksgiving is for, food!! yay, be with your family and be thankful for them and the time you get to spend with them (that is what the holiday is really about anyway, i tend to lean towards the food part, but thats just me :-D )

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:: 2004 18 November :: 10.14 pm

I just wanted you all to be aware...
fiordelisa5: and just for the record, i only molest little school girls on the weekend

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:: 2004 14 November :: 11.22 pm

These words came from danielle verstraete's mouth!
guajiragoddess: well, the underliner is not going to finish her paper tonight
guajiragoddess: or read for tommorrow
guajiragoddess: and i am so excited about it
guajiragoddess: i'm going STRAIGHT to bed
guajiragoddess: STRAIGHT like my underlines

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:: 2004 8 November :: 5.46 pm

where the hell are you DANIELLE VERSTRAETE???

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:: 2004 8 November :: 1.20 pm

new best weekend ever
came home from school thursday because one of my classes got cancelled and the other we were watching a movie in, so i skiped it (i know danielle, gasp for air, skipping class is a new term for you). friday i had to take the kitties to the vet for shots, that was fun...not. weezer was fine but sam was a bitch it took me 3 or 4 tries to get him in his damn box to take him to the vet.
then it was friday night baby, beastie boys!! fucking awesome, we were like right next to the stage in the first bowl. MCA came running up my isle, damn sweet! and of course the last song was sabotage, and they introduced it by saying "this song goes out to george w bush, its called sabotage" then i went and hung out with janet and it was sweet because we hadnt hung out for a while by ourselves.

saturday i wake up at 11 because bill and rox were over and they were leaving to move to their new house and of course my mom and rox are crying. thyre cool, rox lived there for 15 years i dont understand why theyre so bummed out its not like we cant talk to them anymore. saturday night was fucking better than friday. me and stein and jon bay went to the green day show and it was sweet, we never even saw our real seats. but backing up, we had to park in the boonies and WALK to cobo, fun fun, i love tunels in detroit that blow shit and air out at head level. but we got down to the a section and were gonna jump the wall so we could get in pits and surf and shit, but jon jumped the wall and was going to distract the guard and some other dude came up to him, grabbed him and goes "i saw you run from me you little shit" and kicked him out of cobo completely but he got back in, damn straight. then we proceeded to chuck ice cubes at the guy who kicked him out, i hit his leg, jeff hit his gut and jon hit his back with the cup! we never did get on the floor but the show was fucking awesome.
then we went to dennys, and poopy diapered bruces porch! it was awesome, then i went to ryans with janet and mel, and we watched "dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood"

i think i want to go to the night 89x stole christmas, its only $26. there arent really like awesome bands there in my opinion, but it would still be fun to be in pits and surf

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:: 2004 5 November :: 3.47 pm
:: Mood: cheerful



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:: 2004 4 November :: 10.37 pm

i got over my wussiness....then lost my ability to type
Weezer10GK: hey, do you like scary movies?
Flow515: yeah
Weezer10GK: did you see the grudge or saw yet?
Flow515: nope
Weezer10GK: wanna go see one when one comes to the bohm?
Flow515: sure
Weezer10GK: does one look better to you than the other? or just whatever come first?
Flow515: i really don't knwo to much about eitehr
Weezer10GK: yeah i really dont either
Flow515: so whatever one comes first
Weezer10GK: alright, sounds good
Flow515: but i have to get going
Flow515: i'll tlak with you later
Weezer10GK: alright, talk toyou late
Weezer10GK: r
Weezer10GK: bye

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:: 2004 2 November :: 7.51 pm

aw shit! me and stein are putting "poopy diapers" on bruces porch this weekend bc theyre gonna have a baby in june!

poopy diapers are diapers with pudding in them

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:: 2004 2 November :: 7.33 pm

i love my mom, shes so funny. shes talking about the election here....

Nanmccart: the world will be done and Detroit will want more time.

i want to know what you think | Random Journal