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User:orfwASHERE (user# 810)
Name:Orf, A.J.
Location: Boca (i hate this fucking town), Florida, United States
Yahoo! IM:numcapsscrolllock
Bio:umm....yea, i hate bio. dont ever take the class. trust me

so yea.....i'm me. 11th grade fuckin SENIOR, surfer, dork, sax player, baller, sublime freak, dork, and so on.
Friends:(11) AdiosEsposito, andy, AtlanticHigh, dragonspeaker, epicyclebanana, everyfallingday, noodlesinabag, ORFwasHERE, plainmornings, spinoangel, UsAndThem
Friend Of:(10) AdiosEsposito, andy, DragonSpeaker, epicyclebanana, homsar, noodlesinabag, ORFwasHERE, plainmornings, spinoangel, UsAndThem
Interests:(44) 40 oz, aqua teen hunger force, Archie Bunker, architecture, baseball, being lazy, cd connection, Charles Mingus, Charlie Parker, classic cars, composing, computer, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, going to the gym, guitar, italian food, jazz, jazz band, John Coltrane, k-mart, keyboards, love, making digital music/midi, mirrors, music theory, mustangs, New Jersey, physics, pulp fiction, reggae, road trips, saxophone, ska, song writing, surfing, sushi, the beach, the yankees, trying to eat healthy
Created:2002-06-30 01:43:42
Last Update:01 01 2005
Journal Entries:185
Comments:Posted: 605 | Received: 443
Member Of:(2) SouthFloridaShows, atlantichigh
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default